100 Amazing Facts About the Negro with Complete Proof. J. A. Rogers

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Название 100 Amazing Facts About the Negro with Complete Proof
Автор произведения J. A. Rogers
Жанр История
Издательство История
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780819575494

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place on a vast scale. About 12,000,000 Negroes were brought to the New World. Imagine how much of their original color and culture the latter would take with them should they “return” to Africa, and you realize how much of the original Jew remained in only those seventy Jews after four centuries. Tacitus, Roman historian of 90 A.D., says that the Romans of his day popularly believed that the Jews, which then abounded in Europe, came from Ethiopia, the land of the Blacks. The present white color of the European and American Jew, is very likely due to the same cause, as the fair skin and straight hair of large numbers of Negroes.” The Bible classes the Ethiopian and the Jew together, “Are ye not as the children of Ethiopia unto me, O children of Israel, saith the Lord.” Chaldea, the land in which the Jews originated, was also a Negro land, hence Abraham might also have been black.

      31. The Falashas, or Negro Jews of Ethiopia, led by Queen Judith, put the line of Solomon and the Queen of Sheba off the throne of Ethiopia in 937 A. D., and ruled for forty years. The Falashas assert that they are the original Jews. They call themselves “The Beta-Israel,” or “The Chosen People.”

      32. The Negro Jews of India are not permitted to enter the same synagogues as the white ones, nor to bury their dead in the same cemeteries.

      33. Imhotep of Ancient Egypt, was the real Father of Medicine. He lived about 2300 B. C. Greece and Rome had their knowledge of medicine from him. In Rome he was worshipped as the Prince of Peace in the form of a black man. His Ethiopian portraits show him a Negro. Imhotep was also Prime Minister to King Zoser as well as the foremost architect of his time. The saying, “Eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow we die,” has been traced to him. Hippocrates, the so-called “Father of Medicine” lived 2,000 years after Imhotep.

      34. Aben Ali, an African Negro, was private physician to Charles VII, King of France (1403-1465). When the king fell dangerously ill at Toulouse, Aben Ali was sent for and he cured him. Thereafter the king made him a member of his suite.

      35. Dr. C. Tavares, an African Negro, was the private physician to King Carlos I of Portugal until the latter’s death in 1908.

      36. Dr. Daniel Williams, Chicago surgeon who died in 1931, was the first to perform a successful operation on the human heart.

      37. France has had six colored Cabinet Ministers—Severiano de Heredia, 1887; Senator Henri Lemery, 1915-1918, and 1934; Alcide Delmont, 1928; Blaise Diagne, 1931; Gratien Candace, 1932; Gaston Monnerville, 1937. De Heredia, as Minister of Public Works, built some of France’s finest roads.

      38. Eugene Chen, one of the most dynamic political figures of the present century, and Minister of Foreign Affairs for China in 1927, was born of Chinese-Negro parentage in Trinidad, West Indies, in 1878. He was also secretary to Dr. Sun Yat Sen, first president of China.

      39. Persina, a Queen of Ethiopia, 60 B. C., presented her husband, Hydaspes, with a light-colored child, “which color is strange among Ethiopians.” She declared that it was due to the presence of a white statue in the room at the time of conception. Similarly Maria Theresa of Spain and Austria, wife of Louis XIV, King of France, bore him a mulatto daughter in 1665. The Queen, spent most of her time with a Negro dwarf, named Nabo, while the King passed most of his with the beauties that thronged his court. The doctors explained the color of the child by saying that the black man looked at the Queen. “It must have been a very penetrating look,” said the King, wrathfully. A noted writer of that time attributed the color of a similar child, born to a high noblewoman, to the mother’s fondness for chocolate.

      40. Anna, a Negro servant girl of Calavecchio, Italy, wife of a white mule-driver, became the concubine of Pope Clement VII. Her son, Alessandro, born 1511, became reigning Duke of Florence, and married Margaret, only daughter of the Emperor Charles V, ruler of Germany, the Netherlands, Austria, and Spain in 1536.

      41. White American slave-holders used to induce white women to marry Negro slaves in order to hold the women slaves for life.

      42. Thomas Jefferson, third president of the United States, and father of the Declaration of Independence, was the father of a large number of mulatto children. His wife protested loud and long to no avail. Patrick Henry, another signer of that document, had a Negro son named Melancthon.

      43. Napoleon planned to solve the color problem in Haiti by making it legal for each man to take three wives, one white, one mulatto, the other black. He had several conferences with the theologians on “this grand measure,” and tried to win the consent of the Pope.

      44. In 1787 while a party of 351 freed Negroes was aboard ship at Portsmouth, England, enroute to Sierra Leone, West Africa, the authorities brought on board sixty-two white women, prostitutes and others, whom they wished to get rid of, and married them to as many men, and sent them off to be the future mothers of the colony.

      45. In the 1850’s, Mrs. Leybonn, an Englishwoman, was “Queen of the Slave-traders,” at Rio Pongo, one of the principal slave posts in West Africa. She had a fort armed with cannon and armed by 300 devoted blacks. She had three mulatto children by a Negro, a boy and two girls. One of the latter married a white slave-trader, and the other, a British Consul.

      46. The Countess de Beauharnais, who was related by marriage to Napoleon, married a full-blooded Haitian Negro, named Castaing, who was a member of the Paris Convention of 1792-1795.

      47. The oldest and most noted statue in the world bears the face of a Negro. It is the Sphinx of Gizeh, which was worshipped as Horus, cr Harmachis, the Sun-God of Light and Life. It was erected about 5,000 B. C.

      The Devil which is now depicted as black, was once portrayed as White. When the black man dominated the planet he painted the forces of evil, white. When the whites came into power they shifted the colors. But as late as 1500 the Ethiopians still depicted their gods and heroes black, and their devils and villains, white. Father Fernandez, a Catholic missionary, who worked amongst them at this time, says, “They paint Christ, the Blessed Virgin, and other saints in black form; and devils and wicked men, white. Thus Christ and his apostles are black and Judas, white. Annas, Caiphas, Pilate, Herod and the Jews are white, while Michael is black, and the Devil, white.”

      48. Nearly all of the ancient gods of the Old and New World were black and had woolly hair. Buckley says, “From the woolly texture of the hair I am inclined to assign to the Buddha of India; the Fuhi of China; the Xaha of the Japanese; and the Quetzalcoatl of the Mexicans, the same and indeed an African, or rather, a Nubian origin.” In the Bible, God, or the Ancient of Days, is described as having “hair like the pure wool.” The earliest statues of the Virgin Mary and Christ in Europe as far north as Russia, were black and Negroid.

      49. The Bible really originated in Ancient Egypt, where the population, according to Herodotus and Aristotle, was black. Here the Jews received almost all of their early culture. Prof. Breasted, leading Egyptologist, says, “The ripe social and moral development of mankind in the Nile Valley which is 3000 years older than that of the Hebrews, contributed essentially to the formation of Hebrew literature. Our moral heritage therefore derives from a wider human past enormously older than the Hebrews, and it has come to us rather THROUGH the Hebrews than FROM them.”

      50. Psalms that read like those of the Bible were written by a Pharaoh, Amenophis IV, better known as “Akhenaton, the Heretic King,” 1300 B. C. or more than 400 years before David was born. Akhenaton, who was the father of Tut-Ankh-Amen, was extremely Negro in type. He is called “the most remarkable of the Pharaohs.”

      51. Ethiopians, that is Negroes, gave to the world the first idea of right and wrong and thus laid the basis of religion, and of all true culture and civilization. The earliest exposition of this yet found is in the so-called Memphite Drama, which is known only through a copy on