The Greek's Bought Wife. HELEN BIANCHIN

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Название The Greek's Bought Wife
Автор произведения HELEN BIANCHIN
Жанр Современная зарубежная литература
Издательство Современная зарубежная литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781472031563

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became a welcome distraction as she fielded media enquiries, perused and signed relevant paperwork, and applied considerable effort towards choosing something suitable to wear on the day.

      A day that came around far too quickly for her peace of mind, and one that began with a leisurely shared breakfast with Claire and Felipe at their hotel. Followed at her mother’s insistence by a pampering session, massage, lunch, facial, hair treatment…the works.

      A thoughtful gesture, gifted with the intention of helping her relax and unwind, after which they returned to Claire and Felipe’s hotel suite in order to change and drive to Nic’s Rose Bay home.

      Tina had chosen an ivory silk dress with a beautifully crafted bodice, spaghetti straps, whose skirt was a dream in layered chiffon. There was a stylish matching ivory silk jacket. Stiletto heels in matching ivory completed the outfit, and she added an emerald drop pendant and ear-studs.

      A small intimate family wedding involved Stacey and Paul Leandros, Claire and Felipe, the celebrant, together with the bride and groom, and was held in the large study of Nic’s elegant Rose Bay home.

      A setting that added formality to the occasion as Tina stood at Nic’s side.

      The wide diamond-encrusted wedding ring felt strange on her finger, and she hid her surprise as Nic held out a gold band for her to slide onto his finger. Somehow it seemed an unexpected gesture, given the nature of their union.

      So too was the brush of his lips to her cheek…until she registered the camera flash and realised both Stacey and Claire had taken photos.

      Afterwards there was champagne, which she declined, and she sipped something light and innocuous as she stood beside the tall, immaculately suited man who was now her husband.

      It was too late for second thoughts…and, heaven knew, she had plenty! Such as where was her sanity when she agreed to become Tina Leandros.

      Already she was playing the pretend game. So too, she observed, was everyone else in the elegant lounge room.

      Nic, because he’d achieved his objective. Stacey and Paul, for now the child of the son they’d had together would legitimately become part of the Leandros family. Claire, because she loved her daughter and wanted only for Tina to be in a caring relationship.

      Claire, the eternal optimist, who undoubtedly held the hope care would develop into affection and become love.

      As if that were going to happen!

      ‘Shall we leave?’ Nic suggested smoothly, and received murmurs of assent.

      Dinner at an exclusive city restaurant where the façade would continue, Tina accorded. Although was it a façade? Claire and Stacey seemed to have struck up a friendship, and Felipe appeared at ease in Paul and Nic’s company.

      In hindsight it was a pleasant evening. The venue, the food were superb; so too was the service.

      Nic had inherited his father’s genes, for both men shared a similar height and breadth of shoulder. There was a camaraderie between them, an equality and evident respect.

      Apparent, too, was the love Paul had for his wife. It was there in the way he smiled, the light touch of his hand, the gleaming depth in his eyes.

      To an onlooker their tableau would appear a convivial gathering of three couples who were very good friends.

      Which simply went to show appearances were deceptive, for who would guess the bride and groom were barely acquainted, or that until this evening each set of parents had never met?

      It was late when they left the restaurant, parted with affection, and went their separate ways.

      Nic unlocked the Lexus, saw Tina seated, then walked round to slide in behind the wheel. Within seconds he fired the engine and eased the car into the flow of traffic.

      ‘Nothing to say?’

      Tina cast his profile a measured look. In the semidarkness of the car’s interior his facial features were all angles and planes.

      ‘I’m all talked out.’

      ‘That bad?’

      Bad didn’t work for her, for the evening had been superficially pleasant. Except she’d been all too aware of the well-hidden undercurrents associated with the marriage and its celebration.

      ‘Everything was absolutely fabulous.’ She transferred her attention to the scene beyond the windscreen, focusing on the well-lit street and the cars traversing it.

      ‘Definitely overkill.’

      Did his voice hold a tinge of humour, or was it just her imagination?

      The day began to catch up with her…the trepidation, doubts, together with several nights of insufficient sleep. It became almost impossible to keep her eyes open, and after a few minutes she didn’t even try.

      Tina recalled stirring, and settling into a more comfortable position…then nothing as she sank into deep, dreamless slumber.

      When she woke sunlight was edging through the wooden shutters, and for a few seconds she had no idea where she was. Then memory returned, and with it the knowledge she was in a large bed in the suite Nic had allocated her in an upstairs wing of his home.

      The first shock was registering the time…the next, becoming aware she’d been divested of her clothes, with the exception of bra, briefs, tights and half-slip.

      Dammit, he must have carried her indoors and put her to bed.

      Great. So much for personal privacy.

      Shower, dress, something to eat, then she’d be out the door and on her way to Double Bay…in less than an hour. Hopefully without encountering Nic Leandros.

      She almost made it. Would have if she hadn’t encountered Nic in the kitchen about to pour what was presumably his second coffee for the morning.

      ‘Sleep well?’

      No one had the right to look so darn good at this hour. Freshly shaven, hair groomed, dark trousers, blue shirt and dark blue tie, suit jacket loosely folded over the back of a chair: Nic projected an enviable aura of power.

      Tina sent him a telling look. ‘You should have woken me last night, instead of putting me to bed.’

      ‘You don’t believe I tried?’

      ‘Not hard enough.’

      She hadn’t stirred once…as he’d lifted her from the car, carried her upstairs, nor when he’d laid her down onto the bed and carefully removed her shoes and outer clothes. Tiredness related to pregnancy?

      He indicated the carafe. ‘Coffee?’

      The aroma teased her senses, taunted her with anticipation of how it would taste, and she shook her head. ‘Can’t have caffeine.’

      His gaze narrowed fractionally as he took in her pale features, the dark smudges beneath her eyes.

      ‘You’ll find several blends of tea in the pantry.’ He swept a hand towards the refrigerator. ‘Fix whatever you want to eat.’

      ‘Don’t have time.’ Memo to self: unearth or buy an alarm clock.

      His gaze sharpened. ‘Make time.’

      Tina rolled her eyes. ‘I’ll grab some fruit and yoghurt when I open the boutique.’

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