Practical Field Ecology. C. Philip Wheater

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Название Practical Field Ecology
Автор произведения C. Philip Wheater
Жанр Биология
Издательство Биология
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781119413240

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are restricted to defined areas either because of limits to their ability to disperse and colonise, or because of resource limitations (including competition between members of their own or other species). Biogeographical studies can provide information about distributions in geographic space and over time, whilst a landscape ecology study would look at spatial patterns over a range of scales in relation to landscape function and processes. At the smallest scale, individual home ranges and territories can be studied. Plotting the movements of animals diurnally and seasonally can indicate how individuals and groups of individuals make use of the environment in which they live.

      Monitoring community structure

      Another type of study of interest would be to establish the structure of the community of a specified area or habitat type (e.g. the community of fish in a lake, or the community of insects inhabiting a certain species of tree). Such studies may involve sampling a large range of quite different organisms. Organisms differ in size, distribution (both spatially and temporally), their use of microhabitats and, in the case of many animals, mobility. As such, care needs to be taken to ensure that the methods are as comprehensive as possible and are not biased towards or against any particular species or groups of species. For example, sieving soil to examine the communities of animals living within different layers (leaf litter, humus layer, the ‘A’ horizon of the soil, etc.) may underestimate larger animals that are found at low densities (e.g. large ground beetles), and may overestimate species that are found in large aggregations if sampling happens to coincide with these groupings (e.g. some woodlice). Several different techniques may need to be used together during a single study in order to obtain a broad understanding of the community structure of such habitats.

      Monitoring behaviour

      Studies on animals may involve monitoring the behaviour of individuals, even if this is not the primary purpose of the study. Knowing whether rabbits are feeding, being vigilant for predators, etc. may be useful if numbers are being counted in particular sites. Of course, other research projects will focus primarily on animal behaviour. Such behavioural studies may involve the observation of a number of individual animals in a variety of settings, or the interactions that animals have with others of the same, and/or different, species. Activity levels and habitat/resource utilisation may change with time of day and season according to changes in the weather. Assessing the time that individuals devote to different behaviours (time budgets) can help to identify such changes. It is essential that the location and methods used by the observer do not influence the behaviours being monitored. Working too close to large mammals with young may mean that the major behaviour monitored is vigilance directed against the observer – and may be dangerous for the researcher. Behavioural changes may occur even with subtle changes to the environment, such as the use of head torches. The emitted wavelength of white light attracts flying insects like moths, but changing the torch to red light solves the problem. What this does show is that all actions in the field, however apparently trivial, need careful consideration before fieldwork begins.

      A note of caution

      Case Study 1.1 The development of a novel net for sampling bats emerging from tree roosts

BTHK Tree-roost Net in situ.; A schematic showing the pivot points to adapt the BTHK Tree-roost Net ensuring optimum positioning against the tree.

      BTHK Tree‐roost Net in situ. A schematic showing the pivot points to adapt the BTHK Tree‐roost Net ensuring optimum positioning against the tree.

      Henry Andrews is an ecological consultant and the founding member of the Bat Tree Habitat Key (BTHK) project ( The BTHK project was set up to achieve several objectives: (1) to establish the full range of different features of trees used by bats for roosting; (2) to understand which species used which features, when they used them, and how they used them; and (3) to build an app to help fieldworkers assess which species they might encounter in potential tree roost features. This case study describes the development of a new net by Henry Andrews of the Bat Tree Habitat Key project and NHBS Ltd to allow the user to sample bats emerging from tree roosts safely. This work involved a number of contributors: Henry Andrews, Katharine Clayton, Oliver Haines, Thomas Hamilton Koch, and Steaphan Hazell.

      The BTHK Tree‐Roost Net is supplied by NHBS Ltd (, a company that manufactures standard and bespoke marine, freshwater, and terrestrial survey tools.

      Model organism and research challenges faced

      How the challenge was resolved

      The idea for a bat tree‐roost net originated with Henry Andrews and NHBS helped develop the design and manufacturing process. The end‐product (the BTHK Tree‐Roost Net), employs a kite‐shaped head that pivots in two places to ensure optimum positioning of the frame against the tree. The aperture of the net head can be adjusted to fit a wide range of tree sizes (marked A on the figure) and the net head pivots according to the height and location of the roost entrance (marked B on the figure). These features mean that the net can be adapted to sample roosts at a variety of heights and orientations, safely and securely. The net handle is made from aluminium, which is both strong and lightweight, and at 4 m long it can either be placed on the ground or braced against the users' body to provide a stable foundation.

      The collection bag is made from soft white nylon mesh to prevent damage to the bats wings and feet and enable the user to see the bats more easily against the white background. The collection bag also has a flexible plastic attachment that extends both into and away from the aperture of the net. This