The Science of Health Disparities Research. Группа авторов

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Название The Science of Health Disparities Research
Автор произведения Группа авторов
Жанр Биология
Издательство Биология
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781119374848

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3, resting, (mm Hg) Diastolic blood pressure Cardiovascular activity Mean of 3, resting, (mm Hg) Heart rate Cardiovascular activity Mean of 3, resting, (bpm) Peak expiratory flow Lung function Highest of 3, Peak flow, (l min−1) Metabolic HDL, mmol l−1 Low levels, unfavorable Serum, nonfasting, (mmol l−1) LDL Low levels, favorable Serum, nonfasting, (mmol l−1) Triglyceride High levels, unfavorable Serum, nonfasting, (mmol l−1) Total cholesterol/HDL Low levels, favorable Ratio <5.9 BMI Measure of adiposity BMI >30 WHR (waist: hip) Abdominal adiposity WHR >9.94 HbA1c Measure of insulin resistance mmol mol−1 Inflammation IGF‐1 Inflammation Serum nonfasting, (nmol l−1) Fibrinogen Blood clotting, thrombosis risk Serum, nonfasting, (g l−1) IgE Type I hypersensitivity KU l−1 CRP Acute inflammation Citrated plasma, (mg l−1) Neuroendocrine DHEA‐S HPA antagonist Urinary, (ng ml−1) Cortisol t1 HPA function Salivary, 45 after awakening, (nmol l−1) Cortisol t2 HPA function Salivary, 3 after awakening, (nmol l−1) Epigenetic DNA methylation Embedded cellular aging Circulating white cells Telomere shortening Cellular aging Circulating leukocytes

      HDL, high density lipoprotein; LDL, low density lipoprotein; WHR, waist to hip ratio; CRP, C‐reactive protein; DHEA‐S, dihydroepiandosterone sulfate; HPA, hypothalamus pituitary adrenal axis.


      Several cohort studies have documented clear associations between adverse childhood experiences and allostatic load for both men and women, with major influences on health behaviors, BMI, and socioeconomic factors in adult life [29]. Studies measuring allostatic load across ethnic and racial populations demonstrate how a multitude of social factors, including discrimination, can contribute to overall allostatic load, significantly alter health aging, and act as an early indicator of subsequent disease burden [32].

      In the following sections, we provide examples of how such studies are increasing our understanding of causal mechanisms and how they impact health disparities and provide new and important insights for future interventions.

      Poor sleep (or insufficient sleep quantity and/or inadequate quality relative to what is needed for optimal performance as well as physical and mental/emotional health) is a gateway to numerous conditions linked to rising allostatic load and increased risk of suboptimal chronic health conditions, such as obesity, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and premature mortality [42]. In terms of potential biological mechanisms, partial sleep deprivation is believed to influence