Textbook for Orthodontic Therapists. Ceri Davies

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Название Textbook for Orthodontic Therapists
Автор произведения Ceri Davies
Жанр Медицина
Издательство Медицина
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781119565437

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      62  59 Medical Emergencies 59.1 Common Medical Emergencies in the Dental Practice 59.2 Choking Patients 59.3 Cardiac Arrest Patients

      63  60 Eruption Dates 60.1 Deciduous Teeth

      64  61 Extraction Patterns 61.1 Class I Cases 61.2 Class II Cases 61.3 Class III Cases 61.4 Balancing and Compensating Extractions

      65  62 Tooth Fusion and Gemination 62.1 Treatment

      66  63 Extra Notes

      67  64 Definitions

      68  Index

      69  End User License Agreement

      List of Tables

      1 Chapter 21Table 21.1 Histology of a light force.Table 21.2 Histology of an excessive force.

      2 Chapter 25Table 25.1 Cephalometric average values for Caucasians (Eastman standard). Fo...

      3 Chapter 34Table 34.1 Weighting factors of each component.

      4 Chapter 35Table 35.1 Space required to level the occlusal curve.

      5 Chapter 39Table 39.1 Clinical situations for interceptive treatment.Table 39.2 Procedure for serial extractions.

      6 Chapter 59Table 59.1 DRS ABCDETable 59.2 Most common medical emergencies.

      7 Chapter 60Table 60.1 Eruption and calcification dates for deciduous teeth.Table 60.2 Eruption and calcification dates for permanent teeth.

      List of Illustrations

      1 Chapter 1Figure 1.1 Standard edgewise bracket. The same bracket is used for every too...Figure 1.2 First‐, second‐, and third‐order bends.Figure 1.3 A Begg appliance. The components of the bracket are labelled.Figure 1.4 How the Begg appliance works. (a) The teeth are tipped into the d...Figure 1.5 Preadjusted edgewise brackets.Figure 1.6 Self‐ligating appliance.Figure 1.7 Typhodont showing Harmony lingual appliance.

      2 Chapter 2Figure 2.1 Skeletal class I.Figure 2.2 Skeletal class II.Figure 2.3 Skeletal class III.Figure 2.4 Vertical plane measurements: frontal view.Figure 2.5 Vertical plane measurements: right profile.Figure 2.6 Transverse plane: frontal view looking for any asymmetry.Figure 2.7 Transverse plane: frontal view looking for any asymmetry with a s...Figure 2.8 The different profile patterns.

      3 Chapter 3Figure 3.1 Class I molar relationship.Figure 3.2 Class II molar relationship.Figure 3.3 Class III molar relationship.Figure 3.4 Incisor relationship class I.Figure 3.5 Incisor relationship class II div I.Figure 3.6 Incisor relationship class II div II.Figure 3.7 Incisor relationship class III.Figure 3.8 Class I canine relationship.Figure 3.9 Class II canine relationship.Figure 3.10 Class III canine relationship.

      4 Chapter 10Figure 10.1 Missing UR2 with peg lateral.Figure 10.2 Upper occlusal intra‐oral photograph showing missing U5s with re...Figure 10.3 Dental panoramic tomograph showing all missing 5s and retained d...Figure 10.4 Dental panoramic tomograph showing missing upper left second pre...Figure 10.5 Dental panoramic tomograph of missing lower left second premolar...Figure 10.6 Dental panoramic tomograph showing missing upper lateral incisor...Figure 10.7 Hawley with pontic for UR2.Figure 10.8 Hawley in situ with pontic for UR2.Figure 10.9 Dental panoramic tomograph showing missing lower central incisor...

      5 Chapter 11Figure 11.1 Upper occlusal standard radiograph. Unerupted mesiodens lying be...Figure 11.2 Upper occlusal intra‐oral photograph. Mesioden erupting palatal ...Figure 11.3 Upper occlusal intra‐oral photograph showing supplemental tooth....Figure 11.4 Dental panoramic tomograph showing supplemental tooth in the low...Figure 11.5 Dental panoramic tomograph showing odontome present around the l...

      6 Chapter 12Figure 12.1 Digital panoramic tomograph showing impacted upper right canine....Figure 12.2 Upper standard occlusal radiograph of impacted upper right canin...Figure 12.3 Upper occlusal intra‐oral radiograph: open exposure.Figure 12.4 Upper occlusal intra‐oral radiograph: closed exposure.

      7 Chapter 14Figure 14.1 Normal overbite.Figure 14.2 Increased overbite.Figure 14.3 Decreased overbite.Figure 14.4 Incomplete overbite.Figure 14.5 Incomplete overbite.Figure 14.6 Complete overbite.Figure 14.7 Complete overbite.

      8 Chapter 15Figure 15.1 Mild anterior openbite.Figure 15.2 Moderate anterior openbite.Figure 15.3 Severe anterior openbite.Figure 15.4 Posterior openbite.

      9 Chapter 16Figure 16.1 Posterior crossbite on UL7, UL6, and UL5, with buccal crossbite ...Figure 16.2 Anterior crossbite on UL1, UL2, and UR2, with poor oral hygiene....Figure 16.3 Lingual crossbite (scissorbite) present on UR4.Figure 16.4 Fixed digit dissuader. Quadhelix incorporated with digit deterre...Figure 16.5 Removable digit dissuader.Figure 16.6 Quadhelix.Figure 16.7 Rapid maxillary expansion.

      10 Chapter 17Figure 17.1 Centric view of an upper midline shift.

      11 Chapter 18Figure 18.1 Increased overjet on pre‐treatment study model.Figure 18.2 Right