The Joseph Communications: From Here to Infinity. Michael G. Reccia

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Название The Joseph Communications: From Here to Infinity
Автор произведения Michael G. Reccia
Жанр Социология
Издательство Социология
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781456625009

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‘space’ in terms of space between ‘you’ – between aspects of you – doesn’t exist. It is an illusion, and if you strip away that illusion you are viewing the same thing.

      I hope that this helps in your combatting the effects of the Fall because, if you take to heart the meaning of this chapter, you can never look at any other form of life in any other way than as a reflection of yourself. You can never look at any other human being in any other way than as a reflection of yourself. And, in looking at a reflection of yourself, you have to acknowledge what you love about yourself in others. You have to acknowledge the God-Love at your core …you being worthy of it …but also everyone else and everything else being worthy of it too.

      The reason I have given you this explanation at this point is to help you with your Light-meditations, because Light-meditations can be difficult because of the heavy aspects of the illusive landscape that you place around others: ‘I would like to love that person but it is difficult because …they have this type of personality ...they have this type of belief …they are in this part of the world …they have this physical aspect.’

      All these things are illusion.

      There is no space between you.

      There is no distance between you.

      There is no distance between you and God.

      In addition to being able to view people differently, I hope that you can see, in what we are considering today, the closeness of God-power to you. If there is no distance between you and God, if God flows through you constantly and with the same power that He did at the point when you were individualised (as you view it) then you have that amount of power within you to channel across the world in your endeavours to change the world and its people back to the way they were before the Fall.

      In other words, it is not a matter of reaching out at a distance to God and receiving a percentage of Light (perhaps ten per cent or fifty per cent or seventy per cent). It is not that you endeavour and struggle to bring Light into yourself to send out to the world (except in your view of how you are connected with God). If you are connected with God one hundred per cent, if you are part of God one hundred per cent, then the effects of your meditations and your Light-bearing on behalf of others is one hundred per cent. It cannot be otherwise! It is only in the measure that you perceive that ability to bring Light to bear that you diminish the effects of yourself as an angelic being and channeller of God-energy.

      This chapter is important because you need to understand these things in order to:

      Love everything.

      Be a channel for Light to the maximum effect.

      Did the Christ not say, ‘I and the Father are One’ before he brought into being what people regard as miracles? …He said, ‘I and the Father are one’ to focus his attention on the fact that there is no separation and no distance between ourselves and God.

      I and the Father are One …linked, connected, able to create as we have always created since we were created – since we were set apart as a fragment of God within the illusion – so that God can become more whole, more experienced and can evolve, due to our experiences travelling through the landscapes of illusion that we create in order to grow and to raise the One.

      There is only the One.

      What then happens when you set out on a journey? If one of you goes to your door …and gets into a car …and goes to an airport …and flies across a continent …and lands in another country …and takes another car …and finds oneself on a beach or in a hotel somewhere – what then happens?

      …What happens is that you draw the journey to yourself. You place yourself within the illusion of the journey. You place a part of your God-consciousness within the illusion of you entering the car …going to the airport …flying across the continent …getting out of the plane into another car …and going to your final destination. You pull those experiences to yourself from your core, but you perceive them as being the other way round. You perceive them as being experiences that you enter into physically and that the state of experience around you changes – that you are entering different vehicles, that you are entering different countries, that you are arriving somewhere. What you are arriving at is a different experience that you have already placed around yourself in advance.

      So, there is no travelling except as perception, except as involvement within a series of circumstances that you draw towards yourself.

      Three men put themselves into a spaceship and the spaceship is fired off towards the moon. The spaceship lands on the moon and the men get out. They examine the moon and then get back into the spaceship to come back to Earth.


      They don’t!

      …Three spirits decide that that is the experience they wish to have, and so they draw towards themselves the changes in their landscape that allows them to experience the journey to the moon, the moon itself and coming back from the moon.

      Does the moon not exist?

      Well, yes, of course it exists, but it exists within a different malleable landscape than the one that you perceive to be true. It is not the solid matter that you perceive it to be. It feels solid, yes, because you have entered into an acceptance of it as being solid. It feels that it is a certain number of miles away because you have entered into the acceptance that it is a certain number of miles away.

      But, in reality, it is a changing landscape that has been placed temporarily around you so that you can experience it, if you so wish, via the mechanics of illusion that you have as your tools at this time because of the effects of the Fall.

      If you were existing on the Earth as a crystalline sphere with the moon as another sphere of influence within its atmosphere (both of those things having been created by the angelic children as areas of perception and adventure) then, in your purest form, you would go to the moon simply by wishing to be on the moon. You would experience the moon simply by wishing to have the moon play out its ‘advantages’ – with regard to your experience – around you. And, you would return to the sphere of the Earth simply by wishing yourself back in the sphere of the Earth.

      I hope this explains the depths (and ‘depths’ is the right word) to which the illusion has encapsulated itself because of the effects of the Fall. Outside the effects of the Fall there are still myriad landscapes to enjoy. There are still landscapes to journey through, but with a different perception …realising that those beautiful spheres, each one different to the last one, are coming to you and are as a result of your creation …that you do not move through them – they move across your sphere of perception …that they are temporary constructs …that at any time, if you are moving through a landscape and wish to perceive a different aspect of that landscape, you can pass between what seems to be ‘solid’ into another landscape and then back again. There are multiple landscapes available to the ‘spiritual traveller’ in the true sense (i.e. the angelic child that is not trapped in the effects of the Fall).

      …And this landscape is no different.

      This landscape that you perceive as solid, hard and unable to be changed (except by the natural laws of weather and nature around the planet) is, in fact, as malleable and flexible as all the other spirit landscapes throughout the universes were you to believe in it and that, as a spirit, you could put your hand through a rock or a tree or through the illusion of another person. And what is the hand? You are only extending out a point of consciousness into another matrix of consciousness in order to experience. You do not believe, and so the landscape remains what you do believe …unchanging, solid and unable to be influenced by thought, by Love, by Light.

      This is a further point I want to make about your energies as you transmit the Light needed to transform this area back to the way it was before the effects of the Fall. Your energies – being God-energy, being God-Light – are more than capable of reshaping the world because the world as it is