Along Bible Paths:. Henry E. Neufeld

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Название Along Bible Paths:
Автор произведения Henry E. Neufeld
Жанр Религия: прочее
Издательство Религия: прочее
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781938434174

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      “The Kingdom of Heaven is like...”

      “The Kingdom of Heaven is like...”

      Matthew 13:24 (WEB)

      Yesterday I learned that the Kingdom of Heaven is in me even though I am ‘way imperfect! Today, God led me to the parables in Matthew 13 to read how Jesus tries to tell what the Kingdom of Heaven is like. Take out your Bible and join me in Matthew 13:

      vv. 24-30 God sows His good Word in my heart. He teaches me so that good fruit (check Galatians 5) will grow in me. The enemy also sows seeds; destructive seeds. God does not prevent the seeds from being sown. He could but He doesn’t. Remember in Matthew 5 that Jesus even said that the sun and rain comes to evil and good. Not until Judgment Day does sifting harvest occur.

      vv. 31-32 God may call me to the smallest of jobs by the world’s standard but God can take that small, insignificant seed and make it BIG in His Kingdom.

      vv. 33 The yeast of God’s goodness can work all through me and affect everything that I do. Remember Jesus also warned that yeast not of Him can also affect me. (yeast of the Pharisees, Luke 12:1)

      vv. 44-45 When you find the treasure in your walk with God – it is worth whatever the price. You may think you have lost the big home, many clothes, big vacations, but you will find what will never rust or decay in Jesus.

      vv. 47-50 The Kingdom of Heaven has all kinds of fish. Jesus casts His net wide and long. It is at Judgment Day that the fish will be divided, until then, we are all together!

      vv. 52 Jesus ends this series of parables telling us that in the storeroom we bring out new and old treasures. In my heart, Jesus will bring treasures that have remained fresh for 2000 years. He will also bring new treasures that do not replace the old but, in fact, bring a bountiful harvest in my heart.

      The Kingdom of Heaven is here and now in me and that means it is not the perfection that it will become when Jesus comes as King of Kings. How the Kingdom will live and grow in me depends on my choices. All that I need to glorify God’s Kingdom is available to me – but will I choose to follow Jesus and build the Kingdom by His example and choose my own plan? Seems like a no brain-er but in the choices there will be a ‘letting go’ of what may be easy and what may be expected by the world.

      The Kingdom of Heaven – it’s where there is God’s grace and mercy. Is it in me?

      July 18

      A Kingdom of Heaven Life

      Jesus answered, “My Kingdom is not of this world. If my Kingdom were of this world, then my servants would fight, that I wouldn’t be delivered to the Jews. But now my Kingdom is not from here.” Pilate therefore said to him, “Are you a king then?” Jesus answered, “You say that I am a king. For this reason I have been born, and for this reason I have come into the world, that I should testify to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth listens to my voice.” Pilate said to him, “What is truth?”

      John 18: 36-38 (WEB, my emphasis)

      This week Jesus has been speaking to me about the Kingdom of Heaven. Frankly, He is trying to get me to lift my eyes off myself and consider how I can live by Kingdom principles.

      One of those principles is about truth. Pilate asked, as many philosophers before him and to the present ask, “What is truth?” Some might say that truth is reality. It is what I can see and/or touch. Truth is much more than that. It is more than a transient moment. Truth should be something that guides how I live.

      “You will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.”

      John 8:32 (WEB)

      When I know something to be true, it can be part of a revelation that I begin to know for what reason I am here.

      Jesus is a truth to me. Someone reading this may dismiss that statement because they feel I am unable to prove Jesus and His reason that He came to seek and save the lost and to testify to that truth. Jesus is as real to me as my husband. His impact on me has been life-changing and forever-changing. I was lost. I am no longer. I don’t have to prove anything more. You would have to dis-prove it to me! The truth of Jesus and that which He has shared with me has set me free.

      A disciple of Jesus is more than a Believer. It is making a daily choice to live a Kingdom of Heaven life in this world. It is walking that choice out as a living testimony to what Jesus is doing today.

      One of my favorite books is The Nun’s Story by Kathryn Hulme. (Audrey Hepburn starred in the movie.) It is the story of the life of a young girl during WWII, who made the decision to become a nun and the subsequent spiritual battle she wages to become the Bride of Christ that is demanded of her. She is told that it is her quest to become so perfect in the Living Rule (the life of service, humility, and chastity to which she has chosen) that a novice coming into the life could follow her and be following what is asked.

      Jesus shows me His perfection and His standard is the only one I should follow as perfect. My walk is far from perfection. It is an imperfect testimony that (I pray) says to anyone looking at me: I walk beside my Savior, humble that He would invite me to do so and joyous that He has given me a Kingdom of Heaven life that can never be destroyed.

      July 19

      3,000 New Believers

      But Peter, standing up with the eleven, lifted up his voice, and spoke out to them,...

      Acts 2:14 (WEB)

      A fisherman, considered to be ‘illiterate’ by the society of his time since he probably wasn’t able to read the Torah and spoke Aramaic, stood up in front of “Jews from every nation under heaven” (Acts 2:5) and spoke! No, preached! Peter filled with the Holy Spirit did not hesitate, did not stutter or stammer. He opened his mouth – and people listened! And what did Peter say in this inspired sermon?

      – Peter tried to explain what had happened. He told the crowd that neither he nor the other eleven were drunk. Why do you think the crowd thought they were drunk? Were they smiling and laughing? Were they dancing in the streets and leaping for joy? Hmmm.

       – Peter quoted the prophet, Joel, reminding the Jews of God’s promises. He said that church as usual was no longer going to be the usual! There would be God’s Spirit present among the Believers and they would be seeing ‘stuff ’ that may be a little...unsettling? Would ’freaky’ be too harsh a word? And people who call on Jehovah God as Lord will be saved from eternal destruction! – God is alive! He is active and present in their lives. He came to earth and cannot be killed. He is alive!

      The people “were cut to the heart” (Acts 2:37). They realized their sinfulness and repented. ’Repent’ means to turn away and not do that any more! The moment that you put down your pride and allow the truth of God to enter’s overwhelming! It’s honestly seeing what you are – a sinner – and it’s also receiving that undeserved love and forgiveness...grace and mercy ...and just leaping for joy – inside and out!

      Peter warned and pleaded with the people to come and make a decision to believe and live their lives for God! “Save yourselves from this corrupt generation.” (Acts 2:40 NIV) In other words, stop going the way of the world and choose a different path – God’s path! Peter pointed to the way to life!

      I don’t know how many