Industrial Carbon and Graphite Materials. Группа авторов

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Название Industrial Carbon and Graphite Materials
Автор произведения Группа авторов
Жанр Техническая литература
Издательство Техническая литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9783527674053

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with hydrofluoric acid demineralized anthracite, carbon black, and coal‐tar pitch by the German company Siemens & Halske (founded in Berlin in 1847) and the Vienna pencil‐makers Fritz and Moritz Edle von Hardtmuth together with AEG at Ratibor‐Plania in Upper Silesia (Figure 3.1) (factory founded in 1898, fusion between Siemens and Rütgerswerke in 1928 as “Siemens‐Planiawerke A.G. für Kohlefabrikate”) [4].

      Today, for most of the mentioned applications, natural graphite was substituted by synthetic graphite, but some purified and selected microcrystalline, flaky, and vein types have favorable properties for special applications (e.g. refractory materials, pencils, Li‐ion batteries). The current production of natural graphite amounts to about 1 × 106 t per year with proved reserves for several hundred years, predominantly in China, Brazil, Sri Lanka, and Africa.

Schematic illustration of the Siemens-Plania factory.

      Charcoal is after carbon black one of the oldest forms of man‐made carbon, manufactured by carbonization of wood. It was used by Stone Age humans together with carbon black as color pigment for cave painting and since about 8000 BC for the reduction of metal ores, firstly for the production of lead and later on for copper, bronze, and iron. The Celts used since the La Tène Age around 500 BC shaft furnaces for smelting iron ores with charcoal as heating and reducing agent and marked with them the advent of the Iran Age also in Europe.

      In the Modern Age, England was to be the forerunner in iron making and thus in the Industrial Revolution. Because of that, charcoal became relatively scant and expensive. In 1709, Abraham Darby I (1678–1717) was the first to successfully replace charcoal with coal coke in a blast furnace at the English Coalbrookdale ironworks [5].

      With the strong growing of the iron and steel industry in the following centuries, coal coke as reducing agent in blast furnaces became – in terms of quantity – the most important form of technical carbon, but with inclusion of the ash‐forming inorganic parts of the crude coking coal. The history of coking techniques for coal has been published by some other handbooks [6]. Worldwide, in modern coking plants, more than 650 × 106 t blast furnace cokes are produced annually for iron smelting with more than ×106 t high‐temperature coal tar per year as by‐product (see Chapter 6.1.5). Therefore the coking of coal for the manufacturing of iron and steel is also an important process to maintain suitable forms of industrial carbon.

Schematic illustration of manufacture of lampblack in China.

      As early as 3500 BC, at Attrituwarum in India, the Hindu scholar Panningrishee discovered a way to make writing paper from palm pulp and used a pen, oil, and lampblack (“Indian ink”) to write on it. In China, lampblack was mixed with water and bone glue and added turtle urine to this ink mixture. In solid form, this Chinese ink (developed by Tientschen around 2600 BC) became a valuable trading for those peoples able to write such as the Egyptians who had already mastered the art of making paper from the papyrus plants, growing in the Nile marshes in northern Egypt. The papyrus sheets were glued together and rolled up into scrolls. Egyptian scribes wrote onto the scrolls with black viscous ink consisting usually of a mixture of lampblack powder and water with gum arabic as binder. Papyrus scrolls with ink writing have survived several thousands of years and are still preserved today; many, however, were destroyed in the fire of Alexandria in the year 47 BC. Prior to this disaster, the entire store of knowledge of the antiquity was recorded in black ink on around 700 000 papyrus scrolls. Thus, the discovery of Indian ink for writing on paper represented a major technical and cultural progress compared with cuneiform writing on wood and stone.

      In 1822, the American brothers Samuel and Godfrey Cabot invented the channel or gas black process by thermal fission of natural gas into hydrogen and carbon. The yield was only 3–6% of theory, but natural gas was extremely cheap in America. In the course of the nineteenth century, this method became the most important process for the industrial production of carbon black. A major boost came at the beginning of the twentieth century following the discovery of the useful reinforcing properties of this type of gas black for vulcanized rubber and especially for the blends of rubber used to make car tires. With the addition of “activated” gas black produced by the American Cabot Corporation, the mileage of a car tire could be improved 10‐ to 20‐fold compared with tires without this additive. In contrast, the old flame black produced in German carbon black “huts” only effected a slight reinforcement in vulcanized tire rubber. This prompted considerable efforts in Germany to develop the production of “activated” carbon black for car tires based on indigenous raw materials. At that time, only an insignificant quantity of natural gas was available in Germany, which made it too expensive. Badische anilin und soda fabrik (BASF) and other firms therefore developed “thermal carbon black” on the basis of coal‐based acetylene. Despite the higher yield, this process was also too expensive, especially as the price of a high‐grade American gas black was only 50 pfennig per kilo, including the cost of freight to Germany [9].

      The breakthrough was achieved by the Degussa inventor Harry Kloepfer (1897–1973) in the years 1933–1935 with his technical development of the German gas black process on the basis of coal‐tar aromatics, initially naphthalene, and later on the tar oils as also used for the production of flame black [9]. The quality of the new types of carbon black was rated as very good by the leading German tire manufacturer Continental in Hanover. In December 1934, the first pilot plant was started up in Gutleutstrasse in Frankfurt am Main, and already in May 1935, a large‐scale plant with 56 individual units went into production at the Kalscheuren Works of Degussa near Cologne [8]. With the addition of coke‐oven gas as fuel, the carbon black yield could be increased to 65 wt%, relative