Encyclopedia of Glass Science, Technology, History, and Culture. Группа авторов

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Жанр Техническая литература
Издательство Техническая литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781118799499

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or a wedge (right) base...Figure 4 Sketch of a tungsten‐halogen lamp.Figure 5 Various types of fluorescent lamps: straight tube, circular line, c...Figure 6 Sketch of a high‐pressure mercury lamp.Figure 7 Sketch of a commercial white LED.Figure 8 A quantum dot packaging under development.Figure 9 A simplified sketch of the light‐emitting mechanism of an OLED.Figure 10 Effects of the indices of refraction of the glass substrate and IT...Figure 11 Inclusion of a highly refractive glass and a light‐diffusive struc...

      65 Chapter 6.10Figure 1 The many different functions of glass in a cellular phone. The exam...Figure 2 Size increase with time of mother glass in TFT‐LCD.Figure 3 An early image produced by William Crookes (1832–1919) with a catho...Figure 4 Sketch of a television cathode‐ray tube.Figure 5 Thermal compaction of a glass upon structural relaxation in the gla...Figure 6 Thermal compaction upon annealing near the glass transition range. ...Figure 7 Sketch of a liquid‐crystal display. Alkali‐free glasses are used fo...Figure 8 Sketch of a plasma‐display panel. High‐strain‐point glasses are use...Figure 9 Sketch of an organic light‐emitting diode. Transparent electrode (I...Figure 10 Functions of the optical filter of a plasma‐display panel.

      66 Section VIIFigure 1 The oldest known glass phases, dating back to the beginnings of the...

      67 Chapter 7.1Figure 1 Ferromagnesian chondrules and calcium, aluminum‐rich inclusions cem...Figure 2 Within glassy matrices, the varying textures of chondrules in the S...Figure 3 Time–temperature pathway for the formation of chondrules and calciu...Figure 4 Lunar colorful glass beads collected by the Apollo 15 and 17 missio...Figure 5 (a) Petrographic thin section of Apollo 16 regolith breccia 60016 w...Figure 6 Stony cosmic spherules; largest about 300 μm in diameter. Scanning ...Figure 7 Influence of the initial speed and angle of entry in the atmosphere...Figure 8 Meteoroids entry in the Earth's atmosphere. Most tiny particles bur...Figure 9 Sketch of silicate melt ascent in planetesimals. Moderate radiogeni...

      68 Chapter 7.2Figure 1 Compositions of natural glasses in the simplified total alkalis vs....Figure 2 Fulgurites. (a) Silica fulgurite as seen along the horizontal axis ...Figure 3 Libyan Desert glass, with polished surface produced by sand blastin...Figure 4 Tektite from the Australasian strewn field. Aerodynamic shape resul...Figure 5 Pseudotachylite as formed by melting of a gneiss (consisting mainly...Figure 6 Pelé's hair and tears (small black droplets) from the Piton de la F...Figure 7 Reticulite from unknown origin.Figure 8 Crystallinity contrasts in columnar basalt as seen in thin sections...Figure 9 Coexisting crystals, glass and bubbles in a rapidly quenched lava f...Figure 10 Bubble generation in a volcanic conduit (at the top of the fragmen...Figure 11 Obsidian from Armenia showing layering of transparent and banded o...Figure 12 Blade edges from a lab compressed banded obsidian. Tiny lighter po...Figure 13 Apache tears: a perlite with obsidians inclusions from Superior, A...Figure 14 Viscosity range (in log units of Pa·s) for natural magmas and some...

      69 Chapter 7.3Figure 1 After the onset of colonization (panel A), biotic glass corrosion m...Figure 2 Putative microbial alteration of glass. (a) TEM image of glass and ...Figure 3 Biologically mediated glass alteration model based on congruent dis...Figure 4 Abiotic alteration (t0t4, panels A–E). Palagonite rinds form at th...Figure 5 Alteration of sideromelane (basaltic glass) by seawater. (a) SEM im...Figure 6 Corrosion of glass and formation of palagonite by dissolution–repre...Figure 7 Abiotic corrosion of basaltic glass. Palagonite rim initially forms...

      70 Chapter 7.4Figure 1 Sketch of the continuous casting process. (a) Ladle, tundish, and m...Figure 2 Sketch of slag/metal entrapment. (a) Metal flow pattern in the mold...Figure 3 Composition ranges for metallurgical slags shown as a ternary diagr...Figure 4 Ellingham diagram: Gibbs free energy of the reactions x M + O2 = MxFigure 5 Values of ln viscosity (dPa s) at 1900 K for various silicates and ...Figure 6 Effect of the polymerization parameter Q on viscosity. (a) Values o...Figure 7 Effect of the polymerization parameter Q on the electrical resistiv...Figure 8 Thermal conductivity of Na2O–CaO–SiO2 slags of similar composition....

