Sexually Satisfied. Melissa Randall

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Название Sexually Satisfied
Автор произведения Melissa Randall
Жанр Эротическая литература
Издательство Эротическая литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780758282880

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one, too. I’d temped as a receptionist at this accounting firm before, it ranked high on my list of mind-numbing jobs.

      After dropping off the file, I ducked into the ladies’ room. I couldn’t stand it any longer; I had to get some relief. I locked myself in a stall and unbuttoned my blouse. I pulled down my bra and rubbed my thumbs over my nipples until they stiffened. I was breathing hard, thinking of David’s large hands cupping and gently squeezing my breasts. I pulled up my skirt and slid my hand down my panty hose. I rubbed my pussy through my panties and felt the deep throbbing intensify. I slipped my fingers under the elastic and caressed my swollen clit, slowly at first and then harder and faster…David’s cock, pumping harder and faster…and I came so hard it was almost painful. I pressed my other hand against my mouth to stifle my scream.

      “Anita, I don’t know what to do. It’s been nearly a week and David hasn’t called. I’ve almost given up. I guess it was just a one-night stand. I know I shouldn’t care so much, but I’m really disappointed.”

      “Come on, he’s a very busy guy. I’m sure he’ll call. I’ll bet he’s been thinking about you as much as you’ve been thinking about him.”

      I laughed weakly. “Yeah, right. I guess I should be glad I had that one night with him. It’s something to remember when I’m old and decrepit.”

      “I still think you shouldn’t give up. But let’s do something fun this weekend to take your mind off him. How about a club Saturday night?”

      “Sure, sounds good,” I replied, trying to sound enthusiastic. “Thanks for listening, Anita. Give me a call later this week, and we’ll get together Saturday night.”

      I hung up and puttered around the apartment, trying to force David out of my mind.

      “What did you expect?” sniped Miss Prudence. “Of course he’s not going to call. He got what he wanted from you—and it was way too easy.”

      “He was very hot for you, and he still is,” countered Miss Hornypants. “He wants to see you again. Why sit around waiting for his call? You can call him.”

      This obvious fact startled me out of my reverie. Of course I could call him—why hadn’t I thought of it earlier? If he blew me off, it would be embarrassing, but at least I’d know where things stood.

      I picked up my cell phone and flipped it open. Then I remembered—I didn’t have his phone number.

      “He never gave it to you—a good sign that he had no interest in seeing you again.” Miss Prudence sounded smug.

      “Maybe not. After all, you never asked him for his number,” Miss Hornypants pointed out. “You could call his office.”

      Another brilliant suggestion from Miss H. For some reason I always ended up following her advice and ignoring Miss P.

      I flipped open the phone book and found Wentworth Properties. My palms sweated as I punched in the number. I negotiated my way through the automated directory and finally reached a human. “David Wentworth, please,” I stammered. I half expected the operator to decline my request, but she immediately connected me. I braced myself, waiting for the sound of David’s voice.

      “David Wentworth’s office. Elizabeth Stone speaking,” said an efficient feminine voice.

      “Oh…hi. I’d like to speak to David Wentworth, please.”

      “Mr. Wentworth is out of town. I’m his assistant. May I help you?”

      “Um, no. I’m just a friend. Do you know when he’ll be back?”

      “I’m sorry, his plans are uncertain. May I take a message?”

      “Uhhh…no message. I’ll just try again next week.”

      I hung up abruptly. David had gone out of town without even telling me. That was it. He definitely didn’t want to see me again. I closed my eyes and bit my lip, trying to push away the waves of disappointment and humiliation. Just let it go, Gillian…just move on.

      It was close to midnight, but I still couldn’t sleep. I turned the light on and picked up the latest Sue Grafton mystery. Kinsey Millhone was a woman facing real problems. I became completely absorbed in her story.

      When my cell phone rang I nearly jumped out of my skin. Who could be calling so late? Probably Anita or someone calling the wrong number.

      I flipped open the phone. “Hi, it’s Gillian.” I yawned.

      “Gillian, it’s David.”

      I nearly said, “David who?” A split second later, I sat bolt upright. “David! It’s so great to hear from you,” I gushed.

      “I’m sorry to call so late. I’ve been in Boston all week, dealing with this damned condo project.” He sounded very tired.

      “That’s okay, I understand. I was awake when you called.” I felt flushed with happiness.

      “I’ve been thinking about you a lot, Gillian. And I get hard every time I think of you.”


      “Really. That night with you—and that morning—was incredible.”

      “Yes, it was. I’ve been thinking about you, too,” I purred.

      “I’m coming back to New York tomorrow night. My flight gets in pretty late, but I thought I could pick you up on the way from the airport to my apartment—”

      “Yes!” I blurted out.

      David laughed. His laughter was so rare it felt like a triumph every time I coaxed it from him. “I look forward to it. I’ll see you tomorrow night,” he said.

      “Wait, David.” I didn’t want the conversation to end so quickly. “I thought you might like to know what I’m wearing right now—a black silk teddy with red lace.” (I was actually wearing a faded pink cotton nightshirt with a large coffee stain on the front.)

      “Gillian…” His breathing deepened and quickened.

      “Are you hard right now, David?”

      “Extremely hard.”

      “Good. I want you to take your cock out and stroke it for me.”

      I waited a moment. He gave a little groan. “I’m stroking it. God, I wish you were here.”

      “So do I. I’ve pulled the top of my teddy down…. I’m playing with my hard nipples….”

      “Oh, darling, I wish I could see you….”

      “Hold on, I’m going to take the teddy off completely. There. I’m spreading my legs…and now my lips. My pussy is very warm and wet. If you were here right now, what would you do to me?”

      His breathing was ragged. “I’d run my tongue all over your body…from your throat down to your breasts and then across your belly to your sweet pussy. I’d kiss your pussy and tease your clit with my tongue….”

      “David, I want you so much.” I felt completely out of control. My fingers were wet with my juice. “I want your cock in me. I want you to explode in my pussy…I want your cum. Give it to me, David…give me all of your cum….” A cry please give me moreburst from my throat as he let out a long, deep moan. For a minute the only sound was our harsh breathing.

      “Oh, that was good.” I sighed. “Did you like it?”

      “I loved it. Gillian, I have to go now. I’ll see you tomorrow night. I’ll call you on my way from the airport.” His tone was suddenly abrupt and distant.

      “Oh, okay.” I tried to hide the disappointment in my voice. He’s tired, I told myself. “Good night, David. I look forward to tomorrow night.”

      I turned off the light and tried to sleep, but once again thoughts of David kept me awake. I was