Radical Grace. S T Kimbrough

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Название Radical Grace
Автор произведения S T Kimbrough
Жанр Религия: прочее
Издательство Религия: прочее
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781621895466

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celebration of God’s free gift of salvation that is available to everyone.

      Harlots and publicans and thieves!

      He spreads his arms to embrace you all,

      Sinners alone his grace receives:

      No need of him the righteous have,

      He came the lost to seek and save.

      In holy triumph join!

      Saved is the sinner that believes

      From crimes as great as mine!

      Murtherers and all ye hellish crew,

      Ye sons of lust and pride,

      Believe the Saviour died for you;

      For me the Saviour died.

      All of humankind is helpless without God’s intervention in Jesus Christ, through whom all may be redeemed. It is this intervention that imbues each individual with the love of God and others, the only viable motivation for human behavior. Indeed, through this love one participates in God’s nature, and love enables a life of piety and a life of good works.

      Love to all of humankind.

      Though Charles does have his moments of darkness, he is confident that God will indeed redeem all sinners and that the redemptive love that fills them will strengthen the community of the faithful not only in worship and devotion, but also in acts of compassion and goodwill.

      In two of his sermons that postdate his conversion of May 21, 1738, one discovers the theological foundation for his perspectives on reaching out to the poor and marginalized, which he greatly expands in his poetry.

      The sermon based on Titus 3:8

      Charles addresses a very controversial matter in eighteenth-century theological discussions, namely, the relationship of faith and works. In the Wesleyan-Arminian tradition, it was clear that good works were absolutely essential. They could not be averted by an overemphasis on faith. Charles emphasizes that faith indeed is the one true way through which Christ is formed in one’s life, but to aver that faith without works is sufficient is in an inadequate response to the grace of God.

      In this sermon Charles writes:

      . . .

      God rewardeth every man according to his works, that the more our works, the more will be our reward. May you therefore improve every talent to the utmost; having obtained mercy, may you labour more abundantly. Let it be your meat to do the will of your Father. Let it be your constant employment to serve and relieve your Saviour in his poor distressed members.

      He gives you now a blessed opportunity. For inasmuch as you do it to one of the least of these his children, you do it unto him. He himself has assured you that whosoever shall give a cup of cold water to one of these little ones in the name of a disciple, he shall in no wise lose its [sic] reward. Above all give charity because this is the noblest, as taking in both body and soul. What you give them is given toward training up so many candidates for eternity, and the love of little children is now waiting to receive it at your hands.

      Indeed whenever you do an alms, you should do it unto the Lord and not unto man. You should see and revere your Saviour in every poor man you ease, and be as ready to relieve him as you would to relieve Christ himself.

      This sermon excerpt embodies the fundamental theological perspective of Charles Wesley that guides his behavior: “Let it be your constant employment to serve and relieve your Saviour in his poor distressed members.” “Constant employment” implies all of one’s human activity. In such engagement one is serving Christ the Savior, for there is no division between service to Christ and service to others. To serve one is to serve the other.

      Years later, Charles articulated this eloquently in a stanza from a lengthy poem remembering the faithful life of Mary Naylor.

      A stranger she received him in,

      An hungry Jesus fed,

      Tended her sick, imprisoned Lord,

      And flew in all his wants to afford

      Her ministerial aid.

      This one stanza about Mary Naylor is an eloquent lyrical summary of what Charles said in the sermon on Titus 3:8: “Is Christ, is he, an hungered? Give him meat. Is he thirsty? Give him drink. Is he a stranger? Take ye him in. Clothe him when he is naked; visit him when he is sick. When he is in prison, come ye unto him.”

      Charles says something very interesting about almsgiving, namely, there is a sense of priority that should dominate one’s charity. One should not think of doing something for someone else per se; rather, all acts of charity should be done as unto God. He states it this way:

      Indeed whenever you do an alms, you should do it unto the Lord and not unto man. You should see and revere your Saviour in every poor man you ease, and be as ready to relieve him as you would to relieve Christ himself.
