1 Law 4 All - Vegas. Billy Angel

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Название 1 Law 4 All - Vegas
Автор произведения Billy Angel
Жанр Контркультура
Издательство Контркультура
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781456620509

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finding out about the land from Sneed's amendment, did it?" Mac refocused.

      "That was too easy. Three clicks and we found that some offshore corporation called Depsands, Inc bought it. They immediately turned around and are selling it to a Chinese concern, the Quon-Rong Holding Group. The property has been in escrow for over a year. Seems to be a problem with BLM deeding the property to Depsands. Do you want me to keep snooping around?"

      "Yes. I'll pass this on to Jimmy. Ben and I will work on it here, too. We still need to find out who Li Wing is. Talk with you soon."

      "Don't forget to tell Kitiona about my new Diego di Lucca's. She'll be soooo jealous!"

      "Right," Mac said and ended the call.

      Ben said, "Are we investigating shoes now?"

      "Not exactly. When Carol is excited about anything, she works twice as fast and gets things done in half the time. When we were in law school, she would be sluggish during test week. Then she'd buy some new clothes and blaze through our study notes. If it wasn't for adding to her wardrobe, she would have never been an A student!"

      Ben philosophized. "Most of us are blessed with being able to focus, we just need to find the trigger to turn it on. Carol's trigger is buying clothes."

      Mac did a quick Google search for Li Wing. "Can't locate this Wing character. There must be a thousand Wings in China and nothing on him in San Francisco."

      Ben suggested, "Maybe we can trace Wing through the companies Carol identified. I'll ask Lacey to find out about Quon-Rong Holding Group. He's got the international connections to snoop around and without raising any red flags."

      Mac added. "Quon-Rong is a group out of Beijing, China. From Google maps it looks like it's located on the Northwest outskirts of the city."

      Ben speculated. "What if we send Kitiona to China. She could visit the Holding company's office and poke around."

      "Good idea. We'll bounce that idea off her."

      "If Depsands is offshore, it's probably in the Caribbean somewhere," Ben reflected.

      "Let's see what Juan can dig up of them," Mac said. Those Florida millionaires deal in off-shore accounts all the time. I'll call Juan and you call Colonel Lacey. We need to get them on board with this information."

      Ben nodded and they made the calls.

      A few minutes later, Martha, Mac's secretary cracked the door and peaked in. "Jimmy's on line three," she announced.

      Mac held up his index finger and mouthed "One minute." He ended his call with Juan and punched up line three.

      "Busy boy," Jimmy replied to Mac's hi. "Were you Skyping Kitiona again?"

      "No. I was talking to Juan. We have two corporations connected with the Refuse land. Juan and Lacey are digging into them as we speak. And we may have Kitiona take a China trip."

      "There's no sign of Janelle here," Jimmy reported. "Wendy, her texting friend, has left town with a grossly modified face. The only thing for me to do is to monitor Locci and the Galaxy for guest senators. Maybe something will turn up!"

      "Got it," Mac agreed. "You'll have more time to work on your b-ball game."

      Jimmy smiled. Then he said in a serious tone. "I don't think Janelle's going to ever dance again."

      "I think you're right. We need more details on the Quon-Rong Holding Group and the Depsands, Inc. companies to get to the bottom of Janelle's case."

      "If you do send Kitiona to China, make sure she's careful. People have been known to disappear over there," Jimmy cautioned.

      "We will. In fact, she's calling me on my cell right now."

      "Better get it quick, lover boy," Jimmy said ending the call.

      Mac reached for his cell and swiped the phone's unlock slide. "Hi Kitiona," he said.

      "Hey Mac," she answered. "Any news about Janelle?"

      "Nothing. Jimmy said that Wendy, her texting friend, left Vegas. He said that she was beat up pretty good. He and Rizzo are at a dead end for now."

      "Last time we talked, you wanted to know about our China connections. Well, the company that we sell our brake lining glue to is located in Beijing. It's called Yanhuada Brakes Factory."

      "Mmmm," Mac hummed. "The Quon-Rong Holding Group is located in Beijing, too. Is there any way for you to justify making a visit to the brake factory?"

      "As our union representative, I can do a quality assurance tour. That means I would inspect how our shipment containers are being handled. And monitor the transferring and application of the glue to and in the processing plant."

      "You really know your stuff," Mac complimented her. "What we really need you to do is visit the Quon-Rong Holding Group and find out what they're really all about. Then note if a Mr. Li Wing has anything to do with the group. And if so, what's his position."

      "I decided to take Kaia and Mark with me. His sister's disappearance is effecting his research and their relationship. New surroundings, even temporary, might help them coup."

      Mac hesitated for a few seconds. "This is what I want you to do. Take Mark with you as your CFO and Kaia as a union rep."

      "You're worried about me going there alone, aren't you?"

      "Yet. Jimmy's worried too. We both think you should take a small posse with you."

      "Ok. I'll set it up and we'll leave by the end of the week."

      "Oh, by the way, Carol wanted me to tell you about the Diego di Lucca shoes she bought on sale."

      "Tell her what she wants to hear. I'm soooooo jealous."

      Chapter 24 Good Ole Charlie Brown

      At Anthony's that evening, Rizzo's said seriously, "What are they going to call our generation?"

      "We're thinking deep tonight," Jimmy responded. "The girl's will be here soon, so get it off your chest."

      "I was thinking my grandfather's age group was called the Greatest Generation. They liberated Europe and defeated Germany, Japan and Italy."

      "Italy doesn't count," Jimmy smiled. "But I hear what you're saying. They believed in the good old U.S.A. I can still visualize the war poster with the woman flexing her biceps saying, 'We Can Do It'."

      "Our generation hasn't done anything but become socially progressive."

      "We did get Saddam Hussein and bin Laden," Jimmy said defensively.

      "That was like crushing an ant with a hammer," Rizzo retorted.

      "Now that you mention it, we can't even handle a few ignorant terrorists."

      Rizzo continued, "We did transition from paper and pencil to digital. Maybe, we should be called the Computer Generation. After all, we were born when computers became everyday technology."

      Jimmy noticed Sugar and Tonya swaying towards their table. "Time to transition into a fun night." He stood, pulling a chair out for Sugar.

      Rizzo snapped out of his generations funk and helped Tonya get situated.

      "How are things at the Starlight?" Jimmy asked Sugar.

      "Strange." He noticed that Sugar wasn't her usual bouncy self.

      "Real strange," Tonya echoed.

      The server stopped by and the girls ordered dirty martinis using Oceans vodka.

      Jimmy questioned, "Strange that vodka is replacing good ole Kentucky bourbon?"

      Tonya answered, "One of the dancers from Hawaii told us about Oceans. It's distilled on Maui and made from pesticide-free sugarcane."

      Sugar added, "It's smooth and best of all, organic!"

      "Did you say orgasmic?" Jimmy chuckled.

      Rizzo ignored