The Song of the Nibelungs (Medieval Literature Classic). Anonymous

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Название The Song of the Nibelungs (Medieval Literature Classic)
Автор произведения Anonymous
Жанр Зарубежная психология
Издательство Зарубежная психология
Год выпуска 0
isbn 4064066392642

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troubled sore,

       As he the message pondered / in heart and brooded o'er.

       He sent to fetch grim Hagen / and others of his men,

       And bade likewise in hurry / to court bring hither Gernot then.


      Thus at his word his trusted / advisers straight attend.

       He spake: "Our land to harry / foes all unknown will send

       Of men a mighty army; / a grievous wrong is this.

       Small cause have we e'er given / that they should wish us aught amiss."


      "Our swords ward such things from us," / Gernot then said;

       "Since but the fated dieth, / so let all such lie dead.

       Wherefore I'll e'er remember / what honor asks of me:

       Whoe'er hath hate against us / shall ever here right welcome be."


      Then spake the doughty Hagen: / "Methinks 'twould scarce be good;

       Luedegast and Luedeger / are men of wrathful mood.

       Help can we never summon, / the days are now so few."

       So spake the keen old warrior, / "'Twere well Siegfried the tidings knew."


      The messengers in the borough / were harbored well the while,

       And though their sight was hateful, / in hospitable style

       As his own guests to tend them / King Gunther gave command,

       Till 'mongst his friends he learnéd / who by him in his need would stand.


      The king was filled with sorrow / and his heart was sad.

       Then saw his mournful visage / a knight to help full glad,

       Who could not well imagine / what 'twas that grieved him so.

       Then begged he of King Gunther / the tale of this his grief to know.


      "To me it is great wonder," / said Siegfried to the king,

       "How thou of late hast changéd / to silent sorrowing

       The joyous ways that ever / with us thy wont have been."

       Then unto him gave answer / Gunther the full stately thane:


      "'Tis not to every person / I can the burden say

       That ever now in secret / upon my heart doth weigh:

       To well-tried friends and steady / are told our inmost woes."

      —Siegfried at first was pallid, / but soon his blood like fire up-rose.


      He spake unto the monarch: / "To thee I've naught denied.

       All ills that now do threaten / I'll help to turn aside.

       And if but friends thou seekest, / of them the first I'll be,

       And trow I well with honor / till death to serve thee faithfully."


      "God speed thee well, Sir Siegfried, / for this thy purpose fair:

       And though such help in earnest / thy arm should render ne'er,

       Yet do I joy at hearing / thou art so true to me.

       And live I yet a season, / right heartily repaid 'twill be.


      "Know will I also let thee / wherefore I sorrowing stand.

       Through messengers from my foemen / have tidings reached my land

       That they with hosts of warriors / will ride my country o'er;

       Such thing to us did never / thanes of any land before."


      "Small cause is that for grieving," / said then Siegfried;

       "But calm thy troubled spirit / and hearken to my rede:

       Let me for thee acquire / honor and vantage too,

       And bid thou now assemble / for service eke thy warriors true.


      "And had thy mighty enemies / to help them now at hand

       Good thanes full thirty thousand, / against them all I'd stand,

       Had I but one good thousand: / put all thy trust in me."

       Then answered him King Gunther: / "Thy help shall full requited be."


      "Then bid for me to summon / a thousand of thy men,

       Since I now have with me / of all my knightly train

       None but twelve knights only; / then will I guard thy land.

       For thee shall service faithful / be done alway by Siegfried's hand.


      "Herein shall help us Hagen / and eke Ortwein,

       Dankwart and Sindold, / those trusted knights of thine;

       And with us too shall journey / Volker, the valiant man;

       The banner he shall carry: / bestow it better ne'er I can.


      "Back to their native country / the messengers may go;

       They'll see us there right quickly, / let them full surely know,

       So that all our castles / peace undisturbed shall have."

       Then bade the king to summon / his friends with all their warriors brave.


      To court returned the heralds / King Luedeger had sent,

       And on their journey homeward / full joyfully they went.

       King Gunther gave them presents / that costly were and good,

       And granted them safe convoy; / whereat they were of merry mood.


      "Tell ye my foes," spake Gunther, / "when to your land ye come,

       Than making journeys hither / they better were at home;

       But if they still be eager / to make such visit here,

       Unless my friends forsake me, / cold in sooth shall be their cheer."


      Then for the messengers / rich presents forth they bore,

       Whereof in sooth to give them / Gunther had goodly store:

       And they durst not refuse them / whom Luedeger had sent.

       Leave then they took immediate, / and homeward joyfully they went.


      When to their native Denmark / the messengers returned,

       And the king Luedegast / the answer too had learned,

       They at the Rhine had sent him, /—when that to him was told,

       His wrath was all unbounded / to have reply in words so bold.


      'Twas said their warriors numbered / many a man full keen:

       "There likewise among them / with Gunther have we seen

       Of Netherland a hero, / the same that Siegfried hight."

       King Luedegast was grievéd, / when he their words had heard aright.


      When throughout all Denmark / the tidings quick spread o'er,

       Then in hot haste they summoned / helpers all the more,

       So that King Luedegast, / 'twixt friends from