Creating Happiness Intentionally. Sandy MacGregor

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Название Creating Happiness Intentionally
Автор произведения Sandy MacGregor
Жанр Здоровье
Издательство Здоровье
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781456622497

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      Bringing to Australia the greatest leaders in sales and personal development over the last 27 years, to help all Australians, has been my driving passion. Sandy MacGregor is a leader in the personal development field – he shares his powerful story and will show you step-by-step, how to Create Happiness Intentionally.

      Terry Butler

      The Seminar Company

      Sandy’s system really works, and – best of all – his positive impact on your life will last!

      Dr. Denis Waitley

      Author – “The Psychology of Winning”

      Sandy MacGregor gives practical, reflective exercises to enable anyone to identify their life purpose. This book will enlighten many readers – and change lives.

      Robyn Henderson

      Global Networking Specialist

      In 37 years of presenting to world audiences I know how extraordinary events impact profoundly on shaping a person’s character and philosophy of life. Sandy MacGregor is one such person who has grown from his experiences of extreme tragedy and triumph to enable him to coach others to find their Life’s Purpose. I recommend you DO THIS BOOK.

      Jim Rohn

      Trainer and Author – “The Five Major Pieces to the Life Puzzle”

      Copyright 2000 Sandy MacGregor

      Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of study, research, criticism, review or as

      otherwise permitted under the copyright Act, no part may be reproduced

      by any process without written permission of the author.

      First published in Australia August 2000

      Published by

      CALM PTY LTD (ACN 060 570 818) ABN 11199199146

      PO Box 482, Lindfield, NSW 2070, Australia.

      Telephone: (02) 9416 9244 Facsimile: (02) 9416 9012

      e-mail – [email protected]

      Internet Home Page –

      Printed and Bound by

      Southwood Press Pty Limited

      80-92 Chapel Street, Marrickville, NSW, 2204

      Distributed in Australia by

      Capricorn Link (Australia) Pty Ltd

      2/13 Carrington Road, Castle Hill, NSW 2154

      Tapes and Videos Distributed in Australia by

      Specialist Publications

      PO Box 143, Concord, NSW 2137

      Distributed in New Zealand by

      Southern Publishers Group

      PO Box 8360, Symond Street, Auckland

      ISBN 0 9577872 1 9

      Creating Happiness Intentionally


      Sandy MacGregor


      To all those who have generously shared their personal experiences of inner strength including joining in discussions and attending CHI Seminars. You have validated the techniques shared and expressed in this book. Thank you for helping me along my own journey of learning, personal growth and Life’s Purpose.


      I want to give my grateful thanks to David Mason-Jones for his professional advice and writing and editing ideas that have been incorporated in this book.

      My wife Sandra for her love, enthusiasm, encouragement and practical help with, as always, reading, typing and thoughtful suggestions.

      Lorna Stewart for her editing, writing, constant support and her lucid thought process.

      Dr Karen Hutchings – many thanks for her invaluable advice and clear feedback.

      Dennis Ayoub for being a ‘good mate’ and inspiring me with his courage and humour.

      Vivienne Randall for her refreshingly wonderful outlook on life, her helpful feedback and generously allowing me to use her story.

      I am very grateful and thank sincerely those who have given time from their busy and successful lives to support me by endorsing this book.

      There are others too numerous to mention who have helped me along the way and I thank you.


      Chapter 1How We Crave Happiness1

      Chapter 2Square Peg, Round Hole?15

      Chapter 3Building Your Peaceful Place23

      Chapter 4Using Creativity to Find Answers37

      Chapter 5Alone With My Deepest Thoughts42

      Chapter 6 What is Happiness?55

      Chapter 7Fr. Justin Belitz’s Seven F’s64

      Chapter 8What is Frustration?68

      Chapter 9Seven Questions73

      Chapter 10 Some Of The Basic Psychology Of It All78

      Chapter 11More Psychology Fight or Flight86

      Chapter 12This Is Me95

      Chapter 13Happy Synapses for an Emotional Anchor100

      Chapter 14Change112

      Chapter 15My Hopes and Aspirations122

      Chapter 16Creating Positive Energy131

      Chapter 17 Why Are You Reading This Book?146

      Chapter 18 A Journey of a Thousand Miles156

      Chapter 19Values160

      Chapter 20Goals168

      Chapter 21Resolving Conflict Between Goals & Values182

      Chapter 22 Jumble200

      Chapter 23Your Reasons For Wanting Your Goal208

      Chapter 24Balanced Goals217

      Chapter 25Spiritual Purpose or Higher Purpose223

      Chapter 26To Go It Alone Or Do It With Others?238

      Chapter 27Relationships245

      Chapter 28Running Your Own Race254

      Chapter 29Tools – A Little A Lot262

      Chapter 30The Goal Book and Action Plan268

      Chapter 31Life’s Purpose Now280

      Appendix A Books Tapes and Videos289

      Appendix B CALM Seminars 296


      I first met Sandy in early 1994 shortly after the murder of my son Michael. I was in the depths of depression, angry at the world and had revenge as a focus. I approached him knowing that with the murder of his three daughters, he had experienced what I was going through.

      Sandy began to bring some sense to my life to the point where I was prepared to participate in his CALM LIFE SKILLS Seminar. What a profound positive difference this made to my life.

      Sandy has worked with tens of thousands of people, mostly Australian, some of whom faced an enormous range of trials, difficulties and challenges. This has put him in a position to observe closely the strengths and weaknesses of people in all walks of life and recognise the points of character typifying those who are happy and those who are not.

      Since 1990 Sandy has conducted seminars Australia wide and some overseas. He is a man who walks his talk and demonstrates how he values the individual.