The Joseph Communications: From Here to Infinity. Michael G. Reccia

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Название The Joseph Communications: From Here to Infinity
Автор произведения Michael G. Reccia
Жанр Социология
Издательство Социология
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781456625009

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who they are.

      A good question to start with, and I would say to each person reading this: when you work for the Light you have infinite power because God is infinite, and you are part of God so you are drawing on that power. We gave the number before of one illuminated being combating a million souls who are encased within the Fall, but that was just a number. You are infinitely powerful when you reach inside and send out the Light of God – INFINITELY POWERFUL.

      Each day that you send Light into the world, your confidence will grow: ‘Now I am reaching more souls …now I am reaching more countries …now I am shining Light into the darkest corners of the world …now I am healing the world. But not ‘I’ – the God within me is doing these things and I am a beacon for that Light.’

      This is not an arrogance; it is simply a fact because, as an angelic being, that is your function – to create with Light as you create each day in heavy matter. …You create what is ahead of you …you create with your hands …you create with your mind …you create each second that unfolds before you. As an angelic being you do exactly the same thing except you create with brilliant God-Light that has not been polluted by the effects of that experiment that went wrong, and, as such, you are an infinitely creative being. Is that a sufficient answer?

      David: Yes, thank you.

      Joseph: At this point I would just like to say it is a joy to be connected again and to be transmitting information once more.

      Chapter Two

      Stasis …The Space Between

      Joseph: It is unusual this week in that I have been inspiring Michael with the title of what I wish to speak about and, as usual, he has been avoiding that title in the interests of keeping the message pure – which is a noble thing to do – but I did want to place in his mind the concept of today’s chapter, and the title is …‘The Space Between’.

      The Space Between – because I wish to speak about what happens to a soul once that soul has decided it is going to reincarnate on the Earth again. As we have said in the previous chapter and in previous books, the soul is taken into a quiet state, and its soul memories of being on the Earth are removed from it. Then it is placed into a ‘queue’ that will lead to the beginning of the process of incarnation again on Earth.

      During this time we try to educate the soul so that, even though it has decided to go back to the Earth and relive some of the circumstances of past lives (hopefully this time to get things ‘right’ according to its own vision of things), we are able to influence it to a certain extent through suggestion. It is not the same ‘suggestion’ as you would find, for example, in brainwashing or hypnotism on Earth. It is a gentle influence to reinforce what we have been trying to say to the soul up to this point. In other words: ‘Please make this your last incarnation so that you can move onwards once you come back to the spirit realms, and so that you can also be open to our suggestions when you come back to the spirit realms.’

      There is a benefit of this (and I hope this will explain something that many people on Earth ask us): if we are successful in talking to that soul and in making it see that the earthly path is one that really shouldn’t be trodden (until things have re-established themselves as they were before the Fall) then that soul is able to acquiesce to and embrace a faster track through the Earth plane – a track that will allow it to negate more of the karma it has accrued in past lives. In other words, the soul, at the mid-point between entering stasis and actually incarnating into another earthly life, can see reason even at that point.

      And, if it sees reason through volition and through saying, ‘Yes, I agree to this,’ it can then more easily be placed by the Lords of Karma into a life that will allow it to experience and overcome more of the challenges that have drawn it back into incarnation in the first place.

      So, for example (and this will be contentious, but nevertheless it is so), the soul that finds itself in a condition where it is starving on Earth is actually fast-tracking its karma. It is not necessarily linking with situations from the past where it has starved before, but is linking with karmic situations where it has felt a sensation of lack …I did not have enough in this business situation …I did not have enough in this marriage situation …I did not have enough in this family situation in the way I regarded my siblings, my parents and the rest of my family. And so the ‘starvation’ is not necessarily, for the most part (but can be on occasion), a reflection of a physical starvation with regard to food in past lives, but it is a reflection of starvation in perception by that soul in other areas of past lives which are now being brought to a culmination by this present experience.

      It sounds terribly harsh, doesn’t it? It is not a judgement – it is something that the soul has agreed to, having seen part-way through its period of stasis …its dreaming between worlds as it were… that it would enable it to escape the pull of the Earth plane once that new incarnation is over. So, it is placed in a situation where the most good – not harm – the most good can be done to that soul, with regard to releasing it from the effects of the Fall and successive incarnations, by the life it is about to live.

      There are other examples, of course. Regarding severe handicap, for example, severe handicap is a restriction …not necessarily the restriction that the soul inhabiting a restrictive body has gone through in past lives physically, but, rather a reflection of the restriction the soul has perceived as being around it in past lives and now seeks to liberate itself from. There are lives where, at a certain point in that life, restriction applies itself, or a sudden immobility is created …from one day being fully mobile to being totally immobile the next.

      I would ask you, with your hearts, to examine what I have just said, and you will view souls who are suffering, from your point of view (and from theirs on a conscious level), with a new perception and a new depth as to what is actually taking place.

      What is hoped will happen is that the soul undergoing these trying and challenging circumstances will weary of them, and will come to the point when it passes over that it has had enough of them. It has got out of its system the need to challenge a perceived starvation or a perceived immobility in an area of its physical life. So, it comes back saying: ‘Yes, I understand. I have sufficient soul memory from that time between to allow me to make an informed decision as to whether I will go on or not. I now decide to go on into the spirit realms, to leave physicality behind and to escape the effects of the Fall.’

      Now, of course, this does not happen with each soul in the between state. If it did, then there would be no mobility on the Earth at all as everyone would be restricted because everyone would be facing those aspects of their past lives they came back to re-examine with a view to becoming tired of them …growing beyond them …escaping the effects of the Fall …moving on to the spiritual realms …and then on into Infinity.

      So, we cannot influence every soul – although we do try. Once the soul is in the between-state, we surround it and infuse it with love. We try to hold back the pull of its past lives because, as it nears its new incarnation and the matter becomes denser around the soul, the pull begins …and begins to have more influence. We try, as much as we can, to hold off that influence until the soul is actually born – in order to give it the best possible start in Light, so that it has time to re-evaluate its spiritual status before the effects of the physical world become so heavy on and around it as to pull it back into that cycle of thinking that draws it back to the Earth.

      Where is the between-state?

      …The between-state is ‘no-where’.

      It is not a sphere as such – it is a ‘holding level of being’, if that makes sense. The souls that are coming back have decided to come back, but they cannot instantly incarnate. They have to go through ‘due process’. Neither can they move onwards into the spiritual spheres because they have elected, through free will, not to do so.

      So, they exist where?

      …They exist as a concept.

      They exist