The Modern Scottish Minstrel, Volumes 1-6. Various

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Название The Modern Scottish Minstrel, Volumes 1-6
Автор произведения Various
Жанр Языкознание
Издательство Языкознание
Год выпуска 0
isbn 4057664641120

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143Gloomy winter 's now awa', 145O! are ye sleeping, Maggie? 146Now winter, wi' his cloudy brow, 147The dear Highland laddie, O, 148The midges dance aboon the burn, 149Barrochan Jean, 150O, row thee in my Highland plaid, 151Bonnie wood of Craigie lea, 153Good night, and joy, 154


       HENRY DUNCAN, D.D., 156

       Curling song, 161On the green sward, 163The Ruthwell volunteers, 164Exiled far from scenes of pleasure, 165The roof of straw, 166Thou kens't, Mary Hay, 167


       ROBERT ALLAN, 169

       Blink over the burn, my sweet Betty, 171Come awa, hie awa, 171On thee, Eliza, dwell my thoughts, 173To a linnet, 174The primrose is bonnie in spring, 174The bonnie lass o' Woodhouselee, 175The sun is setting on sweet Glengarry, 176Her hair was like the Cromla mist, 177O leeze me on the bonnie lass, 178Queen Mary's escape from Lochleven Castle, 179When Charlie to the Highlands came, 180Lord Ronald came to his lady's bower, 181The lovely maid of Ormadale, 183A lassie cam' to our gate, 184The thistle and the rose, 186The Covenanter's lament, 187Bonnie lassie, 188


       ANDREW MERCER, 189

       The hour of love, 190


       JOHN LEYDEN, M.D., 191

       Ode to the evening star, 196The return after absence, 197Lament for Rama, 197


       JAMES SCADLOCK, 199

       Along by Levern stream so clear, 201Hark, hark, the skylark singing, 202October winds, 203



       Jenny's bawbee, 208Jenny dang the weaver, 210The lass o' Isla, 211Taste life's glad moments, 212Good night, and joy be wi' ye a', 214Old and new times, 215Bannocks o' barley meal, 216



       The Highlander, 220Ellen, 221



       Adown the burnie's flowery bank, 227The hills o' Gallowa', 227The braes o' Ballahun, 229The unco grave, 230Julia's grave, 231Fareweel, ye streams, 232


       JOHN STRUTHERS, 235

       Admiring Nature's simple charms, 239Oh, bonnie buds yon birchen tree, 240


       RICHARD GALL, 241

       How sweet is the scene, 243Captain O'Kain, 243My only jo and dearie, O, 244The bonnie blink o' Mary's e'e, 245The braes o' Drumlee, 246I winna gang back to my mammy again, 248The bard, 249Louisa in Lochaber, 249The hazlewood witch, 250Farewell to Ayrshire, 251


       GEORGE SCOTT, 253

       The flower of the Tyne, 254



       Ye mariners of England, 262Glenara, 263The wounded hussar, 264Battle of the Baltic, 265Men of England, 268


       MRS G. G. RICHARDSON, 269

       The fairy dance, 273Summer morning, 274There 's music in the flowing tide, 275Ah! faded is that lovely broom, 276


       THOMAS BROWN, M.D., 278

       Consolation of altered fortunes, 281The faithless mourner, 282The lute, 283



       Sing on, 286The Lomond braes, 287


       JOSEPH TRAIN, 288

       My doggie, 293Blooming Jessie, 295Old Scotia, 296



       My wife 's a winsome wee thing, 299Go to him, then, if thou can'st go, 300


       WALTER WATSON, 302

       My Jockie 's far awa, 304Maggie an' me, 305Sit down, my cronie, 306Braes o' Bedlay, 307Jessie, 308



       Lucy's flittin', 314Her bonnie black e'e, 316Alake for the lassie, 317

       Table of Contents


       The lion of Macdonald, 323The brown dairy-maiden, 327The praise of Morag, 329News of Prince Charles, 335


       JOHN ROY STUART, 340

       Lament for Lady Macintosh, 341The day of Culloden, 343


       JOHN MORRISON, 346

       My beauty dark, 347


       ROBERT MACKAY, 349

       The Highlander's home sickness, 349


       GLOSSARY, 350

       Table of Contents


       She 's gane to dwall in heaven, 9The lovely lass of Preston mill, 10Gane were but the winter cauld, 12It's hame, and it's hame, 13The lovely lass of Inverness, 14A wet sheet and a flowing sea, 15The bonnie bark, 16Thou hast sworn by thy God, my Jeanie, 17Young Eliza, 19Lovely woman, 20



       Peggie wi' the glancin' e'e, 24Woo me again, 25


       STUART LEWIS, 27

       Lanark mills, 30O'er the muir, 31



       The bonnie lass o' Levenside, 36


       JAMES AFFLECK, 38

       How blest were the days, 39


       JAMES STIRRAT, 40

       Henry, 41Mary, 42


       JOHN GRIEVE, 43

       Culloden; or, Lochiel's Farewell, 46Lovely Mary, 48Her blue rollin' e'e, 48


       CHARLES GRAY, 50

       Maggie Lauder, 52Charlie is my darling, 53The black-e'ed lassie, 54Grim winter was howlin', 55