Psychic Sense. Edgar Cayce

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Название Psychic Sense
Автор произведения Edgar Cayce
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780876048436

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“hit or miss”, or that as a ship without a rudder or pilot, for that element that is the building force in each and every condition is the spirit or soul of that condition which is the psychic or occult force. No healing is perfected without some psychic force exerted. For, as we would have, whether of operative or of medicinal forces, or of directing of organic forces to produce within themselves, that necessary to compete with conditions found within the body in distress or disease. The force represented, that counteracts, is nothing more or less than the active force exerted in psychic force, as has been outlined in which is psychic force. All of the elements that go to make up the expressions reached to the mental forces of an individual, are actions of the psychic forces from another individual, and is the collaboration of truth as found in the individual or entity expressing, or manifesting itself, one with the other. [See 900-25] Hence, the force in the violation of law of curative forces, for mental or physical conditions existing within the man.

       (Q) What period in the world’s history were Psychic Readings given?

      (A) That as given among the Chaldeans was first used as the means of assistance to the physical bodies. Not as applied in the present day usage of such force or Phenomena, but that as the natural means of expression of that unseen force of the soul and spirit of an earthly individual manifesting with and through the material or physical body, and giving that life giving flow of such manifestations, nearly four thousand years before the Prince of Peace came.

       (Q) Should Psychic Readings be used for purposes other than for the assistance of curing human ills?

      (A) That knowledge of all universal force that may be obtained through the psychic force is that of man’s individual condition to be dealt with. All force that may be obtained from such source, and not used as self-aggrandizement, or for the selfish purposes of the physical attributes, may be, should be, used and given to the world.

      The understanding of all laws, for that is the law, the understanding of the law pertaining to any given condition. Then we would give any condition that may be met through such knowledge without the advantage taken of another individual, through its lack of such law or knowledge should be used. The use of psychic force by any individual, is only the using of that spiritual law that makes one free, but not freedom to take advantage, no more than that the gods [See 3744-5 re gods] take advantage of the knowledge of man’s weaknesses to use them as means of destructive forces.

      Through man, all law to the physical plane or material plane is made manifest, but the manifestation is of the compliance as made with the law. The knowledge of such gained through psychic force cannot be abused without receiving the same condition under which this puts such a condition upon the individual.

      (Q) Give a clear definition of the word faith with reference to faith as required by one who is sick and desirous of being helped through Psychic Readings.

      (A) In what faith means to the individual, as we have faith in the substance, or that which is hoped for, with the evidences from things seen or of things unseen. As in this, the desire of the heart or issues of life to be the assistance not from self, but even as the Maker gives, as is given that love is law. Law is love. Love is giving. Giving is as God, the Maker.

       Text of Reading 3744-3

      This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce, at the Phillips Hotel, Dayton, Ohio, this 9th day of October, 1923, in accordance with request made by [5717], [294], and others.


      Edgar Cayce; Linden Shroyer, Conductor; Mamie Rosenberg, Steno.


      Time of Reading, Phillips Hotel, 11:00 A.M., Dayton, Ohio.

       (Q) From what source does this body EC derive its information? [See same question answered also in 294-1 (year 1910?).]

      (A) The information as given or obtained from this body is gathered from the sources from which the suggestion may derive its information.

      In this state the conscious mind becomes subjugated to the subconscious, superconscious or soul mind; and may and does communicate with like minds, and the subconscious or soul force becomes universal. From any subconscious mind information may be obtained, either from this plane or from the impressions as left by the individuals that have gone on before, as we see a mirror reflecting direct that which is before it. It is not the object itself, but that reflected, as in this: The suggestion that reaches through to the subconscious or soul, in this state, gathers information from that as reflected from what has been or is called real or material, whether of the material body or of the physical forces, and just as the mirror may be waved or bended to reflect in an obtuse manner, so that suggestion to the soul forces may bend the reflection of that given; yet within, the image itself is what is reflected and not that of some other.

      Through the forces of the soul, through the mind of others as presented, or that have gone on before; through the subjugation of the physical forces in this manner, the body obtains the information.

       (Q) In obtaining this information by suggestion, does this body gain this information from the director or from the body directed to?

      (A) From the subconscious forces, which become universal by the natural laws governing relativity of all force: whether spirit, soul or physical, and the information is obtained through that connection between subconscious soul or spirit forces as directed, and directed to. Suggestion being that manner in which the direction is given. Hence, how the reflections, either direct or wavered, are obtained, just as the subconscious force of the director is held in that direction the information is obtained and in the manner that it, the director’s subconscious wavers, the reflections becomes in the same manner wavered.

       (Q) In giving diagnosis of the physical body, how are internal conditions reflected?

      (A) By relativity of force.

       (Q) What is the state of the physical forces of this body while giving this work?

      (A) They, the physical, are under subjugation of the subconscious or soul forces. As we see in the body we have the trinity for an entity. We have as this: the physical forces and mental mind; we have the spirit or soul force with the superconscious or soul mind; then we have the spirit that is the mind of the soul force, just as the soul occupies the body in its same form and manner. Just as the body of an individual that has passed beyond may be seen by others in the physical plane only when their physical or mental, material or mental are subjugated like this body here we are speaking of, Edgar Cayce, the physical is subjugated or laid aside, we find the soul forces give the information, and the body is under the subjugation of the soul and spirit forces.

       (Q) What is the soul of a body?

      (A) That which the Maker gave to every entity or individual in the beginning, and which is seeking the home or place of the Maker.

       (Q) Does the soul ever die?

      (A) May be banished from the Maker, not death.

       (Q) What is the subconscious mind of the body?

      (A) An attribute of the soul or mind of the soul.

       (Q) What is the difference in suggestion to the subconscious mind and the conscious mind?

      (A) Suggestion to the conscious mind only brings to the mental plane those forces that are of the same character and the conscious is the suggestion in action. In that of suggestion to the subconscious mind, it gives its reflection or reaction from the universal forces or mind or superconscious forces. By the suggestion just as given may be wavered by the forces that are brought to bear on the subconscious to reach the conscious mind, just as we have in a purely mechanical form. [See 900-59] Any object, or wood especially, projected into water, appears bent; just so with the reflection from suggestions to the subconscious to reach the conscious