Psychic Sense. Edgar Cayce

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Название Psychic Sense
Автор произведения Edgar Cayce
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780876048436

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a laxness of any one thing is not good physically, spiritually, mentally, morally, financially or any other.

       (Q) Is the word “reading” proper for the usage of the information given?

      (A) Words mean nothing. Very good. Well as any other.

       (Q) In what manner of explanation may this work be presented to other people so that they may understand it clearly?

      (A) Any manner or form of work of any nature only given credence by the results obtained. With the results all are interested in, present those.

       (Q) Does the information given through these readings come from the subjective to the objective mind?

      (A) We have just given it.

       (Q) Mr. Cayce, will you please tell me the difference between the subjective and objective mind?

      (A) One is an attribute of the physical, the other of the soul.

       (Q) Have the number of readings given in the last three weeks in Dayton been too much of a strain on the physical health of this body?

      (A) As we have given. The influence of any work depends upon the surrounding under which that is done. The work is not a physical strain on the body. It is the normal effect only. The strain comes between the subjective and objective forces within the body, and only by the right conducting of same can this body be protected from the unbalancing forces between the two. The fear to be is not of physical but of mental strain as known in the material world and forces. Those under which the body has been for the last three weeks has not been too many, for the whole physical force gains strength. Watch for the development in the mental when correctly and incorrectly conducted.

       [Following is the second part of the discourse.]

      Yes, we have the body here and these conditions. We have had this before, you see. The elemental forces in these we find show in their relativity to those that come in contract [contact?] with this at this time, and through those, the reflexes are given to the physical plane, as we have given here, you see.

       (Q) What is the difference in suggestion to the subconscious mind and the conscious mind?

      (A) Suggestion to the conscious mind only brings to the mental plane, those forces that are of the same character and the conscious is the suggestion action. In that of suggestion to the subconscious mind gives its reflection or reaction from the universal forces or mind or superconscious forces.

       (Q) What is meant by ailments of the soul, mental and spiritual forces on which this work may border? [Note: this question was “crossed out” in the original manuscript and also appears below.]

      (A) By the suggestion just as given may be waved [waived?] by the forces that are brought to bear on the subconscious to reach the conscious mind, just as we have in a purely mechanical form. Any object or wood, especially, projected into water appears bended; just so with the reflection from suggestions to the subconscious to reach the conscious or mental forces appear bended in their action or in the manifestation of their action to the physical or conscious forces of individuals.

       (Q) Just what is meant by force and forces?

      (A) Depending upon the conditions under which incentive or that, which is being acted upon and that which is acting. As we have in the body of a living physical being, we have a body made up of many atoms, and their relation to each other depends upon the force as is given in each part to work upon or in or through the system. In the nerve system we find that of the force of physical matter or subconscious or soul matter, of superconscious or spirit matter, all receiving a force, as illustrated, we would have it here: When any object or injury comes to a portion of the body, then the nerves transmit that to the physical or conscious brain to be removed; the forces of all of the elementals or that is, of the parts of the body are brought into play; that which carries, that which replenishes, that which comes, that is force or forces, as may be. Or as we would have in the one word to express all force: That which is the spirit of any object, whether animate or inanimate, physical or material, that of the divine, which carries all force. We only have to take into consideration, but the relativity of the condition, position, time, place as to which or what element of force is implied in giving the elements of force from the subconscious force to the conscious force. In this also we may see how the correct reflection may appear bended.

       (Q) Is it possible for this body, Edgar Cayce, in this state to communicate with anyone who has passed into the spirit world?

      (A) The spirit of all that have passed from the physical plane remain about the plane until their development carry them onward or are returned for their development here. When they are in the plane of communication or remain within this sphere, any may be communicated with. There are thousands about us here at present.

       (Q) In the subconscious giving this information when in this state, how are we to know on the physical plane from whence and from which condition it gives this information?

      (A) Just as we know as to the force implied from whatever element the force is given, we must know from that force the information is obtained, deflected only by the expression of the individual, whom obtains the information, by the results obtained in the end. Just as we have in the diagnosis is for the betterment or advancement of the individual, just as the subconscious that communicates to the physical for with the physical submerged, a universal condition. It may be obtained from all or in part, just as needs for the individual. None is gained from one individual, but as there are good personages, there are good individuals, not necessarily within the same manifested body—just so in the spirit force there are good and there are bad personages still reflected. As these give rise to the expression and all give expression of experience of themselves of the entity through which the information is obtained gives that deflection as we may find with the surroundings of those not good, we will find the results in the same. Results in diagnosis give of the forces whether from the spirit forces are good or material forces are good, then judge. Just as the seed of truth is ever the same, and its productions are ever by the same, though some may fall in fallow land or some may fall in stony land.

       (Q) What is meant by the banishment of a soul? from its Maker?

      (A) Of the will as given in the beginning to choose for self, as in the earthly plane, all insufficient matter is cast onto Saturn. To work out its own salvation as would be termed in the word, the entity or individual banishes itself or its soul, which is its entity.

       (Q) What is meant by the re-entering of the personel [personality?] as in the beginning?

      (A) The personel [personality?] is that as known on the physical plan when in the subconscious or when the subconscious controls, the personel [personality?] is removed from the individual, and only that of the other forces in the Trinity occupies the body and use only its elements to communicate as in this body here, as we have spoken of. With the submerging of the conscious to the subconscious or superconscious, the personel [personality?] of the body or earthly portions are removed and lie above the other body. They may be seen here, hence the distributing of those conditions brings distress to the other portions of the entity or individual. With the return then we find the personel [personality?] leaves those impressions with those portions of the body, as we have given for the arm force here, you see. [See reference to arms earlier in 3744-1.]

       (Q) To what place or state does the subconscious pass to receive this information it gives?

      (A) Just here in the same sphere as when the spirit or soul or spirit and soul are driven or removed from the body or person.

      (Q) What is meant by negative questions giving deflection?

      (A) With positive and negative, or as elements are as unchangeable laws, as we have given, as the creator or the first cause is all positive that which is made negative.

       (Q) What determines whether