You Had Me At Bonjour. Jennifer Bohnet

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Название You Had Me At Bonjour
Автор произведения Jennifer Bohnet
Жанр Короткие любовные романы
Издательство Короткие любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781472096500

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      Colette surprised me today after French conversation by asking me to have lunch with her. She wanted to pick my brains about moving to London. Where was the best to live. How expensive it was etc. She’s quite nice really. Gave her the names of a couple of contacts but told her not to be disappointed if they couldn’t help.

      Before lunch we’d decided that she’d speak in English to me and I would answer her in French. That way we both got some language practice in.

      Have to admit my head was hurting by the time we finished lunch. Only had two glasses of rosé so it couldn’t have been that giving me a headache. Must have been the effort of concentrating on finding all the right French words and phrases.

      19th March.

      I’ve invited Eliosa and Lotta for drinks and nibbles tomorrow evening. Definitely not just aperitifs as I’d quite like them to stay for longer than the prescribed hour. All evening would be good. This thing about having the freedom to do what I want, when I want, is all right but I do miss having family and friends to hang out with.

      20th March.

      Had a lovely evening with the neighbours. Must do it more often.

      26th March.

      Decided I’d better clean the apartment today, ready for Bella’s visit. Am now exhausted.

      28th March.

      Can’t wait for Bella to get here. I’ve done a proper food shop for the first time in weeks. The fridge is stuffed full with rosé, cheeses and other French delights. Including lots of green asparagus – my absolute favourite. Can’t understand the fuss the French make over the white stuff.

      Bella’s doing the car hiring this time so I don’t have to go haring off to Nice to meet her. Expecting her to get to the apartment sometime after midday.

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