Dr. Fu Manchu Trilogy. Sax Rohmer

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Название Dr. Fu Manchu Trilogy
Автор произведения Sax Rohmer
Жанр Языкознание
Издательство Языкознание
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9788027248452

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of our boasted modern security, we crouched before Dr. Fu-Manchu.

      He came forward with an indescribable gait, cat-like yet awkward, carrying his high shoulders almost hunched. He placed the lantern in a niche in the wall, never turning away the reptilian gaze of those eyes which must haunt my dreams forever. They possessed a viridescence which hitherto I had supposed possible only in the eye of the cat — and the film intermittently clouded their brightness — but I can speak of them no more.

      I had never supposed, prior to meeting Dr. Fu-Manchu, that so intense a force of malignancy could radiate — from any human being. He spoke. His English was perfect, though at times his words were oddly chosen; his delivery alternately was guttural and sibilant.

      "Mr. Smith and Dr. Petrie, your interference with my plans has gone too far. I have seriously turned my attention to you."

      He displayed his teeth, small and evenly separated, but discolored in a way that was familiar to me. I studied his eyes with a new professional interest, which even the extremity of our danger could not wholly banish. Their greenness seemed to be of the iris; the pupil was oddly contracted — a pin-point.

      Smith leaned his back against the wall with assumed indifference.

      "You have presumed," continued Fu-Manchu, "to meddle with a world-change. Poor spiders — caught in the wheels of the inevitable! You have linked my name with the futility of the Young China Movement — the name of Fu-Manchu! Mr. Smith, you are an incompetent meddler — I despise you! Dr. Petrie, you are a fool — I am sorry for you!"

      He rested one bony hand on his hip, narrowing the long eyes as he looked down on us. The purposeful cruelty of the man was inherent; it was entirely untheatrical. Still Smith remained silent.

      "So I am determined to remove you from the scene of your blunders!" added Fu-Manchu.

      "Opium will very shortly do the same for you!" I rapped at him savagely.

      Without emotion he turned the narrowed eyes upon me.

      "That is a matter of opinion, Doctor," he said. "You may have lacked the opportunities which have been mine for studying that subject — and in any event I shall not be privileged to enjoy your advice in the future."

      "You will not long outlive me," I replied. "And our deaths will not profit you, incidentally; because — " Smith's foot touched mine.

      "Because?" inquired Fu-Manchu softly.

      "Ah! Mr. Smith is so prudent! He is thinking that I have FILES!" He pronounced the word in a way that made me shudder. "Mr. Smith has seen a WIRE JACKET! Have you ever seen a wire jacket? As a surgeon its functions would interest you!"

      I stifled a cry that rose to my lips; for, with a shrill whistling sound, a small shape came bounding into the dimly lit vault, then shot upward. A marmoset landed on the shoulder of Dr. Fu-Manchu and peered grotesquely into the dreadful yellow face. The Doctor raised his bony hand and fondled the little creature, crooning to it.

      "One of my pets, Mr. Smith," he said, suddenly opening his eyes fully so that they blazed like green lamps. "I have others, equally useful. My scorpions — have you met my scorpions? No? My pythons and hamadryads? Then there are my fungi and my tiny allies, the bacilli. I have a collection in my laboratory quite unique. Have you ever visited Molokai, the leper island, Doctor? No? But Mr. Nayland Smith will be familiar with the asylum at Rangoon! And we must not forget my black spiders, with their diamond eyes — my spiders, that sit in the dark and watch — then leap!"

      He raised his lean hands, so that the sleeve of the robe fell back to the elbow, and the ape dropped, chattering, to the floor and ran from the cellar.

      "O God of Cathay!" he cried, "by what death shall these die — these miserable ones who would bind thine Empire, which is boundless!"

      Like some priest of Tezcat he stood, his eyes upraised to the roof, his lean body quivering — a sight to shock the most unimpressionable mind.

      "He is mad!" I whispered to Smith. "God help us, the man is a dangerous homicidal maniac!"

      Nayland Smith's tanned face was very drawn, but he shook his head grimly.

      "Dangerous, yes, I agree," he muttered; "his existence is a danger to the entire white race which, now, we are powerless to avert."

      Dr. Fu-Manchu recovered himself, took up the lantern and, turning abruptly, walked to the door, with his awkward, yet feline gait. At the threshold be looked back.

      "You would have warned Mr. Graham Guthrie?" he said, in a soft voice. "To-night, at half-past twelve, Mr. Graham Guthrie dies!"

      Smith sat silent and motionless, his eyes fixed upon the speaker.

      "You were in Rangoon in 1908?" continued Dr. Fu-Manchu — "you remember the Call?"

      From somewhere above us — I could not determine the exact direction — came a low, wailing cry, an uncanny thing of falling cadences, which, in that dismal vault, with the sinister yellow-robed figure at the door, seemed to pour ice into my veins. Its effect upon Smith was truly extraordinary. His face showed grayly in the faint light, and I heard him draw a hissing breath through clenched teeth.

      "It calls for you!" said Fu-Manchu. "At half-past twelve it calls for Graham Guthrie!"

      The door closed and darkness mantled us again.

      "Smith," I said, "what was that?" The horrors about us were playing havoc with my nerves.

      "It was the Call of Siva!" replied Smith hoarsely.

      "What is it? Who uttered it? What does it mean?"

      "I don't know what it is, Petrie, nor who utters it. But it means death!"


       Table of Contents

      THERE may be some who could have lain, chained to that noisome cell, and felt no fear — no dread of what the blackness might hold. I confess that I am not one of these. I knew that Nayland Smith and I stood in the path of the most stupendous genius who in the world's history had devoted his intellect to crime. I knew that the enormous wealth of the political group backing Dr. Fu-Manchu rendered him a menace to Europe and to America greater than that of the plague. He was a scientist trained at a great university — an explorer of nature's secrets, who had gone farther into the unknown, I suppose, than any living man. His mission was to remove all obstacles — human obstacles — from the path of that secret movement which was progressing in the Far East. Smith and I were two such obstacles; and of all the horrible devices at his command, I wondered, and my tortured brain refused to leave the subject, by which of them were we doomed to be dispatched?

      Even at that very moment some venomous centipede might be wriggling towards me over the slime of the stones, some poisonous spider be preparing to drop from the roof! Fu-Manchu might have released a serpent in the cellar, or the air be alive with microbes of a loathsome disease!

      "Smith," I said, scarcely recognizing my own voice, "I can't bear this suspense. He intends to kill us, that is certain, but — "

      "Don't worry," came the reply; "he intends to learn our plans first."

      "You mean — ?"

      "You heard him speak of his files and of his wire jacket?"

      "Oh, my God!" I groaned; "can this be England?"

      Smith laughed dryly, and I heard him fumbling with the steel collar about his neck.

      "I have one great hope," he said, "since you share my captivity, but we must neglect no minor chance. Try with your pocket-knife if you can force the lock. I am trying to break this one."

      Truth to tell, the idea had not entered my half-dazed mind, but I immediately acted upon my friend's suggestion, setting to work with the small blade of my knife. I was so engaged, and, having snapped one blade, was about to open another, when a sound