Textbook for Orthodontic Therapists. Ceri Davies

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Название Textbook for Orthodontic Therapists
Автор произведения Ceri Davies
Жанр Медицина
Издательство Медицина
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781119565437

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19Figure 19.1 Cephalometric radiograph. Bimaxillary proclination of upper and ...

      13 Chapter 20Figure 20.1 Forward growth rotation.Figure 20.2 Backward growth rotation.

      14 Chapter 21Figure 21.1 Centre of resistance on single‐ and multi‐rooted teeth.Figure 21.2 Force moment at one point of force. A central view of aesthetic ...Figure 21.3 Force couple. Aesthetic ice brackets showing full engagement of ...Figure 21.4 Force couple and moment. Bodily movement being achieved on a low...Figure 21.5 Tipping movement being achieved.Figure 21.6 Bodily movement being achieved.Figure 21.7 Torque being achieved.Figure 21.8 Rotational movement (of UL3) being achieved.Figure 21.9 Extrusion movement (of UL3) being achieved.Figure 21.10 Intrusion movement (of UR1) being achieved, with the bracket po...Figure 21.11 Pressure/tension theory.Figure 21.12 Different levels of force on a tooth.Figure 21.13 Area of compression and tension for bodily movement. Bodily mov...Figure 21.14 Area of compression and tension for tipping movement. Resorbing...Figure 21.15 Area of compression and tension for extrusion movement. Bone re...Figure 21.16 Area of compression for intrusion movement. Bone resorption occ...Figure 21.17 Area of compression and tension for rotational movement. Bone r...Figure 21.18 Area of compression and tension for torque movement. Bone resor...

      15 Chapter 22Figure 22.1 Alginate mixing.Figure 22.2 Upper impression.Figure 22.3 Lower impression.

      16 Chapter 23Figure 23.1 Centric, right buccal, and left buccal views of study models.Figure 23.2 Upper and lower occlusal views of study models.

      17 Chapter 25Figure 25.1 Where the landmark points are identified. For abbreviations see ...Figure 25.2 Where the incisor apex and crown tip points are placed (in blue)...Figure 25.3 Cephalometric radiograph showing the cephalometric planes and li...Figure 25.4 Wits analysis.Figure 25.5 Ballard conversion. The incisors are traced and superimposed on ...Figure 25.6 Prognosis tracing. This shows that bodily movement is not advisa...

      18 Chapter 26Figure 26.1 Upper removable appliance with palatal finger springs.Figure 26.2 Buccal canine retractor.Figure 26.3 Upper removable appliance with Z spring.Figure 26.4 Upper removable appliance with T spring.Figure 26.5 Coffin spring.Figure 26.6 Upper removable appliance with anterior expansion screw.Figure 26.7 Upper removable appliance with midline expansion screw.Figure 26.8 Upper removable appliance with 3D expansion screw.Figure 26.9 Active labial bow on study model.Figure 26.10 Right buccal view of Roberts retractor.Figure 26.11 Centre view of Roberts retractor.Figure 26.12 Three different pulls of headgear: (a) high pull; (b) cervical ...Figure 26.13 Adams clasp.Figure 26.14 Adams clasp.Figure 26.15 Southend clasp.Figure 26.16 Upper removable appliance with C clasp over UR3 and pontic in p...Figure 26.17 Ball‐ended clasps over lower anterior teeth used for anterior r...Figure 26.18 Retentive labial bow on study model.Figure 26.19 Upper removable appliance with labial bow and Adams clasps.Figure 26.20 Upper removable appliance with flat anterior bite plane.Figure 26.21 Lower removable appliance with posterior bite planes.

      19 Chapter 27Figure 27.1 Clark’s twin block in full interdigitation.Figure 27.2 Clark’s twin block not in full interdigitation.Figure 27.3 Clark’s twin block with acrylic coverage on lower incisors. Acry...Figure 27.4 Herbst appliance.Figure 27.5 Medium opening activator appliance.Figure 27.6 Occlusal (upside‐down) view of a medium opening activator.Figure 27.7 Bionator appliance.Figure 27.8 Frankel appliance.Figure 27.9 Clip‐on fixed functional appliance.

      20 Chapter 28Figure 28.1 Different bracket slot sizes. ss, stainless steel.Figure 28.2 Mesh base on the back of a Damon Mx bracket.Figure 28.3 MBT bracket prescription values.Figure 28.4 Different archforms used in fixed appliances.Figure 28.5 Round archwire.Figure 28.6 Rectangular archwire.Figure 28.7 Square archwire.Figure 28.8 How the diameter (size) of the wire is measured: round archwire....Figure 28.9 How the diameter (size) of the wire is measured: square and rect...Figure 28.10 Lower occlusal view after bonding of lower fixed appliance.Figure 28.11 Stainless‐steel archwires.Figure 28.12 Damon copper nickel titanium rectangular archwire, 0.14 × 0.25 ...Figure 28.13 Reverse‐curve archwire.Figure 28.14 Beta titanium archwires.Figure 28.15 Short and long metal ligatures.Figure 28.16 Coil spring and Kobayashi hooks. NiTi, nickel titanium; SS, sta...Figure 28.17 Crimpable hooks and stops.Figure 28.18 Buttons and eyelets.Figure 28.19 Drop‐in hooks used for Damon and gold chain.Figure 28.20 Nickel titanium (NiTi) retraction spring and metal separator.Figure 28.21 Temporary anchorage devices (TADs).Figure 28.22 Elastomeric modules.Figure 28.23 Intermaxillary elastics: elastic bands.Figure 28.24 Intermaxillary elastics: class III and triangle elastics.Figure 28.25 Intermaxillary elastics: class III triangle, V, and zigzag elas...Figure 28.26 Intermaxillary elastics: box and midline elastics.Figure 28.27 Intermaxillary elastics: crossbite elastics.Figure 28.28 Intermaxillary elastics: Shudy elastics. AP, anterio‐posterior....Figure 28.29 Intra‐oral elastics.Figure 28.30 Separating modules and rotation wedges.Figure 28.31 Power chain and power thread.Figure 28.32 Burnham lig and bumper sleeve.

