The Acts Of The General Assemblies of the Church of Scotland. Church of Scotland. General Assembly

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Название The Acts Of The General Assemblies of the Church of Scotland
Автор произведения Church of Scotland. General Assembly
Жанр Документальная литература
Издательство Документальная литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 4064066103262

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is manifold corruptions, both in our companying with our selves, and with others: and that the contraveeners thereof be tryed, and sharply be rebuked.

      [pg 049]

      “That no Minister be found to contenance, procure, or assist a publick offender challenged by his own Ministers, for his publick offence, or to bear with him, as though his Minister, were too severe upon him, under pain of admonition and rebuking.”

      Anent generall Assemblies.

      “To urge the keeping of the Acts anent the keeping of the Assembly, that it may have the own reverence and majestie—”

      The Assembly having heard the whole act read, most unanimously alloweth and approveth this article.

      X. Anent the defraying of the expenses of the Commissioners to the generall Assembly, referreth and recommendeth the same unto the particular Presbyterie, and especially to the ruling Elders therein, that they may take such courses whereby, according to reason and former acts of Assemblies, the Commissioners expenses to this Assembly, and to the subsequent, may be born by the particular parochins of every Presbyterie, who sendeth them in their name, and to their behalf, and for that effect, that all sort of persons able in land or moneys proportionally, may bear a part of the burthen, as they reap the benefit of their paines.

      The Assembly referreth this unto the care of the particular Presbyteries.

      XI. Anent the repressing of poperie and superstition; It seemeth expedient that the number and names of all the Papists in this Kingdome be taken up at this Assembly, if it may be conveniently done, and if not, that it be remitted to the next provincial Assemblies, that it may appear what grouth poperie hath had, and now hath through this Kingdome, what popish priests, and Jesuit there be in the land; and that all persons of whatsoever state and condition, be obliged to swear and subscribe the confession of Faith, as it is now condescended upon by this general Assembly, that they frequent the word and Sacraments in the ordinar dyets and places, otherwise to proceed against them with the censures of the Kirk, and that children be not sent out of the countrey without [pg 050] license of the Presbyteries or provinciall Synods of the bounds where they dwell.

      The Assembly referreth this article to the severall Presbyteries.

      XII. Anent order to be taken that the Lords Supper be more frequently administrat both in burgh and landward, then it hath been in the year by gone: It were expedient that the act at Edinburgh December 25. 1562. Sess. 5. bee renewed, and some course bee taken for furnishing of the elements, where the Minister of the Parish hath allowance only for once in the year.

      The Assembly referreth this to the consideration of Presbyteries, and declareth that the charges be rather payed out of that dayes collection, then that the Congregation want the more frequent use of the sacrament.

      XIII. Anent the entrie of Ministers to the ministrie: The Assembly thinks expedient that the act holden at St. Andrews, April 24. 1582. Sess. 7. Touching the age of twenty five years be renewed, and none to be admitted before that time, except such as for rare and singular qualities shall be judged by the general or provincial Assembly to be meet and worthie thereof.

      The Assembly approveth this article.

      XIV. Anent mercats on Monday and Saturday within Burghs, causing intollerable profanation of the Lords Day, by carying of loads, bearing of Burthens; and other work of that kinde: It were expedient for the redresse thereof, that the care for restraining of this abuse be recommended by the Assembly unto the severall Burghs, and they to bee earnestly entreated to finde out some way for the repressing of this evill, and changing of the day; and to report their diligence there anent to the next generall Assembly.

      The Assembly referreth this article to the consideration of the Burrows.

      XV. Anent the profanation of the Sabbath day in Landward, especially for want of divine service in the afternoone: The Assembly ordaineth the act of Assembly holden at Dundie, [pg 051] July 12. 1580. Sess. 10. for keeping both dyets, to be put in execution.

      The Assembly alloweth this article.

      XVI. Anent frequenting with excommunicat persons: The Assembly ordaineth that the act at Edinburgh, March 5. 1569. Sess. 10. to wit, That these who will not forbear the companie of excommunicat persons after due admonition, be excommunicat themselves, except they forbear, to be put in execution.

      The Assembly alloweth this article.

      XVII. Whereas the confession of the Faith of this Kirk, concerning both Doctrine and Discipline, so often called in question by the corrupt judgement and tyrannous authoritie of the pretended Prelats, is now clearly explained, and by this whole Kirk represented by this generall Assembly concluded, ordained also to bee subscribed by all sorts of persons within the said Kirk and Kingdome: The Assembly constitutes, and ordaines, that from henceforth no sort of person, of whatsoever quality and degree, be permitted to speak, or write against the said Confession, this Assembly, or any act of this Assembly, and that under the paine of incurring the censures of this Kirk.

      The Assembly alloweth this Article.

      XVIII. Anent voicing in Kirk Sessions: It is thought expedient that no Minister moderating his Session, shall usurpe a negative voice over the members of his Session, and where there is two or moe Ministers in one Congregation, that they have equall power in voicing, that one of them hinder not the reasoning or voicing of any thing, whereunto the other Minister or Ministers, with a great part of the Session inclineth, being agreeable to the acts and practise of the Kirk, and that one of the Ministers without advice of his colleague appoint not dyets of Communion nor examination, neither hinder his colleague from catechising and using other religious exercises as oft as he pleaseth.

      The Assembly referreth this article to the care of the Presbyteries.

      XX. Since the office of Diocesane, or lordly Bishop, is utterly abjured, and removed out of this Kirk: It is [pg 052] thought fit that all titles of dignitie, favouring more of poperie than of Christian libertie, as Chapters with their elections and consecrations, Abbots, Priors, Deans, Arch-deacons, Preaching-deacons, Chanters, Subchanters, and others having the like title, flowing from the Pope and canon law only, as testifieth the second book of Discipline, bee also banished out of this reformed Kirk, and not to bee usurped or used hereafter under ecclesiastical censure.

      The Assembly alloweth this Article.

      XX. Anent the presenting either of Pastours or Readers and School-masters, to particular Congregations, that there be a respect had to the Congregation, & that no person be intruded in any office of the Kirke, contrare to the will of the congregation to which they are appointed.

      The Assembly alloweth this article.

      XXI. Anent Mariage without proclamation of bans, which being in use these years by-gone hath produced many dangerous effects: The Assembly would discharge the same, conforme to the former acts, except the Presbyterie in some necessarie exigents dispense therewith.

      The Assembly alloweth this article.

      XXII. Anent the buriall in Kirks, the Assembly would be pleased to consider anent the act of Assembly at Edinburgh 1588. Sess. 5. if it shall be put in execution, and to discharge funeral sermons, as favouring of superstition.

      The Assembly referreth the former part of this article anent buriall in Kirks to the care of Presbyteries, and dischargeth all funerall sermons.

      XXIII. Anent the tryall of Expectants before their entrie to the ministrie, it being notour that they have subscribed the confession of Faith now declared in this Assembly, and that they have exercised often privatly, and publickly, with approbation of the Presbyterie, they shall first adde and make the exercise publickly, and make a discourse of some common head in Latine, and give propositions thereupon for dispute, and thereafter be questioned by the Presbyterie upon questions of controversie, and chronologie, anent particular texts of Scripture how they may be interpreted [pg 053] according to the analogie of Faith, and reconciled, and that they be examined upon their skill of the Greek & Hebrew, that they bring a testificat of their life and conversation from either Colledge or Presbyterie, where they reside.