Highland Mary
A Night with a Wolf
She Was a Phantom of Delight
The Rhodora
There Was a Boy
The Quangle Wangle's Hat
The Singing Leaves
Wolsey's Farewell to His Greatness
The Newsboy
Parting of Marmion and Douglas
The Engineer's Story
Small Beginnings
Rain on the Roof
Gunga Din
Warren's Address to the American Soldiers
Mad River
When Papa Was a Boy
Which Shall It Be?
The Battle of Bunker's Hill
Health and Wealth
The Heartening
Billy's Rose
The Old Actor's Story
The Boy Who Didn't Pass
The Station-Master's Story
Hark, Hark! the Lark
Tommy's Prayer
The Two Pictures
The Two Kinds of People
The Sin of Omission
The Bible My Mother Gave Me
Lincoln, the Man of the People
Our Own
How Salvator Won
I Got to Go to School
With Little Boy Blue
The Charge of Pickett's Brigade
The Women of Mumbles Head
The Fireman's Story
Little Willie's Hearing
The Service Flag
Flying Jim's Last Leap
Betty and the Bear
The Graves of a Household
The Babie
A Legend of the Northland
How Did You Die?
The Children
The King and the Child
Try, Try Again
Indian Names
More Cruel Than War
The September Gale
When My Ship Comes In
Sin of the Coppenter Man