      71 Chapter 7.5Figure 1 Process scheme for the productions of water glass and related mater...Figure 2 Ternary diagram Na2O–SiO2–H2O; crystalline Na2O⋅SiO2⋅nH2O with diff...Figure 3 Concentrations of silicate species in equilibrium with colloidal si...Figure 4 Mass content of colloidal size classes measured by dynamic light sc...Figure 5 Effect of dilution with deionized water on the pH of sodium water g...

      72 Chapter 7.6Figure 1 The Na2O·B2O3·SiO2 phase diagram, with estimated compositional limi...Figure 2 Coexistence of B(III) and B(IV) in Pyrex glass as clearly revealed ...Figure 3 Variations of boron speciation upon processing of Vycor glass shown...Figure 4 Compositional dependence of fourfold coordinated boron in alkali bo...Figure 5 Effect of Si–B substitution on boron speciation in 17 Na2x B2O3·(...Figure 6 11B MAS NMR spectra for (a) a boron‐rich glass with composition 17 ...Figure 7 Increase in the B(IV) fraction in a sodium borosilicate glass upon ...Figure 8 Effects of permanent densification on the boron speciation of two b...

      73 Chapter 7.7Figure 1 Different glass container types: ampoule, vial, syringe, and cartri...Figure 2 Distribution of pharmaceutical glass containers in terms of product...Figure 3 Segmentation of the value (€) of the different container types, yea...Figure 4 The Danner and Vello glass‐tubing processes, drawing glass horizont...Figure 5 Forming process from glass tube to vial. The various steps include ...Figure 6 Schematic representation of a glass container production line. Diff...Figure 7 As apparent in a probability plot for vertical breaking of cartridg...Figure 8 Mechanism of glass delamination in pharmaceutical glass vials. Inse...Figure 9 Tungsten residues of the inner surface of a syringe cone as seen as...

      74 Chapter 7.8Figure 1 Jänecke's triangular prism for the Y–Si–Al–O–N system showing the c...Figure 2 Bridging of SiO4 tetrahedra. (a) Via a bridging oxygen connecting t...Figure 3 Average number of nitrogen atoms bonded to each silicon as a functi...Figure 4 Linear increases of Young's modulus of oxynitride glasses with incr...Figure 5 Glass‐transition temperature (Tg) of oxynitride glasses increases l...Figure 6 Effect of nitrogen content on viscosity (log scale) for oxynitride ...Figure 7 Schematic plot showing the combined effects of cation field strengt...

      75 Chapter 7.9Figure 1 The Qn speciation of phosphate groups. Resonances indicated by d...Figure 2 Exponential increase in the theoretical chain length of phosphates ...Figure 3 Changes of Qn speciation as a function of composition apparent i...Figure 4 The dramatic effect of strong modifiers on glass transition tempera...Figure 5 Contrast between the effects of composition on viscosity at high te...Figure 6 Abbe diagram for a range of different glass types (Chapter 6.1), ba...Figure 7 Continuously produced bars of phosphate glass highly doped with neo...

      76 Chapter 7.10Figure 1 A typical DSC thermogram of a metallic glass crystallizing though m...Figure 2 Two‐step glass transition of Au49Cu26.9Ag5.5Pd2.3Si16.3 in heat‐cap...Figure 3 Room‐temperature cell of glassy Fe produced by a molecular‐dynamics...Figure 4 Pair‐distribution function of a Cu–Zr–Ti alloy determined from sync...Figure 5 The first two Gaussian peaks at 298 K of the pair‐distribution func...Figure 6 The structure of Zr62.5Cu22.5Fe5Al10 glass directly observed by ele...Figure 7 Bright‐field transmission electron micrograph showing a two‐phase s...Figure 8 Electron‐microscopy micrographs of a porous Pd42.5Cu30Ni7.5P20 glas...Figure 9 Comparison between the compressive stress–strain curves of porous (...Figure 10 Electron microscopy micrographs of icosahedral quasicrystals in th...Figure 11 The wavy, or serrated, stress‐deformation relationship of a 2 : 1 ...Figure 12 Strain–stress curves of a 1 : 2 (height to diameter ratio) cylinde...Figure 13 Thermal properties of the Zr62.5Cu22.5Fe5Al10 glass cylinders afte...Figure 14 Schematic representation of strain‐rate dependence of the fracture...Figure 15 Stress and stress drops as a function of plastic strain for the cy...Figure 16 Boundary between the amorphous (left) and crystalline (right) phas...Figure 17 The three successive deformation regimes A, B, and C in the strain...Figure 18 A typical magnetization curve of a Fe–Co‐based metallic glass.Figure