      21 Chapter 29Figure 29.1 Cervical low pull headgear.Figure 29.2 Combi straight pull headgear.Figure 29.3 High pull headgear.Figure 29.4 Soldered tubes on Adams clasp.Figure 29.5 Head and neck strap.Figure 29.6 Masal strap.Figure 29.7 Snap‐away modules.Figure 29.8 Locking intra‐oral facebow.Figure 29.9 Big correx gauge.Figure 29.10 Small correx gauge.

      22 Chapter 32Figure 32.1 Lower occlusal showing simple anchorage. Undertie on L6‐6 (ancho...Figure 32.2 Right buccal showing compound anchorage.Figure 32.3 Temporary anchorage devices (TADs) and ankylosed lower left deci...Figure 32.4 Different types of reciprocal anchorage. TPA, transpalatal arch....Figure 32.5 Transpalatal arch.Figure 32.6 Transpalatal arch with Nance button.Figure 32.7 Lingual arch.

      23 Chapter 33Figure 33.1 Aesthetic Component of the Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need: ...

      24 Chapter 34Figure 34.1 Example of a PAR scoring sheet on DOIT software.Figure 34.2 PAR ruler.

      25 Chapter 35Figure 35.1 Assessing dental crowding.Figure 35.2 Space required to level the curve of Spee.

      26 Chapter 36Figure 36.1 Different types of cleft lip and palate.

      27 Chapter 37Figure 37.1 Maxillary segmental procedure.Figure 37.2 Le Fort I, II, and III.Figure 37.3 Surgical assisted rapid palatal expansion (SARPE).Figure 37.4 Mandibular segmental procedure.Figure 37.5 Vertical subsigmoid osteotomy.Figure 37.6 Bilateral sagittal split osteotomy.Figure 37.7 Body osteotomy of the mandible.Figure 37.8 Where the incision is made for a genioplasty.

      28 Chapter 38Figure 38.1 Gingival and periodontal fibres.Figure 38.2 Correct centroid relationship.Figure 38.3 Hawley retainer.Figure 38.4 Hawley retainer, occlusal view.Figure 38.5 Vacuum‐formed retainers.Figure 38.6 Vacuum‐formed retainers in situ.Figure 38.7 Begg retainer.Figure 38.8 Begg retainer, occlusal view.Figure 38.9 Barrier retainer.Figure 38.10 Multi‐stranded fixed retainer.Figure 38.11 Rigid bar fixed retainer.Figure 38.12 Preformed fixed retainer.

      29 Chapter 39Figure 39.1 Occlusal view of a space maintainer which is being used to help ...Figure 39.2 Band and loop being used for space maintenance. To prevent mesia...Figure 39.3 Distal shoe. This is similar to a band and loop, however the ext...Figure 39.4 Lingual arch.Figure 39.5 Transpalatal arch with Nance button.Figure 39.6 Transpalatal arch.

      30 Chapter 40Figure 40.1 Aesthetic brackets (Spa, DB Orthodontics, Silsden, UK) with Tefl...Figure 40.2 Invisalign model showing aligner, attachments, and composite but...Figure 40.3 Lingual appliance.

      31 Chapter 41Figure 41.1 Exposed crystalline structures. Etch applied to the tooth (arrow...Figure 41.2 Phosphoric acid applicator.Figure 41.3 Acid etch technique procedure.Figure 41.4 Self‐etch primer.Figure 41.5 Adhesive pre‐coated (APC) bracket.

      32 Chapter 44Figure 44.1 Centric and buccal views of good oral hygiene. Intra‐oral photog...Figure 44.2 Centric and buccal views of good oral hygiene. Intra‐oral photog...Figure 44.3 Centric and buccal views of bad and improved oral hygiene.

      33 Chapter 45Figure 45.1 Mild case of decalcification.

      34 Chapter 46Figure 46.1 Right buccal view of fluorosis.

      35 Chapter 48Figure 48.1 Centric view of enamel hypoplasia with veneers on the upper ante...Figure 48.2 Upper occlusal view of enamel hypoplasia.

      36 Chapter 49Figure 49.1 Enamel hyperplasia on LL3.

      37 Chapter 50Figure 50.1 CPD Activity Log.

      38 Chapter