My Only Desire. Adrianne Byrd

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Название My Only Desire
Автор произведения Adrianne Byrd
Жанр Короткие любовные романы
Серия Mills & Boon Kimani
Издательство Короткие любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781408905753

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just crying into her pillow about a secret crush gone south. Much better.

      Taariq opened the driver’s door and smiled at her as he climbed in next to her. It was amazing how his frame and his presence just filled up the space. It almost took her breath away. She cocked her head and stared at him. How come she had never really noticed him before? The question fumbled in her mind while he put the keys in the ignition. Maybe it was because she’d always seen him just in passing—and then only a couple of times.

      “Are you ready?”

      Good God. His black gaze was absolutely mesmerizing.

      She eased across the seat and lifted his arm and then draped it around her shoulders. “I’m more than ready,” she purred with her gaze drifting down to his full lips. Damn. He even had a perfectly shaped mouth. I wonder what he tastes like.

      No sooner had the thought crossed her mind was she leaning in close, puckering her lips.

      Taariq smiled and rolled with it.

      Pure chocolate with rum filling. She released a long, winding moan while lifting her hands to cup his handsome face. Jeez. She could drink from his lips for the rest of her life as far as she was concerned. Nothing she had ever tasted had been so rich and decadent. Anna inched closer and moaned louder.

      Taariq’s arm fell from her shoulders and then looped around her waist. In the next second, his moans mingled with hers. Soon they both forgot about their need for oxygen, they just fed from each other’s mouths as if they were each other’s manna from heaven.

      When Anna couldn’t starve her lungs of oxygen any longer, she eased back and gasped for air. “Oh, my. You taste really good.” Did she say that right? It kind of sounded slurred to her own ears.

      “You’re pretty delicious yourself, baby.” He winked and finally started up the car.

      Instead of easing back over to the passenger side, Anna chose to snuggle up against Taariq’s broad shoulders. To her delight they were as strong and comfortable as she had imagined. She sighed and closed her eyes. Even then her head was still spinning like a carousel.

      “So where am I going?” Taariq asked.

      “Spelman dorms,” she murmured and then gave her building number. She shifted a bit, but only so that she could sink further into the crook of his arm. Once she found her spot, she was in heaven.

      “Are you all right?”

      “Uh, hmm.” She sighed. “I’m just getting comfortable.”

      “All right.” He chuckled and then pressed a kiss against the top of her head.

      Aww. How sweet. She slid her arms around his waist like he was her favorite teddy bear. No doubt if she wasn’t slightly liquored up at this moment she would’ve thought her being all hugged up with a guy that she hardly knew was highly inappropriate. Her parents raised her with more sense than this. It was just … well, it just felt right to be where she was. Especially after what’s-his-name broke her heart tonight.

      What was his name again? Anna frowned as she tried to get her brain to rifle through her mental Rolodex. Charlie. The name finally floated upward, but it didn’t give her anything close to the feeling she was experiencing right now with Taariq.

      While Anna marinated on that thought for a moment, she could feel the vehicle roll to a stop. A second later the engine shut off.

      “Anna?” Another kiss was pressed to her head before there was a gentle shake to arouse her. “Are you awake, baby?”


      “We’re here,” Taariq murmured softly and then waited for her response. When he didn’t get one, he shook her again. “Baby?”

      Anna moaned and then stretched. When her thick fan of lashes opened, she drank in his handsome features. “Hey,” she moaned as if waking up to him was completely normal.

      Taariq chuckled softly as he shook his head. “Hey, yourself. So you think that you can walk up to your dorm room or should I carry you?”

      She snuggled closer. “Like if we were on our honeymoon? ”

      “Uh … oookay,” Taariq hedged. “Exactly how much did you drink tonight?”

      Anna rolled her eyes while her smile slid wider. “Oh, I don’t know. A couple?”

      His laughter deepened. “Just a couple?”

      “Something like that.” She twirled a finger in her hair as she finally pulled herself out from underneath his arm. “Should we go up?”

      Taariq’s brows arched upward. “Do you think that you can make it?”

      She frowned at the silly question. “What do you mean? I’m fine.”

      He gave her a dubious look but then pulled the keys out of the ignition and climbed out of the car. Since she was practically in his seat, he offered a hand to help her out from his side, as well.

      “Whoo,” Anna said, almost tumbling. Something must be wrong with her legs and why was the street moving?

      Taariq kept an arm wrapped around her waist. “Are you sure that you’re okay?”

      Anna righted herself by clinging to him. “Yeah. Never better.” She giggled for a moment and then became fixated on his mouth again. His perfect … luscious … mouth. She lifted her finger and then lazily brushed it across the bottom. “I want to kiss you again,” she whispered.

      Still highly amused, Taariq laughed while he maneuvered to shut the SUV door behind her.

      “Mmm-hmm.” She bobbed her head like a little girl.

      “You’re adorable, do you know that?”

      Her smile melted as she dropped her gaze. “Adorable … but not beautiful.” The thought disheartened her. That was probably the main reason what’s-his-name preferred Roxanne over her. She was and would always be the plain

      Jane with the brains. Suddenly Anna felt like a joke. She glanced down at her tight attire and felt a wave of embarrassment wash over her.

      Taariq took hold of her chin and lifted it until their eyes met. “You’re both. Beautiful and adorable.” He kissed the tip of her nose. “I’m sure you already knew that.”

      Anna shook her head even though his gaze only reflected truth. He really believes that. Her smile returned and as a reward Taariq lowered his head and pulled her soft lips in for a kiss. Her body slumped against him while every troubled thought she had melted away.

      There was a shuffle of feet somewhere before someone shouted, “Y’all get a room somewhere. Damn!”

      Taariq smiled against her lips before pulling back. “Let’s get you to your room.”

      “That sounds like a plan,” she said, releasing her inner sex kitten.

      He just smiled as he walked and supported her with his arm still wrapped around her waist. She did pretty well if you considered her inability to walk a straight line and she seemed to catch a serious case of the giggles halfway up to her dorm room. When she got her door open, Taariq took his cue to pull away. “Maybe I can call and check on you tomorrow? ”

      Anna’s face twisted in disappointment. “You’re leaving?”

      “Yeah.” He reached up and brushed a lock of hair away from her face. “I think you need to get a good night’s sleep.”

      “Nooo.” She tugged him into the small room by his shirt. “I want you to stay,” she purred.

      “Trust me. I’d love to stay. But I don’t think that’s really a good idea.”

      “Oh, really?” She kicked the door shut and started pulling up his shirt. “I thought that you wanted to see some of my other moves.” Anna started swaying