It Could Be You: Part 1. Bella Osborne

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Название It Could Be You: Part 1
Автор произведения Bella Osborne
Жанр Контркультура
Издательство Контркультура
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780008331238

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barked his reply. The sound was loud enough to loosen her fillings and she very nearly threw the tray of coffees in the air. Kevin grabbed his quickly. ‘Thank you. Carpe diem.’

      ‘And you, Kevin,’ she called over her shoulder and she speed-walked in the direction of the office.

      When she arrived, Alex was hovering by their desks wearing a smart white shirt, dark tie and khaki chinos. Regan smirked at his outfit. He was definitely trying to impress the management. She could see he was looking flustered as she approached. ‘I’m sorry. Jarvis is playing games. The shit let me sleep in.’

      ‘You could set an alarm clock,’ said Alex, pulling his coffee from the tray.

      ‘I don’t like—’ but Regan didn’t get to finish her sentence. Alex pulled the coffee from the tray and it got a few centimetres from the desk before the lid parted company with the cup. The cup bounced on the desk and, in spectacular fashion, doused the front of Alex’s trousers with hot coffee. Alex gulped in air, making a noise like a train braking. Regan tried hard to stifle her laughter, but it was too funny.

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