Bereshit, The Book of Beginnings. David B. Friedman

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Название Bereshit, The Book of Beginnings
Автор произведения David B. Friedman
Жанр Религия: прочее
Издательство Религия: прочее
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781498271783

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burst into creative action. When one realizes that there are some 100 billion galaxies that we know of, perhaps we gain some sense of the power that the Almighty is depicted as using in creating the heavenly bodies.

      Chapter 2

      1 So the heavens and the earth, with all their varied parts, were finished.

      2 God completed His creative work that He had done by the seventh day. Therefore, He rested on the seventh day from carrying out any more of His creative work such as He had done.

      3 Then God blessed the seventh day and separated it (from the other days). He rested on it from His creative work through which He had formed His creation.

      5 This is before underbrush of the field existed and before grasses grew, since God had not yet made rain fall on the ground and mankind had not yet farmed the soil.

      6 Mist used to rise from the ground and it watered the entire surface of the earth.

      9 God caused pleasant-looking trees that bore tasty fruit to grow out of the ground. (He also put) the tree of life in the midst of the garden, as well as the tree by which to know good and evil.

      10 In addition, a river that watered the garden flowed from Eden. From there it split into four tributaries.

      11 One of the tributaries was the Pishon, and it ran through the land of Havilah, where gold was located.

      12 The gold of that region was good, and crystal was found there along with onyx.

      13 The name of the second tributary was the Gihon, and