The Complete Short Stories of Mark Twain (Illustrated). Mark Twain

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Название The Complete Short Stories of Mark Twain (Illustrated)
Автор произведения Mark Twain
Жанр Языкознание
Издательство Языкознание
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9788027230464

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to pronounce judgment upon any of the ducal line SAVE FROM THE DUCAL THRONE!"

      A shudder went to the heart of poor Conrad, and a tremor shook the iron frame of his old father likewise. CONRAD HAD NOT BEEN CROWNED—dared he profane the throne? He hesitated and turned pale with fear. But it must be done. Wondering eyes were already upon him. They would be suspicious eyes if he hesitated longer. He ascended the throne. Presently he stretched forth the sceptre again, and said:

      "Prisoner, in the name of our sovereign lord, Ulrich, Duke of Brandenburgh, I proceed to the solemn duty that hath devolved upon me. Give heed to my words. By the ancient law of the land, except you produce the partner of your guilt and deliver him up to the executioner, you must surely die. Embrace this opportunity—save yourself while yet you may. Name the father of your child!"

      A solemn hush fell upon the great court—a silence so profound that men could hear their own hearts beat. Then the princess slowly turned, with eyes gleaming with hate, and pointing her finger straight at Conrad, said:

      "Thou art the man!"

      An appalling conviction of his helpless, hopeless peril struck a chill to Conrad's heart like the chill of death itself. What power on earth could save him! To disprove the charge, he must reveal that he was a woman; and for an uncrowned woman to sit in the ducal chair was death! At one and the same moment, he and his grim old father swooned and fell to, the ground.

      (The remainder of this thrilling and eventful story will NOT be found in this or any other publication, either now or at any future time.)

      The truth is, I have got my hero (or heroine) into such a particularly close place, that I do not see how I am ever going to get him (or her) out of it again—and therefore I will wash my hands of the whole business, and leave that person to get out the best way that offers—or else stay there. I thought it was going to be easy enough to straighten out that little difficulty, but it looks different now.


      Sketches New and Old

       Table of Contents

       My Watch

       Political Economy

       The Jumping Frog

       Journalism in Tennessee

       The Story of the Bad Little Boy

       The Story of the Good Little Boy

       A Couple of Poems by Twain and Moore


       Answers to Correspondents

       To Raise Poultry

       Experience of the McWilliamses with Membranous Croup

       My First Literary Venture

       How the Author Was Sold in Newark

       The Office Bore

       Johnny Greer

       The Facts in the Case of the Great Beef Contract

       The Case of George Fisher

       Disgraceful Persecution of a Boy

       The Judges 'Spirited Woman'

       Information Wanted

       Some Learned Fables, for Good Old Boys and Girls

       Part First. How The Animals Of The Wood Sent Out A Scientific Expedition

       Part Second. How The Animals Of The Wood Completed Their Scientific Labors

       Part Third

       My Late Senatorial Secretaryship

       A Fashion Item

       Riley-Newspaper Correspondent

       A Fine Old Man

       Science vs. Luck

       The Late Benjamin Franklin

       Mr. Bloke's Item

       A Medieval Romance

       Chapter I. The Secret Revealed

       Chapter II. Festivity and Tears

       Chapter III. The Plot Thickens

       Chapter IV. The Awful Revelation

       Chapter V. The Frightful Catastrophe

       Petition Concerning Copyright

       After-Dinner Speech

       Lionizing Murderers

       A New Crime