Recognition and Perception of Images. Группа авторов

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Название Recognition and Perception of Images
Автор произведения Группа авторов
Жанр Техническая литература
Издательство Техническая литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781119751977

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so the visual system comes to an unstable state. This effect is most likely due to the fact that the size of the retinal projection of the structural parts of the image becomes co-measured with the size of the cone receptors themselves. In this case, the visual system goes into an unstable resonance mode, which causes illusions in the processing and perception of this visual information by the brain. Depending on the distance, the consequent retinal image size, this effect decreases or intensifies [Abbasov, 2016].

Schematic illustration of Achromatic pattern that causes subjective color sensations.

      Figure 1.2.24, below, is a color illustration, which in the gray version turns into a single-color image (horizontal strip). This emphasizes the important role of color vision in human life. By the way, the color of the adjacent areas of the image is induced on this gray strip, although it is just gray [Abbasov, 2013].

      The work of [Buhmann et al., 1999] is dedicated to the methods of recognition of image and scenes in case of computer vision. Our visual system can reconstruct the three-dimensional figures on the basis of a flat image. The computer vision requires not only the recognition algorithms. Additionally, it is necessary to consider the lighting, shadows and scene perspective. Our perception of the surrounding world allows us to exclude the ambiguities. It is offered to apply the gestalt rules of objects grouping to recognize the scenes at the computer vision in the work. The images are to be analyzed from the whole to the part at the initial level while finding out the connection and interaction of constituent parts. Thereafter, the analyzed information is specified and interpreted. Furthermore, the objects are classified and recognized.

Schematic illustration of the combination of figure-background.

      The process of perception of three-dimensional objects on the basis of photographs and paintings is in fact an illusion. Our visual system is adapted to the perception of the real world based on the signs of the depth and distance of the picture plane.

      1.3.1 Dual Perception of the Connection “Figure-Background”

Schematic illustration of Dual perception of background – figure combination.

      1.3.2 Gestalt Grouping Factors

      According to the law of clarity of structure, our perception identifies, first of all, the most distinct geometric structures. According to the law of addition to a structural whole, clear, but not complete structures are always supplemented to a clear geometric whole. However, the described gestalt processes may depend on certain cultural conditions of the formation of a person. In some cultures, an open circle can be perceived as a “bracelet,” and an open triangle as an “amulet.” Consider the main gestalt factors determining the characteristics of grouping objects.