The Joseph Communications: Trance Mission. Michael G. Reccia

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Название The Joseph Communications: Trance Mission
Автор произведения Michael G. Reccia
Жанр Социология
Издательство Социология
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781456620561

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painful points. But you have to really and truly want to let go, because another unfortunate effect of the Field is that we become used to the negative things in our life and they become a crutch: ‘I am in pain but I am used to that pain – I am frightened of what else there might be out there. I am in sorrow; I am in poverty but I am used to those things – they have become my perverted friends.’

      You do not need friends like that! You need to let go of those circumstances.

      You will find that, as you do so, when you come back to a physical level you will stand straighter, you will stand tall, you will find that certain of the physical ailments that assail you will disappear faster than they ever could through physical treatment or through pills and potions. You will find that you feel younger, more alive, more alert, more able to take notice of what is happening around you at this moment.

      And what is happening around you at this moment is vitally important because it determines, within your linear existence, what happens to you in the next moment ...and the next moment ...and the next moment.

      Letting go is very difficult for a great many people but it is so vital and people often bury their pains and say: ‘I couldn’t get rid of that because I couldn’t face it. I couldn’t face seeing that pain or experiencing that pain again.’ In those cases you have to be brave, in those cases you have to have to put your hand into God’s hand and say, ‘Father, off we go!’ And you will find that you can remove the baggage from your past and from your aura and from your dense vibrations without the pain that you expected to find there.

      It sounded as you were talking to me like you were saying that things got heavier, and heavier, and heavier. Well, they do in the normal course of things, but in this room we are not experiencing the normal course of things – we are experiencing the spiritual course of things. We are experiencing liberation and it is liberation that I want and the people who work with me want. This is not ‘I’ in the sense of ‘Joseph, the Great I’ – this is Joseph in the sense of Joseph the spokesperson that wants you to be free, wants you to be happy, wants you to be peaceful and wants you, more than anything, to come home. We don’t want you to be here – not for life ...after life ...after life ...after life. We want you to come home, and this is why I am speaking this evening and this is why I am using someone else’s physical facilities to get through to you. Have I answered your question?

      Questioner: Yes, thank you.

      Tony Clarkson: Can I ask a question further to that question?

      Joseph: Yes.

      Tony: This denseness and heaviness that accumulates, can it come from before life or can it come also from external sources like the Astral Plane?

      Joseph: That is an excellent question and it is a long answer. Consider this: if you drag with you baggage from one life and have not learned by the end of that life to let go of it, isn’t it reasonable to assume that you will also drag cumulative baggage that relates to the physical with you so that when you reincarnate it is waiting for you as a ‘nice present’? …But not from anyone else – from yourself! You have not yet decided that you have had enough of these circumstances and so you drag them around with you. It is inevitable if you come back into a physical body and you have not yet worked those things away from you that they come to visit you and to haunt you once again.

      As I explained earlier, there is also a problem with low vibrations. When you become low, when you become upset, when you become disturbed or in pain then you resonate at a certain low level. And, unfortunately, there are existing at a similar level various thought-forms, various entities, various spirits who have not learned, who find you a very attractive ‘snack’ indeed, who regard the vibrations that you are putting out as something that will draw them closer to the physical; and so they try to anchor onto you, to attach themselves to you and to maintain – and this is important – to maintain the low level of energy that you are putting out. They cannot absorb higher levels of energy but they can absorb your misery. And so you have people, do you not, who say: ‘I have been depressed for days and I don’t know why. I can’t seem to find any joy in life and I don’t know why.’

      There is something you can do …and the something you can do is to raise your vibrations above the level of those who would perpetuate your low-level vibrations. You can do it in several ways but meditation is the most effective way to go. You can see yourself travelling up an escalator, and at the bottom of the escalator you have grey, grey scenery and as you progress up the escalator it becomes increasingly light – increasingly light – until at the top you are stepping off that escalator into a land of perfect, brilliant, beautiful, loving, warm Light. Stay there as long as you can and then bring yourself out of your meditation by returning to this level of consciousness, and you will help to rid yourself of the things that you pick up on a daily basis.

      It sounds terrible doesn’t it? It sounds like the Earth is such a dangerous place.

      Well, I have news for you – it is!

      It is and, just as angels minister to you, there are darker aspects of mankind that would also communicate with you in a ruinous way if they got the opportunity. This is not a reason to be afraid; this is another reason to understand the mechanics of spirituality and the physics of spirituality. Once you understand something then it loses its power over you. And, please, if you wake up on a certain morning and think, ‘I am depressed and I don’t know why’ – begin to separate yourself from that depression ...begin to say, ‘This is not me!’ ...begin to say, ‘Where is this coming from?’ ...begin to say, ‘Thank you very much but I want no more of this – you can have back that gift!’ ...begin to meditate and lift your vibrations and see how quickly you will be on top form again and how much better you will feel.

      Have I answered your question?

      Tony: Absolutely excellent, thank you.

      Joseph: I will just say a little bit about some of the people who work with me. You would not imagine, would you, that we, as spirits, grow anxious? But we do grow anxious for mankind and we grow impatient, and we have to take ourselves away and we have to meditate and we have to say: ‘Enough of this, Joseph, this is not the way to do it! You have to become calm or you will be of no use to the people on Earth.’

      We are anxious because we can see what you cannot see because we can see the other layers of consciousness that operate around you that try to influence you and we can see the Field. Oh, dear me, the Field! Oh, dear me, the thickness, the heaviness, the stickiness of the Field of mankind that always expects the worst …and so creates the worst! And so we become anxious and so we try to imprint orbs onto photographs, we try to make a difference to make you aware wherever we can. And it is a privilege to be able to talk to you this evening and it is a privilege we want to expand. It is a privilege that we want to see operating all over the place – not with me as a speaker – but with similar speakers, a similar group-consciousness bringing these points of Light around the globe so that they network, so that they join up and give us less anxiety and give you the lives that you deserve.

      You deserve!

      I want to get that through to you tonight: you deserve a good life; you deserve to be healthy; you deserve to create and be happy in your creativity. You deserve all of these things because you are an outpouring of God and God deserves to create; God deserves to have Love. You deserve these things and, unfortunately, the Field ingrains you with a sense of being inadequate from the time that you are born: ‘You don’t really deserve this. You don’t really deserve the riches. You don’t really deserve the health. You don’t really deserve the Love. You don’t really deserve the peace.’

      Of course you do!

      This is one of the things that you must take away and let go of, ‘I am not worthy!’ Yes, you are! Whilst you say, ‘I am not worthy’ you are not worthy because you create the unworthiness. You have to say, ‘I deserve the best!’ Remember that your religions often tell you that you do not and it is good to be poor. Is God poor? Does God at the end of the week have to look for