Sexually Satisfied. Melissa Randall

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Название Sexually Satisfied
Автор произведения Melissa Randall
Жанр Эротическая литература
Издательство Эротическая литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780758282880

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Half the time he doesn’t seem very interested. I’m beginning to wonder if he’s cheating on me. These frigging fashion photographers are so spoiled. Some of them try to lay every model they meet, and most of the time they succeed.”

      “Dump him, Anita! You could find another guy in five seconds flat.”

      “Maybe. But could I find a great guy like David Wentworth? You’re so lucky. When are you going to see him again?”

      “Not sure…he said he’d call me soon.” I felt a sudden plunging sensation in my stomach. I’ll call you soon—the lame kiss-off so many men used. “Oh, god, Anita, what if he doesn’t? I mean, I fucked his brains out on the first date. Maybe that’s all he wanted, a hot one-night stand—”

      “Don’t think like that,” Anita scolded. “If the sex was that great he’ll be back for more. Besides, you have a lot to offer. I’ll bet he’s interested in you, not just your body.”

      “I don’t know.” I felt overwhelmed with doubt. “But there’s nothing I can do about it. Waiting for his call might just kill me.”

      “It’s time for serious distraction.” Anita scooped up her purse and stood. “Let’s go shopping. There’s a great new secondhand boutique down the street. They have all kinds of cool stuff from the fifties and sixties.”

      “All right. I can’t afford anything, but at least I can look.”

      Anita persuaded me to buy a sheer black lace blouse for $20. “Don’t wear a bra underneath…. It will drive David crazy,” she said.

      “You’re a shameless vixen.” I laughed. “I do want him to notice my personality, not just my bouncing boobs.”

      “Trust me, you’ll have his full attention if you wear that blouse.”

      “Let’s get out of here before I’m tempted to spend more money I don’t have.”

      We ambled down West Fourteenth Street, enjoying the warm sunshine and cool breeze. The heat and humidity had finally broken; it was possible to walk three blocks without ending up drenched in sweat.

      Anita suddenly gasped and grabbed my arm. I followed her stare. Across the street two men were emerging from Antonio’s, a hot new gay bar. The cute blond guy looked very familiar…. “Oh, my god, it’s Steve,” I whispered. The other man was a tall, slender young Asian. Anita and I watched in shock as the two men embraced and briefly kissed. I nearly passed out.

      “Hey, Steve!” yelled Anita. He turned around with a startled look. Anita pulled my arm and dragged me to the opposite curb. “Steve, I haven’t seen you in so long,” she cooed. “Aren’t you going to introduce us to your friend?”

      I didn’t think anyone could blush more deeply than I could, but Steve surpassed me. He resembled a tomato with sunburn. “Uh, hi, Anita, Gillian,” he stammered. “This is my friend Oliver.”

      I didn’t know what to say beyond a mumbled “hello.” Anita ratcheted up the sarcasm. “How nice to meet you, Oliver. You and Steve look so cute together. Have you known each other long?”

      “Just a few weeks.”

      Oliver looked baffled; he clearly had no clue about what was going on.

      “Anita!” I hissed.

      She ignored me. “And where did you meet?”

      “On the set of Nights of Passion. I’m a new writer for the show.” Oliver looked increasingly uncomfortable. Steve was staring at the pavement.

      “Anita, we really should go. Nice to meet you, Oliver; good to see you, Steve,” I babbled. I yanked Anita’s arm and dragged her away.

      As soon as we turned the corner, we looked at each other and burst into laughter. “Well, that explains a lot,” said Anita. “No wonder Steve didn’t enjoy sex with you—you don’t have a penis!”

      This set us off again. I wiped tears from my eyes. “I had absolutely no clue. It’s quite a shock…but at least I found out fairly soon. I mean, what if I’d found out after a year or two?”

      “Or after you got engaged or married…. That happened to an Italian model I worked with in Paris. She was devastated.”

      “And just think…if Steve hadn’t dumped me when he did, I never would have hooked up with David.”

      “You have good karma, Gillian. Things always work out for the best for you.”

      The surprises weren’t over. A few hours later my cell phone rang, and I answered immediately, convinced it was David. It was the last person I had expected—Steve.

      “Gillian…look…I just wanted to explain….”

      I didn’t know how to respond, or even how to feel. I felt torn between anger, surprise, amusement, and sympathy.

      “Were you sleeping with men while you were dating me?” I asked abruptly.

      “No, I swear it. Look, the truth is that I’ve always been attracted to men, but I’ve tried to fight it. You know my background, Gillian. My parents are right-wing Christians…not exactly gay friendly. I thought I could be happy with the right woman. And I did care about you, Gillian. You know that’s true.”

      I did know. “Okay. I’m still stunned by all of this, but I understand. Sort of.”

      Steve released a sigh. “Thanks, Gillian. I felt like such a shit when I broke up with you. I thought about explaining everything to you that night, but I decided it would just make things worse.”

      “You’re right, it probably would have. But how are you going to deal with your parents?”

      “I’m visiting them in Virginia next month, and I’ll come out then. If they can’t accept me…well, that will be their problem. I can’t keep lying anymore.”

      “Good luck, Steve. You have a lot to offer, and Oliver is lucky to have you.”

      “Thanks, Gillian. I hope you meet a great guy soon.”

      “Actually I already have. I met David Wentworth at Aunt Mary’s house and I’ve been dating him.” I felt and sounded more than a little smug.

      “David Wentworth! Way to go, Gillian!” He sounded genuinely glad and genuinely impressed.

      “Well, we’ve only had one date, but we really hit it off.”

      “If he’s smart, he’ll hang on to you. There aren’t many women like you around, Gillian.”

      “Thanks. It’s nice to be appreciated, even by a gay ex-boyfriend. Now tell me more about Oliver. He’s very cute.”

      Steve gushed like a thirteen-year-old with his first crush. I felt really happy for him. It was hard to believe that I could feel this way after the devastation I’d experienced just a week before.

      Steve and I agreed to get together for lunch. I hung up the phone and continued the endless wait for the one call that would make me happy.


      David softly stroked my inner thigh. “I’m going to make you so wet, Gillian,” he whispered. “I’m going to tease you until you’re hot and excited and begging for my hard cock. Then I’m going to pump it into you, slowly at first, and then faster—I’m going to make you come over and over again. And when I’m ready to come I’m going to pull my cock out and spurt all over your breasts…. Then I’ll straddle your face so you can lick my balls and suck the head of my cock until I’m hard again….”

      “Gillian? Gillian? Gillian!”

      I was rudely awakened from my fantasy. “I’m sorry, Mr. Conley. What can I do for you?” I shifted uncomfortably in my chair to relieve the tingling between my legs. I now understood the agony felt by guys with