The Prince and the Pauper (Illustrated Children's Classic). Mark Twain

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Название The Prince and the Pauper (Illustrated Children's Classic)
Автор произведения Mark Twain
Жанр Языкознание
Издательство Языкознание
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9788027230440

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      Mark Twain: A Biography by Albert Bigelow Paine

       Table of Contents

The Personal and Literary Life of Samuel Langhorne Clemens

       Volume I. Part 1: 1835-1866

       An Acknowledgment

       Prefatory Note

       I. Ancestors

       II. The Fortunes of John and Jane Clemens

       III. A Humble Birthplace

       IV. Beginning a Long Journey

       V. The Way of Fortune

       VI. A New Home

       VII. The Little Town of Hannibal

       VIII. The Farm

       IX. School-Days

       X. Early Vicissitude and Sorrow

       XI. Days of Education

       XII. Tom Sawyer's Band

       XIII. The Gentler Side

       XIV. The Passing of John Clemens

       XV. A Young Ben Franklin

       XVI. The Turning-Point

       XVII. The Hannibal "Journal"

       XVIII. The Beginning of a Literary Life

       XIX. In the Footsteps of Franklin

       XX. Keokuk Days

       XXI. Scotchman Named MacFarlane

       XXII. The Old Call of the River

       XXIII. The Supreme Science

       XXIV. The River Curriculum

       XXV. Love-Making and Adventure

       XXVI. The Tragedy of the "Pennsylvania"

       XXVII. The Pilot

       XXVIII. Piloting and Prophecy

       XXIX. The End of Piloting

       XXX. The Soldier

       XXXI. Over the Hills and Far Away

       XXXII. The Pioneer

       XXXIII. The Prospector

       XXXIV. Territorial Characteristics

       XXXV. The Miner

       XXXVI. Last Mining Days

       XXXVII. The New Estate

       XXXVIII. One of the "Staff"

       XXXIX. Philosophy and Poetry

       XL. "Mark Twain"

       XLI. The Cream of Comstock Humor

       XLII. Reportorial Days

       XLIII. Artemus Ward

       XLIV. Governor of the "Third House"

       XLV. A Comstock Duel

       XLVI. Getting Settled in San Francisco

       XLVII. Bohemian Days

       XLVIII. The Refuge of the Hills

       XLIX. The Jumping Frog

       L. Back to the Tumult

       LI. The Corner-Stone

       LII. A Commission to the Sandwich Islands