Название | The Acts Of The General Assemblies of the Church of Scotland |
Автор произведения | Church of Scotland. General Assembly |
Жанр | Документальная литература |
Серия | |
Издательство | Документальная литература |
Год выпуска | 0 |
isbn | 4064066103262 |
All which, and many other acts, grounds, and reasons, being at length agitated, and with mature deliberation pondered, and libertie granted to every man to speak his minde; what could be said further, for the full satisfaction of all men.
The matter was put to voicing, in these words: Whether the five articles of Perth, by the confession of Faith, as it was meaned and professed in the year 1580. 1581. 1590. 1591. ought to be removed out of this Kirk: The whole Assembly all in one consent, one onely excepted, did voice that the five articles above specified were abjured by this Kirk, in that Confession, and so ought to be removed out of it: And therefore prohibiteth and dischargeth all disputing for them, or observing of them, or any of them, in all time comming, and ordains Presbyteries to proceed with the censures of the Kirk against all transgressours.
Act. Sess. 21. December 17. 1638.
Concerning Kirk Sessions, provinciall and nationall Assemblies, the generall Assembly considering the great defection of this Kirk, and decay of Religion, by the usurpation of the Prelates, and their suppressing of ordinaire judicatories of the Kirk, and clearly preceiving the benefit which will redound to the Religion by the restitution of the said judicatories, remembring also that they stand obliged by their solemne oath, and covenant with God, to return to the doctrine and discipline of this Kirk; as it was profest 1580, 1581, 1590, 1591. which in the book of Policie, registrat in the books of the Assembly 1581. and ordained to be subscribed, 1590, 1591. is particularly exprest both touching the constitution of the Assemblies, of their members, Ministers, and Elders, and touching the number, power, and authority of these members, in all matters ecclesiastical.
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The Assembly findeth it necessar to restore, and by these presents restoreth all these Assemblies unto their full integritie in their members, priviledges, liberties, powers, and jurisdictions; as they were constitute by the foresaid book of Policie.
Act. Sess. 23, 24. December 17. 18.
Anent the report of the Committie, appointed for considering what constitutions were to be revived, or made of new, they proponed the overtures following: which were read and allowed by the whole Assembly, or by them referred to the consideration of the severall Presbyteries.
Anent Presbyteries which have been erected since the year 1586. It seemeth needfull, that they bee ratified by an act of this generall Assembly, and that other Presbyteries shall be erected, where they shall be found needfull, and especially now in the Synod of Lismore, according to the particular note given there anent.
The Assembly ratifieth these Presbyteries since 1486. and erected those in Lismore, conforme to the note registrat in the books of Assembly.
Anent the keeping of Presbyteriall meetings; It is thought fit that they be weekly, both in Sommer and Winter, except in places farre distant, who during the winter season, (that is between the first of October and the first of April) shall be dispensed with for meeting once in the fourteen dayes, and that all absents be censured, especially those who should exercise and adde, according to the Act of Assembly 1582. at St. Andrews, April 24. Sess. 12. and that some controverted head of doctrine bee handled in the presbyterie publikly, and disputed among the brethren, every first Presbyterie of the Moneth, according to the act of Assembly holden at Dundie 1598. Sess. 12.
The Assembly alloweth this Article.
Anent the visitation of particular Kirks within Presbyteries; It is thought expedient that it be once every year, wherein a care is to be had, among other things necessary, that it bee [pg 043] tryed, how domestick exercises of Religion be exercised in particular families, and to see what means there is in every Parish in Landward, for catechising and instructing the youth.
The Assembly alloweth this article.
IV. Anent the visitation of Kirks, Schooles, and Colledges: It is thought meet that the acts of Assembly holden at Edinburgh the 25. of Junie 1565. Sess. 2. be put in execution: that the Ministers of the parochin, the Principall, Regents, and professours within Colledges, and Masters, and Doctors of Schooles, be tryed concerning the soundnesse of their judgement in matters of Religion, their abilitie, for discharge of their calling, and the honesty of their conversation: as the act of Assembly at Edinburgh, Juni 21. 1567. Sess. 3. And the act of the Assembly holden at Montrose. 1595. Sess. 9. do import: and this visitation of Colledges to be by way of commission from the generall Assembly.
The generall Assembly alloweth this article.
V. Anent none residents: It is thought necessary, that every Minister be oblished to reside in his own Parochin at his ordinarie Manse, for the better attending of the duties of his calling, conforme to the Acts of Assemblies, viz. act of Assembly at Edinburgh, March 24. 1595. Sess. 7. as also act at Edinburgh, December 25. 1563. Sess. 5. and Assembly at Edinburgh, December 25. 1565. Sess. 4. Assembly at Edinburgh, March 6. 1572. Sess. 3.
The Assembly alloweth this article.
VI. Anent the planting of Schools in Landward, the want whereof doth greatly prejudge the grouth of the Gospel and procure the decay of Religion: The Assembly giveth direction to several Presbyteries for the setling of Schooles in every Landward Parochin, and providing of men able for the charge of teaching of the youth, publick reading and precenting of the Psalme, and the catechising of the common people, and that means be provided for their intertainment, in the most convenient manner that may be had, according to the abilitie of the Parochin.
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The Assembly alloweth; and referreth the particular course unto the severall Presbyteries.
VII. Anent the late admission of Ministers by Presbyteries, and the choise of Moderatours, according to the ancient power of the said Presbyteries: The Assembly declareth they had power to doe the same, and ratifieth that what hath been done of late of that kinde upon warrantable grounds, that here after it be not called in question.
The Assembly alloweth this article.
VIII. Anent the competencie of Presbyteries and parochins, that some proportion may be keeped, both anent the number and distance of place: It would seem expedient that this generall Assembly should appoint a Commission for every Shyre, where there is such necessitie, that the particular Parochins and Presbyteries within the bounds be duely considered, and overtures be these of the same commission given in to the provinciall Synods, and by them to the generall Assembly, that there they may be advised, and ratified.
The Assembly referreth this to the care of the particular presbyteries.
IX. Anent the entrie and conversation of Ministers: It is expedient that the act of Assembly holden at Edinburgh, March 24. 1595. Sess. 7. be ratified, and put in execution in every Presbyterie, and to that end, that they get a coppie thereof, under the Clerks hand whereof the tennour followeth.
Act Sess. 7. March 26. of the Assembly at Edinburgh 1596.
“Concerning the defections in the ministerie, the same being at length read out, reasoned, and considered; The brethren concluded the same, agreeing there-with: and in respect that by Gods grace, they intend reformation, and to see the Kirk and ministery purged; to the effect the worke may have better successe, they think it necessar that this Assembly be humbled, for wanting such care as became in such points, as is set down; and [pg 045] some zealous and godly brethren in doctrine, lay them out for their better humiliation; and that they make solemne promise before the Majestie of God; and make new covenant with him for a more carefull