The Eloquence of Truth. Father Ralph Wright

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Название The Eloquence of Truth
Автор произведения Father Ralph Wright
Жанр Религия: прочее
Издательство Религия: прочее
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780984011780

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      may have been going there

      – for all we know –

      to murder his mother

      he may have come

      from robbing the Temple

      or sleeping with his next-door-neighbor’s wife

      – we are not told –

      the man who finds him


      clearly does not know

      and God seems to be hammering home

      blow by blow

      the thought

      that worthiness is irrelevant

      all we need

      is to recognize need


      I listened to the sound of rain

      upon the leaves

      approaching with the wind

      — the rain and wind were still some woods away

      I listened to the terror of the wind

      upon the leaves in anger tearing them

      untimely out of life and swirling them

      at random in the dark upon the ground

      I listened to the calm that came

      from nowhere on the leaves

      when suddenly the angry air was gone

      I heard them welcome with relief

      the newborn silence of the night

      and watch in awe for dawn


      Redwood trees

      have soared in silence

      for thousands of years

      along our shores

      their age

      their calm

      their dignity

      command respect

      scions thrusting

      from the roots of Jesse

      across our land

      towards eternity

      are axed daily

      without awe

      out of being


      womb vacant

      danger gone

      fetus dead

      health restored

      womb vacant

      child gone

      faith dead

      health restored

      womb vacant

      fetus gone

      God dead

      health restored

      womb vacant

      child dead

      hope gone

      God save the Queen!


      the mystery of glory


      O Father, it is my desire

      That those You gave to me

      Should be with me that where I am

      My friends may also be.

      To them I have revealed your love,

      Your truth, your life, your way;

      And now a word abides in them

      Which shall not pass away.

      The glory that You gave to me,

      To them I now have given;

      That so they may be one on earth

      As we are one in heaven.

      Do not, O Father, take them from

      The world your hands have made;

      But keep them from the Evil one,

      From all that is depraved.

      And teach them how to give their lives

      That new life may abound.

      In giving all they find our love

      And in that love are found.

      O Father, it is my desire

      That all may live as one,

      With You in me and I in them

      So shall your Kingdom come.


      I am filled with joy

      that God loves you

      with great competence

      for my love is infinite

      in clumsiness —

      when I wound

      He heals

      when I damage

      He restores

      and you are always

      in his hands

      O great calm

      O mighty God

      O quiet joy


      if You didn't need to

      but only made me

      because You loved me

      what an unbelievably

      marvelous being

      I must be


      by the One Lover

      only to be

      perfectly beloved


      Although dust

      I am loved

      by the one


      Son of the Father

      just as intensely

      as this same Father

      loves his one

      eternal Son

      O mystery

      O majesty

      O wonder

      that what we

      in our wildest dreams

      could not conceive

      has been
