Dispeller of Obstacles. Padmasambhava Guru Rinpoche

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Название Dispeller of Obstacles
Автор произведения Padmasambhava Guru Rinpoche
Жанр Религия: прочее
Издательство Религия: прочее
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9789627341963

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Visualize the seed syllable, attributes, and bodily form in order to purify womb birth,%

       And visualize the cause and effect heruka in order to purify egg birth.%

       In all cases, visualize the mandala of the base and the based,%

       And the faces, arms, and attributes in total completeness.%

       First, in order to train gradually in this,%

       Visualize yourself in the form of the single mudra%

       With vivid features, like a rainbow.%

       At best, regard it as the natural great absolute;%

       As the next best, envision the distinct general and specific features;%

       At least, plant the stake of unchanging concentration.%

       Place an image with all the characteristics before you%

       And focus your mind, eyes, and prana one-pointedly upon it.%

       When a vivid presence appears, abandon the defects of drowsiness and agitation,%

       Rest in the state where the form of the deity is the unity of appearance and emptiness,%

       And the experience will arise, in which the turbulence of thoughts has subsided.%

       Sometimes rest, bringing consciousness to its natural state.%

       Sometimes transform the expression of your concentration into many different things.%

       In each session, bring the clear appearance of the deity to perfection.%

       In each session, plant the great stake of the essence mantra.%

       In each session, rest in the same taste of the deity and your mind.%

       In each session, accomplish the magical display of emanating and absorbing rays of light.%

       At all times, keep the pride of being inseparable from the deity.%

       Since the path illustrates the unity of ground and fruition,%

       Practice the total purity that stops the clinging to ordinary experience.%

       In between sessions, mend the samayas with feast gatherings and tormas.%

       Bring all that appears and exists onto the path%

       As the essence of the magical deity, mantra, and great wisdom.%

       If you practice one-pointedly in this way,%

       The experiences of movement, attainment, habituation, steadiness, and perfection will arise,%

       And you will actually meet with the form possessing the threefold vividness.%

       You will accomplish the truth of speech and a changeless mind.%

       Next, fix your mind on the entire mandala circle,%

       And when you have gradually attained its vivid presence,%

       Emanate groups of buddha families filling the sky.%

       Through the samadhi of the Magical Net%

       Of the Vidyadhara power-wielders, and appearance and existence as manifest ground,%

       And by means of group practice in an assembly,%

       The highest siddhi will be accomplished.%

       With the perfect place, time, teacher, retinue, and articles,%

       Correctly perform the “rite of the land”%

       And practice the sadhanas of outer, inner, and secret retreat.%

       Erect the sign mandala as the support for concentration,%

       A vivid and complete image adorned with ornaments.%

       Visualize yourself and the whole retinue, the self-existing mandala deities,

       As inseparable means and knowledge.%

       By the light rays of Approach and Full Approach,%

       Purify the outer world into the Lotus Net Realm.%

       By the emanation and absorption of the light rays of Accomplishment,%

       Transform all the inner inhabitants into the forms of the Magical Net of the Vidyadharas.%

       Purify your being by the Great Accomplishment.%

       Then, through the vivid presence of the deity forms and the rays of the mantra,%

       And through the samadhi of bliss and emptiness and the practices of uniting and freeing,%

       When completing six, twelve, or eighteen months,%

       As the outer signs, you will actually have a vision of the deity,%

       The mandala will emit light, and the nectar in the vase will boil.%

       The skull cup will tremble, and the butter lamp will ignite by itself.%

       As the inner signs, your body, speech, and mind will be blissful; your prana and awareness will be clear;%

       And your perception of all the dharmas of fixation and grasping will be illusory.%

       As the secret signs, your mind will be changeless in one-pointed samadhi,%

       And the assembly of deities will be perfected within you.%

       Since at this time you will have realized the supreme siddhi,%

       You can display various miracles of the one taste of appearances and mind.%

       Even without changing your body, your mind will initially accomplish%

       The Vidyadhara of Full Maturation in the form of a deity.%

       You will attain the mastery of life, the vajra body,%

       And by means of the supreme family of the great mudra of the five aspects,%

       You will perfect the ten bhumis and realize the great regency,%

       The Vidyadhara of Spontaneous Accomplishment.%

       The intent of recitation, the auxiliary of the development stage,%

       Has four visualizations of Approach and Accomplishment.%

       First, upon the moon in your heart center,%

       Within the center of the five-pronged golden vajra,%

       Is the letter HRIH upon a moon, glowing like a flame.%

       The mantra garland surrounding it%

       Is self-resounding and revolves continuously.%

       To fix your mind on this, like the moon with a garland of stars,%

       Is called the intent of Approach invoking the mind of the deity.%

       The mantra garland emanating from there emerges through your mouth%

       And enters through the mouth of the wisdom being before you.%

       Passing through the bodily form and the navel lotus,%

       It enters your navel and revolves as before.%

       Light rays and essences gather in your heart bindu.%

       Imagine that the wisdom of great bliss is stabilized%

       And that all the siddhis are mastered.%

       This concentration, like the wheel of a firebrand,%

       Is the intent of the Full Approach to the deity.%

       This can also be exchanged with the form of the consort, your own radiance,%

       Or with any of the different emanation visualizations%

       In order to invoke the surrounding assembly of deities.%

       By the light rays emanating from the mantra,%

       Offering clouds