The Roots that Clutch. Thomas Esposito

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Название The Roots that Clutch
Автор произведения Thomas Esposito
Жанр Религия: прочее
Издательство Религия: прочее
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781532644887

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dear abbot, is a timely image for me to ponder as I survey the society around me today. An eerily similar sort of occupation is occurring in many parts of the previously Christian world. I have heard in recent years of glorious churches, built with the intent of magnifying the Lord and housing the presence of the bread of life, being sold on account of the shrinking number of parishioners engaged in the liturgy and Christian way of life. On your own European continent, the citizens of old Christian strongholds such as England, Germany, and the Netherlands have yielded, rapidly and shockingly, to a worldview that has absolutely no interest in matters supernatural. On the contrary, opportunists have seized upon the idea of purchasing empty churches and transforming them into everyday enterprises: from pizzerias with the main oven strategically placed on the very spot where the altar once stood, to discotheques, cafés, and bookstores, many ornate cathedrals have been reformatted to promote brazenly secular ends.

      The fate of these churches linked up in my mind with your requisition of Nero’s ruins, and the contrast between them provided me with inspiration for the second part of my poem:

      A nameless girl is whirled and tossed across

      The space which once held pews for kneeling prayer.

      As smoke and lusty steam like incense rise

      Above the mass to stain the Gothic stone,

      Orgasmic bombs are dropped from organ pipes

      While stain’d glass sleeps amid the darkened din.

      A pizzeria down the street now stands

      Where schoolboys used to serve at morning Mass;

      Upon the spot where bread was once made flesh

      A forno sits and heats the pizza pies;

      These feed the hungry mouths who like the charm

      Of feasting in the empty space of faith.

      The baker raises dough above his head

      And winks at Jesus, statued in the niche.

      The renovation of sacred places is simply a symptom of a sobering fact: the Christian faith, and the vestiges reminding us of a past rooted in it, are disappearing at an alarming rate. That Jesus himself foresaw such a situation is hardly consoling; his question, “When the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?” (Luke 18:8), does not receive an answer.

      What is a Christian to do in the face of such spite against the Spirit and anything associated with it, whether unconscious or aggressive? Just as you escaped the worldly snares of Rome and found refuge in a secluded life of prayer, St. Benedict, many Christians today are advocating a similar retreat from a post-Christian society, whether in Europe or the United States. Your life is hailed as an example to be imitated, but now by entire families and parishes. Just as your monastic revolution saved Western civilization during a time of crisis, so today many are crying out for a “Benedict option” of withdrawal from the world. The phrase has received a variety of interpretations. Some claim that small but creative pockets of Christians must break away from public society and move underground, in order to prevent the flame of the Christian faith from being extinguished by rampaging secular winds.

      The comparison, dear abbot, is both apt and tempting. The very expression used to describe the retreat of the first desert hermits from the world, fuga mundi (flight from the world), springs naturally to mind in this context. Some people might even assert that monks such as myself have already abandoned the world to its own devices by taking refuge inside a monastery, safe from the slings and arrows of outrageous indifference and even vicious ideologies. Enflamed by Maccabean-style zeal for our traditions, we would be idealists bent on saving our precious pearls from the trampling of secular swine!

      Am I thereby condemning monastic life, or claiming that monks and nuns have abdicated their responsibility to be the animating principle of a society ignorant of God? I don’t believe so, and I think you would agree with me. In my view, abbot Benedict, monasteries have a definite and essential role to play in the life not only of the church, but also of those Christians living and praying in this post-Christian world.