The Joseph Communications: Trance Mission. Michael G. Reccia

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Название The Joseph Communications: Trance Mission
Автор произведения Michael G. Reccia
Жанр Социология
Издательство Социология
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781456620561

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unless it is coming from within and unless it has Light within it.

      This is one of the reasons why your Earth is edging closer to oblivion, because there is only so much energy within the Field. And where does the individual go for energy but to the Field? ‘Doctor, give me something to give me energy!’... ‘Father, give me something that enables me to do what I want to do!’ – that prayer has no power. You are not feeding the Field with Light so the constructs within the Field are dying. We need to feed, as I have said (I must sound like one of my parakeets), we need to feed the Field with Light. If you put constructs into the Field that are nurtured by God-energy, that are sound spiritually, they will last ...and last ...and last ...and blossom.

      But, to return to your question, yes, there is a change around that date and from that date, but you will not open your door on the 1st of January, 2012, to see stars and a burnt cinder. Thank God! Does that answer?

      Adrian: It does – thank you, yes.

      Joseph: Are you sure?

      Adrian: It does. It depends very much on our thought-patterns; I think we are all here to transmit as much Light as we possibly can. It seems to be working but obviously very, very slowly with many people.

      Joseph: Impatience is part of the Field. There are so many ways that the Field can get to you and can get at you – ‘It’s not working!’ …‘It’s not working fast enough!’ …‘Is it working?’ ...’I can’t see it!’ – and all the time the Field is chipping away at you.

      And don’t forget that roaming the Field (and this is something that we have not touched on) are those thought-forms that men and women of violence or perversion have placed there. You create – remember you are angelic – you create, and so you put into the Field (not you, personally) but certain key people put into the Field thought-forms. They give sentience to thought (thought has sentience anyway) but they coalesce thought into irritations, into ‘creatures’, if you like, that will drain your energy. They maintain them and the Field maintains them. They are ‘smoke and mirrors’ and can be gone in an instant but, because of the weeping and wailing that goes into the Field they are maintained by that energy. The voice in your head... sometimes does it not say to you, ‘Why don’t you do this?’ and you say, ‘I don’t want to do this!’ Does that not prove to you that there are two things going on? You are not mad – you are being influenced by something outside of your personal God-experience.

      So, you have to combat things such as impatience. Yes, it is so difficult. I grow impatient at times and then I have to correct myself – have to be corrected – and the huge ‘Finger of Divinity’ says, ‘Joseph, no! Don’t be impatient!’ And I have to remind myself of my purpose to work within God’s plan in His time and His scale, and to be absolutely grateful for opportunities to talk to you because each opportunity is created by God, and God is saying: ‘Go there, Joseph! Talk to them! Reinforce what they already believe so that they go out with more Light than they came in with. Go, do it now!’ And then on certain days I have to sit there and wait because I have to wait for instruction from Higher Authority.

      Thank you. Who else please?

      Tony Clarkson: Joseph, could I ask a question – it’s Tony. You’ve been explaining tonight about right thinking and about how, with right thinking, we can project the Light, and that that Light is what’s going to change everything. Can you say something about Light-practice that we can do on a day-to-day basis that will help us increase our Light, help us get through that Field? ...And I am thinking in terms of: should we be vegetarians or should we eat meat? I am thinking in terms of: do we chant or do we meditate? I am thinking in terms of: is it a good thing to drink alcohol or not to drink alcohol terms of increasing our own spiritual energy in order to do this.

      Joseph: I will never say to you, ‘Do not!’ – I will say to you as a friend, as a brother, ‘It is a good idea if...’

      I say to Michael before a demonstration that he should not drink alcohol, that he should eat more green, leafy vegetables, and the reason that I say this is that I do not want any trace of the Field polluting him – so that I can use him for the maximum amount of time during a demonstration. So, the alcohol is out …but tomorrow he will have some. [Audience laughter] The leafy green vegetables have absorbed more light than certain foods; therefore, they stimulate Michael’s higher atoms and allow me to connect with him more easily.

      My own personal preference – personal preference because I am one point of view (you have asked me, so I will respond) – my personal preference is that you should be vegetarian. The meat that you eat absorbs the Field; the terror that you wreak on your animals is absorbed by the meat that was once the flesh of those animals. Meat is heavy, dense matter and contained within it are the heavy attributes of the Field. Therefore it makes sense, does it not, if you are seeking to connect with the God-within on a daily basis to use your body as the ‘temple’ that certain religions say it is (and it is) to try to stimulate those higher atoms. But that is not Joseph dictating – that is Joseph suggesting.

      And Joseph suggests more than anything – more than the vegetarianism (until you are ready for it), more than setting aside the alcohol and the cigarettes – suggests that daily you go within yourself and shift your consciousness from the head-centre to the heart-centre. You take that journey down the body in consciousness to here [pointing to the heart-centre] and then, when you are viewing your life from the heart-centre, you ask: ‘Is there anything you want me to do, Father, today?’ And you will receive the message – not via your physical mind but via the heart-centre – either ‘yes’ or ‘no’. If it is ‘yes’ you ask to be directed to the circumstances where you can make a difference and you ask to be given the words and actions to make that difference.

      You also can ask anything of the heart-centre with regard to how your life is going – ‘Am I certain I want this job?’ The mind will say ‘yes’ ...but then ‘no’ ...but then ‘yes’ ...but then ‘no’ – round, and round, and round. And you will be exhausted and will probably go to someone else and say, ‘Should I have this job?’ And one person will say ‘yes’ and one person will say ‘no’ and you are no further along the road.

      The heart knows!

      Your heart connects you to God. Your heart-chakra, your heart-centre, knows the answer to every aspect of your life – from the job, to the relationship, to the religion, to the health. ‘Do I want this job?’ Go into the heart-centre; what does the heart-centre say to you? How are you speaking to yourself? Go to the heart-centre and say: ‘I am God. We are both here, God – You and the ‘I AM’ that I am – what do we know about this? What is the answer to this?’ Then listen for the still, small voice or the physical sensation that brings you either a ‘yes’ or a ‘no’ or brings you insight in visions.

      Go to the heart – that is the greatest and first thing you must do. Learn to live from the heart and not from the mind then everything else is added; then you make your decision about the cigarettes, or the alcohol, or the vegetarianism, or the hundred and one other things that might perplex you spiritually. Go to the heart first – in other words go to God first and all else will be added.

      Be patient. Don’t let the Field say to you, ‘I’m not hearing anything. I’m not seeing anything.’ Don’t believe that! Listen, be good to yourself, be loving to yourself and know that you within yourself have the answer to everything that arrives in front of you along life’s path. You come equipped – perfectly equipped. You are not born into this world at the mercy of this world and at the mercy of other people – you just believe that because that is what the Field tells you.

      Daily at any time – three, or four, or five, or six times a day – you can go within to see the heart’s perspective and, if you follow that perspective, you will never go wrong. Never go wrong – it is something so worth cultivating. Does that answer?

      Tony: Thank you, Joseph.

      Gordon Bagshaw: Could I ask you a question, please? A few moments