Trusting YHWH. Lorne E. Weaver

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Название Trusting YHWH
Автор произведения Lorne E. Weaver
Жанр Религия: прочее
Издательство Религия: прочее
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781498290449

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deriving from the world of human experience.” 201

      Note: There are various similarities between the Song of Moses (Deut 32) and Psalm 91. cf. Andre Caquot, “Le Psaume XCI” Semitica 8 (21–37).

      Note: Cook cites often the connection that exists between the Psalms of Asaph (50, 73–83) and the Sinai theology tradition which is the monotheistic Yahwist belief and which becomes the subsequent confession of ancient Israel.

      cf. Rendtorff, Canon and Theology, “. . . the historical experiences of Israel are reflected in the Psalms in various ways. The personal religion that finds its expression here is rooted in God’s action in the past; but it