The Mythology of Babylonia and Assyria. Donald A. Mackenzie

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Название The Mythology of Babylonia and Assyria
Автор произведения Donald A. Mackenzie
Жанр Социология
Издательство Социология
Год выпуска 0
isbn 4064066399191

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were completely under their influence, leaving them demented. The elfin Lilu similarly wooed young women, like the Germanic Laurin of the "Wonderful Rose Garden",90 who carried away the fair lady Kunhild to his underground dwelling amidst the Tyrolese mountains, or left them haunting the place of their meetings, searching for him in vain:

      A savage place! as holy and enchanted

       As ere beneath the waning moon was haunted

       By woman wailing for her demon lover...

       His flashing eyes, his floating hair!

       Weave a circle round him thrice,

       And close your eyes with holy dread,

       For he on honey dew hath fed

       And drunk the milk of Paradise.

       Coleridge's Kubla Khan.

      The Labartu, to whom we have referred, was a female who haunted mountains and marshes; like the fairies and hags of Europe, she stole or afflicted children, who accordingly had to wear charms round their necks for protection. Seven of these supernatural beings were reputed to be daughters of Anu, the sky god.

      The Alu, a storm deity, was also a spirit which caused nightmare. It endeavoured to smother sleepers like the Scandinavian hag Mara, and similarly deprived them of power to move. In Babylonia this evil spirit might also cause sleeplessness or death by hovering near a bed. In shape it might be as horrible and repulsive as the Egyptian ghosts which caused children to die from fright or by sucking out the breath of life.

      There were hags and giants of mountain and desert, of river and ocean. Demons might possess the pig, the goat, the horse, the lion, or the ibis, the raven, or the hawk. The seven spirits of tempest, fire, and destruction rose from the depths of ocean, and there were hosts of demons which could not be overcome or baffled by man without the assistance of the gods to whom they were hostile. Many were sexless; having no offspring, they were devoid of mercy and compassion. They penetrated everywhere:

      The high enclosures, the broad enclosures, like a flood

       they pass through,

       From house to house they dash along.

       No door can shut them out;

       No bolt can turn them back.

       Through the door, like a snake, they glide,

       Through the hinge, like the wind, they storm,

       Tearing the wife from the embrace of the man,

      These furies did not confine their unwelcomed attentions to mankind alone:

      They hunt the doves from their cotes,

       And drive the birds from their nests,

       And chase the marten from its hole....

       Through the gloomy street by night they roam,

       Smiting sheepfold and cattle pen,

       Shutting up the land as with door and bolt.

       R.C. Thompson's Translation.

      The Babylonian poet, like Burns, was filled with pity for the animals which suffered in the storm:

      List'ning the doors an' winnocks rattle,

       I thought me o' the ourie cattle,

       Or silly sheep, wha bide this brattle

       O' winter war....

       Ilk happing bird, wee, helpless thing!

       That in the merry months o' spring

       Delighted me to hear thee sing,

       What comes o' thee?

       Whare wilt thou cow'r thy chittering wing,

       And close thy e'e?

      Corpse-swallower sits at the end of heaven,

       A Jötun in eagle form;

       From his wings, they say, comes the wind which fares