Industrial Carbon and Graphite Materials. Группа авторов

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Название Industrial Carbon and Graphite Materials
Автор произведения Группа авторов
Жанр Техническая литература
Издательство Техническая литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9783527674053

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is feed to the reactor (a). The cracking reactions occur at 500–550 °C in a fluidized bed of coke particles. The coke formed in the reactor flows continuously to the heater, where it is heated up to 600–650 °C by partial combustion in a second fluidized bed. Some parts of the heated coke particles are returned to the reactor in order to supply the energy for the endothermic crack reactions and to maintain the reactor temperature. The remainder of the coke after cooling is removed as a stream of fine particle “petroleum coke.” Fluid coke is only occasionally used for production of anodes [24].

Operation step Time (h)
Coking cycle 24‐hour cycle 12‐hour cycle
Switch drum 0.5 a)
Steam out to fractionator 0.5 a)
Steam out to blowdown 1.0
Slow water cooling 1.0 b)
Full water rate 5.0 b
Drain water and remove top head 3.5 1.5
Drop bottom head and feed line 0.5 0.5
Hydraulic decoking 4.0 2.0
Replace heads and feed line 1.0 0.5
Steam purge and pressure test 1.0 0.75
Drum heat up 4.0 2.25
Slippage allowance 2.0 1.0
Total 24 hours 12 hours

      b) Total time for both operation steps: 3.0.

Schematic illustration of the flow sheet of fluid coking. (a) Reactor. (b) Scrubber. (c) Burner. (d) Air blower.

Schematic illustration of the flow sheet of flexicoking. (a) Reactor. (b) Scrubber. (c) Heater. (d) Gasifier. (e) Cyclones. (f) Airblower. Calcination

      About 27% of the petroleum coke derived from delayed coking processes is calcined for use in downstream aluminum and steel production. The amount of calcined petroleum coke produced worldwide was 28 × 106 t/a in 2013. Calcination includes the elimination, burning, and coking of water and higher‐boiling hydrocarbons contained in petroleum coke. Finally a carbon product remains that contains sulfur and nitrogen plus small amounts of vanadium, nickel, sodium, calcium, iron, and silicon.

      At present 66% of the calcining capacity are controlled by merger (biggest: Rain C II Carbon and Oxbow Calcining), 25% by Aluminum works/Smelter (Aluminum Bahrain, Alcan Inc., JSC Bratsk), and 9% by Refineries (ConocoPhillips, BP).

      Calcining is mostly carried out in rotary kiln and rotary