100 Amazing Facts About the Negro with Complete Proof. J. A. Rogers

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Название 100 Amazing Facts About the Negro with Complete Proof
Автор произведения J. A. Rogers
Жанр История
Издательство История
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780819575494

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printed annually on the calendars of Mexico until 1872, one hundred and twelve years after his death.

      10. The Grimaldi, a Negro race, lived in Europe as late as 12,000 years ago. Two complete Grimaldi skeletons are in the Museum of Monaco, near Monte Carlo. Abundant traces of their culture have been unearthed in Southern and Central Europe.

      11. Elam, a mighty Negro civilization of Persia, flourished about 2900 B. C. and is perhaps older than Egypt or Ethiopia. One of its later Negro kings, Kudur Nakunta, conquered Chaldea and Babylon and brought back to his capital, Susa, rich treasures among which was the famous statue of the goddess, Nana. Later it became the capital of Cyrus the Great and Darius. Susa is the Shushan of the Bible where Esther, the Jewess, sought the favor of King Ahaserus of Persia and Ethiopia.

      12. Cheops, a Negro, built the Great Pyramid, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. It is 451 feet high, has 2,500,000 blocks of granite, each two and a half tons, covers 13 acres, took 100,000 men thirty years to build and was completed in 3730 B. C.

      13. There were at least eighteen Ethiopian or unmixed Negro rulers of Ancient Egypt, the best known of which is Piankhi. Leaving his country in Central Africa, Piankhi conquered all Egypt to the mouth of the Nile in 750 B. C.

      14. The Ganges, the sacred river of India, is named after an Ethiopian king of that name who conquered Asia as far as this river.

      15. The most ancient lineage in the world is that of the Ethiopian royal family. It is said to be older than that of King George VI’s by 6130 years. The Emperor Haile Selassi I, ruler of Ethiopia, traces his ancestry to King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba and beyond that to Cush, 6280 B. C.

      16. Negroes lived in America thousands of years before Columbus. Central American monuments show numerous carving of them as gods. When Columbus came to the New World, Negroes had been crossing from Africa to South America a distance of 1600 miles. The first white men to reach the American mainland, tell of seeing Negroes. Columbus who visited South America said that he had heard of them there.

      17. The present Negro race of Africa perhaps did not originate there, but Asia and Oceania. The earliest inhabitants of Africa were not black but brown. Today the peoples of mixed and unmixed Negro descent living in Asia and Oceania probably exceed in number the present Negro population of Africa. India has millions of Negroes. The purest Negro types are in Southern Asia. In 1923, Dr. Joseph Rock, United States Department of Agriculture discovered a hitherto unknown Negro race, the Nakhis, 200,000 in number, in Southern China. In 1934, E. W. P. Chinnery discovered an unknown Negro people in New Guinea, near Australia. He reports that they have a civilization superior to their neighbors, who live under white rule.

      18. In the United States Army Drafts in World War I, the Negro proved physically fitter than the white man. “For every 100 men physically examined the ratio of colored men found physically qualified for general military service was substantially higher than the ratio of the white men by just five per cent, namely 74.60 against 69.71.”

      19. The peoples of Southern Europe, including Italy, and most of those of Eastern Europe, including Russia, are more illiterate than the Negroes of the United States. In seventy years Negro illiteracy has fallen off about 80 per cent. In 1870 it was 82 per cent; in 1930, 16.3.

      20. Aframerican illiteracy, is three times higher than the white one, nevertheless, when certain states are matched against certain others, there are surprising comparisons. For instance, the Negroes of California, Minnesota, New York, Nevada, South Dakota, Oregon and Washington are less illiterate than the Native Whites of White parentage in Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, and New Mexico. New York, Minnesota, Oregon, and South Dakota Negroes are less illiterate than Mississippi Whites. The Negroes of these seven states are less illiterate by 100 to 400 per cent than the foreign-born Whites of all the States, save one.

      21. In the United States Army Intelligence tests during World War I, the Negroes of Pennsylvania, New York, Illinois and Ohio led the Whites of Mississippi, Kentucky, Arkansas and Georgia by from one to seven per cent.

      22. Two centuries ago the Negroes of South Africa and the Northern Europeans both practised a form of cannibalism that was strikingly similar. Of the vital organs of slain foes, the Negroes made a muti, or charm, against evil. Sometimes they ate the heart of a brave man believing that it gave added courage. The Europeans would roast or dry the bodies of hanged criminals. Of these they made mumia, a medicine for internal and external use, which was supposed to have peculiar curative charm. In 1683 when the Germans defeated the Turks at Ofen, Switzerland, thousands of surrendered Turks were treated in this manner. An army surgeon, who was present, wrote: “None were given grace. All were massacred, and in most cases they were skinned, the fatty parts were roasted, and the genitals cut off, dried, and put into big sacks. And of this they made precious mumia.” Regular cannibalism existed in Germany as late as 1650.

      23. Estevanico, a Negro from Morocco, was one of a party of four to cross the North American continent in 1536 for the first time. The journey took nine years. In 1539 he headed an expedition that discovered Arizona and New Mexico. Estevanico’s travels served to open up the Southwest and the States west of Florida, as far as the Pacific.

      24. The founder of the City of Chicago was Baptist Pointe de Saible, a Negro, in 1779.

      25. Tippoo Tib, a Negro trader in slaves and ivory, from Zanibar, East Africa, was the first civilized man to penetrate the center of Africa. He explored territory nearly as large as the United States. Stanley, Weismann, Cameron, and other white explorers followed in his path. He died in 1905, very rich.

      26. For 2234 years human beings had been trying to reach the top of the world. Thousands of lives and millions of dollars were lost in the attempt. On April 6, 1909, Matthew Henson, a New York Negro, was the first of a party of six to do so. He is now (1943) the only human being alive to have stood there The first Arctic explorer was Pytheas, a Greek, who perished in the attempt in 325 B. C.

      27. Jan Ernest Matzeliger, a Dutch West Indian Negro living in Lynn, Mass., invented the first machine for sewing the soles of shoes to the uppers. This invention, which was eleven years in the making, revolutionized the industry and gave shoe supremacy to the United States. It made several millionaires, one of whom left $4,000,000 to Harvard University. Overwork and privation hastened Matzeliger to his grave in 1889 at the age of 37. He left a few shares of stock to a white church, which later saved it from being sold for debt.

      28. George Washington Carver of Tuskegee Institute, one of the world’s greatest agricultural chemists, was awarded the Roosevelt Medal in 1939 for “distinguished service in the field of science.” From the peanut he has extracted 285 products, and from the sweet potato, 118. Dr. Carver was born a slave. Thomas Edison once offered him a large salary to take charge of one of the Edison laboratories but Carver refused in order to continue the work he had begun with Booker T. Washington at Tuskegee Institute.

      29. The Mohammedans believe that Moses was a black man. Their Bible, The Koran, says so. God told Moses to put his hand into his bosom. The Koran says that it came out white. The commentators declare that Moses’ hand could not have been white before, and that the miracle Jehovah intended was making the black skin white, and then turning it black again. The Septuagint, or Greek Bible, agrees with the Koran.

      30. The characters of the Bible are largely Negroes. The Jews were slaves to the Egyptians for nearly 430 years. Only seventy Jews went to Egypt with Jacob. The Bible says that 600,000 men left with Moses, which according to Haushoffer, meant a total of 3,154,000 with women and children. For this large number