Think Twice: You Can Be Creative. Dr. Jasmine Boone's Renner

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Название Think Twice: You Can Be Creative
Автор произведения Dr. Jasmine Boone's Renner
Жанр Религия: прочее
Издательство Религия: прочее
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781456609214

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combine the skills and styles of both and again you add a generous seasoning of your own taste and interest. Even just copying is a creative act. And of course the same is true in science and technology as well. Building on the work of others, adding to their ideas or refining them are all creative acts. Ironically, when I started my career as an educator, I was entering one of the most creative of all professions. And I didn't even know it! In your small world you can be creative today because creativity really matters.

      For a mom changing diapers, you can do it in a creative way today. Why not sing a lullaby exclusively created for your baby and do this routine task? Trust me you just created when you did that. An educator who send emails and responds to students request, why not add a little bit of humor or an inspiring quote at the end of your correspondence? Trust me you have created something. A pastor who uses illustrative demonstration in church to flesh out a point, bring a horse or a lion; I mean a fake one to your pulpit or stage and make your point. Trust me you are being creative. It sticks with your visual and non-visual hearers.

      One thing we would agree that we all have in common is perception, cognition, reasoning, intuition, and imagination. They are all aspects of the functions of the mind the creator has given us to help us operate at the highest levels of intelligence and creative power. They are the streams that are part of the river of your life that flow in specific directions when they are harnessed and used appropriately. In fact, you need all of them in order to achieve your life purpose, accomplish your objectives, and fulfill your dreams. There can be no "real meaning” in your life without their help.

      It is partly true that to have a high degree of creative intelligence is a gift — but my proposition is that every human being came into this world with a dose of creative juice which was a gift from our creator imprinted and wired into our being. It is up to us to become aware and release this great potential. Our society, schools and workplaces have not helped much in this regard.

      Because our schools, society and workplaces accommodate more structured and traditional conventional intelligences, it is not always experienced that way.

      A great deal of psychological and emotional suffering occurs even if you realize it or not if you perpetually do not understand what it means to be creatively intelligent, in everyday terms

      “In a society that doesn’t appreciate them, creative abilities are often labeled and experienced as liabilities,” says Mary Taylor, LCSW, of the Creative Intelligence Centre. “Highly creative people often face a lifetime of hardship and psychological pain because they do not see themselves or their abilities clearly. The abilities of highly creative people are frequently hidden under…emotional, occupational and relationship difficulties.”

      While the creative person is all too aware of their problems, they are often unaware of their abilities. The mere fact that they live in a society that may prefer linear, rational thinking and behavior, makes them try to fit into situations that don’t suit them — and then blame themselves when that doesn’t work out. Hence: “I’m too sensitive”; “I’m too much of a perfectionist”; “I think too much.” These erroneous conclusions can do “major damage” to self-image, says Taylor, and attempts made at correcting a problem from this vantage point are frequently unsuccessful because the initial interpretation was in error.

      Creatively endowed and intelligent people don not necessarily work as writers or artists or in any field labeled ‘creative’. Many work “regular” jobs and may never think of themselves as being creative at all. Creative intelligence has little to do with particular activities and more to do with a way of meeting and understanding life. I define it is “the ability to engage intention and attention in a way that goes beyond the given”.

      Applying our creative intelligence invites us to keep both heart and eyes wide open to the emerging moment. We’d all be more creative if we paid less attention to the surfaces, our doings and achievements, our ambitions and desires; and more attention to the depths, the hidden forces and faculties that lie within ourselves and others, within all things and all experiences. We insist on burnishing our worries and wants and wishes, until we are blind to what’s in front of our eyes. We insist on resounding our opinions, until we’ve drowned out the whispers of our hearts. So we fail to see the true visions, to hear the sound of other spheres. And the eternal stream folds back into the infinite nothing, from whence it came, having flowed past our skin instead of through our blood.

      If you’re struggling to make more of your creativity – if you feel blocked or stuck, or just think you could take things further fear not this is for you. You can be creative. Start with the little mundane things. Become actively consciously aware that you are creative no matter what. As long as you are breathing, there is a hope and a future. You can be creative!!


      - Your incredible Mind and Creativity -

      When your mind synchronizes with the creator’s mind unimaginable feats occur. You operate at an unusual frequency with things working out for your good. – Dr. Jasmine Renner

      In my book Wisdom Keys for Releasing Your Creative Potential, I dedicate a whole chapter to the power of your incredible mind. I will like to turn my focus to the spiritual dimension of your incredible mind. I fondly refer to it as the Spirited, Divinely Alive and Awakened Mind.

      There is no question that your mind is a divine deposit given to you by your creator. It is like an investment given to you by your creator. With every investment whether in money, time or talent, there is an expectation of a return or value return proposition. This works the same way with your mind. It has been proven that your mind’s capacity increases enlarges and multiplies with use. Human beings are unique in the sense that we possesses an unusual endowment of mind power and momentum. Yes I mean mind power and momentum. You see your mind has a life on its own. It has personality, depth and focus. It is spirited. It also possess tremendous amount of momentum depending on how or what you use it for. This is how so many discoveries and innovation has birthed by incredible men who realize the potential and momentum of their minds and used it. In the same vien it has been used destructively by others who have directed their energy to something brutal or negative. In both cases the mind is characterized by intense movement or momentum.

      Scientists calculate momentum by multiplying the mass of an object by the velocity of the object. It is an indication of how hard it would be to stop the object. For example if you were running, you might have a mass of 50 kilograms and a velocity of 10 meters per second west (really fast). Your momentum would be 500 kg-m/per second west. That idea applies to your mind as well.

      Your mind has a momentum. It is spirited. It has a frequency. It has been often said and it is true that your thoughts hold the key to your life.

      Just as the momentum of an object will never change if it is left alone, the same applies to the momentum of your spirited mind. If the 'm' value and the 'v' value remain the same, the momentum value will be constant. You will be on a standstill mode and put to no use.

      It is true that the momentum of an objec, or set of objects or system remains the same if it is left alone. Momentum is said to be conserved within such a system.

      Here’s an illustration of your mind’s momentum in simpler terms. When you throw a ball at someone and it hits him hard, it hurts because it was difficult to stop (had momentum).Think about it. If you throw a small ball and a large ball at the same speeds, the large ball will hit a person with a greater momentum, be harder to stop, and hurt more. When the mass is greater (at the same speeds), the momentum is greater.

      Mental momentum works in the same way. Therefore the need for mental enlargement and a constant realization about the incredible power of a spirited mind cannot be overemphasized. Your mind acts as a pivot around which your whole existence revolves. It is essentially where thinking take place. Have you ever had the saying that your worth and value in life is essentially a product of the use of your mind? I will add your worth and value in life is essentially a product of the use of