Sex, Sin, and Our Selves. Anna Fisk

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Название Sex, Sin, and Our Selves
Автор произведения Anna Fisk
Жанр Религия: прочее
Издательство Религия: прочее
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781630872960

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way”—to be “highly articulate, contentious, witty, and to hold all authority except theirs in a certain degree of contempt.”63 While introspection was discouraged, “[w]ithin the magical space they had created for us . . . we were given an enormous amount of physical freedom—to play, to roam, to have fights and adventures.”64 A large family in an ancestral home in Scotland is the setting of the novel Home Truths, but perhaps the most significant influence family life has had on Sara Maitland as a writer is the witty, bantering style of her authorial voice.