Bulfinch's Mythology. Bulfinch Thomas

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Название Bulfinch's Mythology
Автор произведения Bulfinch Thomas
Жанр Языкознание
Издательство Языкознание
Год выпуска 0
isbn 4057664151926

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IN BATTLE WITH A CENTAUR. Florence. John of Bologna.8.PARTING OF HECTOR AND ANDROMACHE. From painting by A. Maignan.9.THETIS BEARING THE ARMOR OF ACHILLES. From painting by François Gerard.10.CIRCE AND THE FRIENDS OF ULYSSES. From painting by Briton Rivière.11.ÆNEAS AT THE COURT OF QUEEN DIDO. From painting by P. Guerin. Salon of 1817.12.A VALKYR. From painting by P. N. Arbo.13.THE BEGUILING OF MERLIN. From painting by Sir Edwin Burne-Jones.14.THE ROUND TABLE. From a photograph. This supposed relic of King Arthur and his Knights now hangs in the Great Hall of the Castle of Winchester (Camelot).15.SIR GALAHAD. From painting by George Frederick Watts.16.KING ARTHUR AND QUEEN GUENEVER. Original drawing by A. Fredericks.17.CHARLEMAGNE. From painting by Dürer in the Museum at Nuremburg.18.CHARLEMAGNE RECEIVING HIS GUESTS. Original drawing by Byam Shaw.

       Table of Contents

       Table of Contents

       Table of Contents

      The religions of ancient Greece and Rome are extinct. The so-called divinities of Olympus have not a single worshipper among living men. They belong now not to the department of theology, but to those of literature and taste. There they still hold their place, and will continue to hold it, for they are too closely connected with the finest productions of poetry and art, both ancient and modern, to pass into oblivion.

      We propose to tell the stories relating to them which have come down to us from the ancients, and which are alluded to by modern poets, essayists, and orators. Our readers may thus at the same time be entertained by the most charming fictions which fancy has ever created, and put in possession of information indispensable to every one who would read with intelligence the elegant literature of his own day.

      In order to understand these stories, it will be necessary to acquaint ourselves with the ideas of the structure of the universe which prevailed among the Greeks—the people from whom the Romans, and other nations through them, received their science and religion.

      The Greeks believed the earth to be flat and circular, their own country occupying the middle of it, the central point being either Mount Olympus, the abode of the gods, or Delphi, so famous for its oracle.

      The circular disk of the earth was crossed from west to east and divided into two equal parts by the Sea, as they called the Mediterranean, and its continuation the Euxine, the only seas with which they were acquainted.

      Around the earth flowed the River Ocean, its course being from south to north on the western side of the earth, and in a contrary direction on the eastern side. It flowed in a steady, equable current, unvexed by storm or tempest. The sea, and all the rivers on earth, received their waters from it.

      The northern portion of the earth was supposed to be inhabited by a happy race named the Hyperboreans, dwelling in everlasting bliss and spring beyond the lofty mountains whose caverns were supposed to send forth the piercing blasts of the north wind, which chilled the people of Hellas (Greece). Their country was inaccessible by land or sea. They lived exempt from disease or old age, from toils and warfare. Moore has given us the “Song of a Hyperborean,” beginning

      “I come from a land in the sun-bright deep,

      Where golden gardens glow,

      Where the winds of the north, becalmed in sleep,

      Their conch shells never blow.”

      On the south side of the earth, close to the stream of Ocean, dwelt a people happy and virtuous as the Hyperboreans. They were named the Æthiopians. The gods favored them so highly that they were wont to leave at times their Olympian abodes and go to share their sacrifices and banquets.

      On the western margin of the earth, by the stream of Ocean, lay a happy place named the Elysian Plain, whither mortals favored by the gods were transported without tasting of death, to enjoy an immortality of bliss. This happy region was also called the “Fortunate Fields,” and the “Isles of the Blessed.”

      We thus see that the Greeks of the early ages knew little of any real people except those to the east and south of their own country, or near the coast of the Mediterranean. Their imagination meantime peopled the western portion of this sea with giants, monsters, and enchantresses; while they placed around the disk of the earth, which they probably regarded as of no great width, nations enjoying the peculiar favor of the gods, and blessed with happiness and longevity.

      The Dawn, the Sun, and the Moon were supposed to rise out of the Ocean, on the eastern side, and to drive through the air, giving light to gods and men. The stars, also, except those forming the Wain or Bear, and others near them, rose out of and sank into the stream of Ocean. There the sun-god embarked in a winged boat, which conveyed him round by the northern part of the earth, back to his place of rising in the east. Milton alludes to this in his “Comus”:

      “Now the gilded car of day

      His golden axle doth allay

      In the steep Atlantic stream,

      And the slope Sun his upward beam

      Shoots against the dusky pole,

      Pacing towards the other goal

      Of his chamber in the east.”

      The abode of the gods was on the summit of Mount Olympus, in Thessaly. A gate of clouds, kept by the goddesses named the Seasons, opened to permit the passage of the Celestials to earth, and to receive them on their return. The gods had their separate dwellings; but all, when summoned, repaired to the palace of Jupiter, as did also those deities whose usual abode was the earth, the waters, or the underworld. It was also in the great hall of the palace of the Olympian king that the gods feasted each day on ambrosia and nectar, their food and drink, the latter being handed round by the lovely goddess Hebe. Here they conversed of the affairs of heaven and earth; and as they quaffed their nectar, Apollo, the god of music, delighted them with the tones of his lyre, to which the Muses sang in responsive strains. When the sun was set, the gods retired to sleep in their respective dwellings.

      The following lines from the “Odyssey” will show how Homer conceived of Olympus:

      “So saying, Minerva, goddess azure-eyed,

      Rose to Olympus, the reputed seat

      Eternal of the gods, which never storms


      Disturb, rains drench, or snow invades, but calm

      The expanse and cloudless shines with purest day.

      There the inhabitants divine rejoice



      The robes and other parts of the dress of the goddesses were woven by Minerva and the Graces and everything of a more solid nature was formed of the various metals. Vulcan was architect, smith, armorer, chariot builder, and artist of all work in Olympus. He built of brass the houses of the gods; he made for them the golden shoes with which they trod the air or the water, and moved from place