Encyclopedia of Glass Science, Technology, History, and Culture. Группа авторов

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Название Encyclopedia of Glass Science, Technology, History, and Culture
Автор произведения Группа авторов
Жанр Техническая литература
Издательство Техническая литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781118799499

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and 0.22%, respectively [22].

Schematic illustration of the two-dimensional representation of the boroxol ring model for the structure of B2O3 glass; a randomly ordered network of boroxol groups and independent BO3 triangles. Shaded areas indicating a typical boroxol group and independent triangle, respectively.

      Another approach to IRO is to study the first peak in the diffraction pattern, the so‐called first sharp diffraction peak (FSDP), see Figure 5a. The FSDP has been treated as especially important by many workers, perhaps because it is related to the order with the longest period in real space. However, Salmon has pointed out that the longest range ordering in glasses actually gives rise to the second peak in the diffraction pattern (the so‐called principal peak) [23]. In the past, it was often popular to regard the FSDP as evidence of crystal‐like layers in the glass, because the peak position, Q1, is similar to the position of the first (00ℓ) reflection arising from layers in a closely related crystalline phase. However, it is now clear that the FSDP arises from correlated voids in the network [24]; a more easily understood view of this idea is to regard the FSDP as arising from the approximate repetition of the walls of the three‐dimensional cages formed by the CRN [25].

      Although chalcogenide glasses, i.e. glasses containing one or more chalcogenide elements, sulfur, selenium, and tellurium, but no oxygen, are dealt with in Chapter 6.5, it is useful to discuss them briefly here because their random network structures differ from those of oxides by contravening Zachariasen's rules for glass formation.

Schematic illustration of the network connectivity for a Ge-Se glass with a composition close to GeSe2. Pair of edge-sharing GeSe4/2 tetrahedra shown at the top of the figure. Homopolar Ge-Ge and Se-Se bonds represented by a double line.

      This variable composition of chalcogenide glasses leads to variations in the connectivity of the network, and hence in the rigidity of the network. It is predicted by constraint theory (see Chapter 2.8) that the network undergoes a transition from a floppy state to a rigid state when the average coordination number increases through a value of about 2.4 [27], with a major influence on the physical properties.

      For crystalline materials, the structure is formed from exact repetitions of a huge number of identical (or almost identical) unit cells. Thus, for the most part, a structure solution simply requires the determination of the positions of the relatively very small number of atoms in the unit cell. The methods of crystallography are immensely powerful so that diffraction methods are pre‐eminent in this respect.

      Contrastingly, glass is by definition noncrystalline. To determine the statistical distributions of its structural parameters, such as bond length, bond angle, ring size, and so on, structural studies have few of the advantages enjoyed by crystallographers for crystals. Because the amount of information that can be obtained from a single experiment on a glass is small, structural studies are much slower to proceed for glasses than for crystals, and researchers have to fight for each grain of information. In view of this challenge to obtain reliable information, in past decades it has been necessary for researchers to become expert in a particular experimental technique to achieve reliable progress. Nowadays, however, not only are most experimental probes of glass structure well established but their capabilities are steadily being improved as well. It is thus becoming possible to use a number of experimental methods well, so that significant progress is likely to be made by the increasing application of multi‐technique methods to the same set of glass samples; for instance, a combination of ND, XRD, NMR, and Raman scattering can reveal a more complete description of the structure of a glass. With the steady improvement of experimental methods and their interpretation, and such a growing use of multiple techniques, it is likely that gradually more complex glasses will be studied with a growing resolution, and that modeling will have in parallel an increasingly significant role in improving our understanding