Visits From Heaven. Josie Varga

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Название Visits From Heaven
Автор произведения Josie Varga
Жанр Здоровье
Издательство Здоровье
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780876046753

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Was His Life

       Asking for a Sign or Message

       Let Peace Be Your Guide

       What Death Is

       What It Feels Like to Die

       What We Can Learn from Children who Have Almost Died

       Awakening to Our Inherent True Nature

       Bridging the Gap between Science and Metaphysics

       The World Hereafter—Life in the Garden of Souls

       The Road to the Hereafter

       The Portal

       The Garden of Souls

       Building the Garden of Life

       Final Thoughts

       Appendix: Forming a Physic Development Circle

       About the Author


      Whenever I am asked about the writing of “my” book, I repeatedly state that this is not “my” book but “our” book. This book belongs to all of those individuals who helped me in some way. They are not only the many contributors who are listed on the dedication page but are also the kindhearted individuals who helped to promote it or gave me their love and encouragement.

      I would like to begin by making special mention of Juliet Nightingale. At the very beginning of my research, I came across her Web site ( and contacted her. Juliet had multiple near-death experiences and was the host of a radio show called Toward the Light. For reasons that I cannot explain, I knew that I was meant to contact her. The day after receiving my e-mail, Juliet responded, “I am meant to help you so I am going to help you.” I was amazed but not surprised.

      Juliet gave two accounts to this book and put me in touch with many of the contributors; she even advertised my call for submissions on her Web site. I appeared as a guest on her popular Internet radio show, and whenever I began to get discouraged, she was always there with her love and support.

      Sadly, Juliet was diagnosed with cancer and passed away on February 28, 2009. I will never forget the last conversation I had with her on this physical plane. I told her I was not ready to let her go yet. To this she immediately assured me with her sweet, calming voice, “Josie, it's OK. I will be there to help you from the Other Side.” I can feel her presence as I write these words now. I know she is here with me, and I also know she played a big part in getting this book published. Thank you, Juliet. You will forever be in my heart.

      As I continued to delve into my spiritual quest, I came to the Web site of John W. Sloat ( John, a former Presbyterian clergyman, retired following forty years in the ministry after having a spiritual experience in which he recalled a past death. His Web site includes various mystical accounts submitted by people around the world. John graciously allowed me to contact some of his contributors who then agreed to be part of this book.

      I am very grateful for his support and encourage all of you to take a look at his wonderful Web site for more information. As John writes, “There is a vast ocean of spiritual truth waiting to be discovered. In the future, we will no longer be frightened by God's continuing revelation in our day.”

      My heartfelt thanks go out to Dr. Gary Schwartz for writing the foreword and for believing not only in me but also in the contents of this book. In addition, I send gratitude to Natalie Smith-Blakeslee for writing the preface and for helping me in so many ways including finding contributors for this book. Many contributors had an extra hand in helping me find afterlife accounts. They especially include Anthony Quinata, Christine Duminiak, R. Craig Hogan, and Ann Albers.

      I would also like to thank Andrew Barone and Jane Heady for their kindness and support. To all the contributors who prayed for the release of this book, thank you from the bottom of my heart. So many of you believed in this book from the start including Cassie McQuagge, production manager with A.R.E. Press. Thank you, Cassie. You are a godsend.

      It meant the world to me to have the support of so many experts in the field. I cannot thank them enough for agreeing to write a chapter for this book. They are Louis LaGrand, P.M.H. Atwater, Melvin Morse, Nancy Clark, Marie D. Jones, George Anderson, and Cheryl Booth.

      Lastly, I would like to thank my loving family and all the wonderful friends who stood by me throughout the writing of this book. Special thanks go to Stan Paylago, a great lawyer and even better friend, for taking me on as his “pro-bono” client. I truly appreciate your help and guidance.

      To my husband John, who is one heck of a proofreader, you mean the world to me. And to my two beautiful daughters, Erica and Lia, Mommy loves you very much.


      image Afterlife Science and Stories of “Visits” Where the “Whole is Greater than the Sum of its Parts”


      Foreword by

       Gary E. Schwartz, PhD

      University of Arizona

      Is “life after death” real?

      Do our departed loved ones continue to feel love for us as we do for them?

      Are “visits from heaven” true?

      If you are a “professional” questioner and wonderer—in other words, if you happen to be employed as a full-time academic scientist—your answers will typically be qualified by tentative words such as “maybe” and “could be” and you would be cautious about drawing conclusions about the veracity of people's personal accounts of afterlife communication experiences.

      So why would an academic agnostic like me agree to write a foreword for a book that presents generally unverified “anecdotes” and often seemingly “miraculous-sounding” if not unbelievable “stories”? And why would I consider it an honor and a privilege?

      There are three important reasons:

      First, as described in detail in my books, The Afterlife Experiments and The Truth about Medium, there are compelling scientific reasons to predict that “visits from the Other Side” can and do occur. In other words, the emerging science is generally consistent with these stories. In fact, I reveal in my books a number of unanticipated, evidential, and inspiring “anecdotes” that happened in the context of our laboratory experiments.

      An illustrative and evidential “anecdote” that occurred in the context of our laboratory research is described in Visits from Heaven by Suzane Northrop,