The Complete Guide to Japanese Kanji. Kenneth G. Henshall

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Название The Complete Guide to Japanese Kanji
Автор произведения Kenneth G. Henshall
Жанр Языкознание
Издательство Языкознание
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781462917730

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sakaeru, haeru

      flourish, glory, shine

      9 strokes

      光栄 KŌEI glory, honor

      栄養 EIYŌ nutrition

      繁栄 HAN’EI prosperity

      Bronze Image; seal Image; traditional 榮. Original meaning of 榮 is ‘Chinese parasol tree’ (Latin names: Firmiana platanifolia, or Firmiana simplex). Has 木 73 ‘tree’ with Image as phonetic with associated sense ‘light [in weight]’ (Katō, Yamada) or ‘surround’ (Ogawa, Tōdō). The ‘light [in weight]’ proposal is based on association with the wood of this tree being light; the ‘surround’ view is based on the blossoms being perceived as encircling the whole tree. Both these interpretations of the phonetic are listed by Mizukami, who also notes another proposal – that Image is an abbreviation of CO 熒 ‘light [of a lamp/fire]’. Katō dismisses the latter theory (first noted in Shuowen) as erroneous, but a contrasting assessment is offered by Schuessler, who includes the early Chinese linguistic forms for both 榮 and 熒 in the same word-family meaning ‘bright, dazzle’. If accepted that the graph originally referred to a type of tree, meanings such as ‘shine’ and ‘flourish’ represent loan usages, whichever of the above analyses is followed. KJ1970:81-2; YK1976:66; OT1968:497; TA1965:509-12; MS1995:v1:682-3; ZY2009:v2:528,675; AS2007:575.





      EN, shio


      13 strokes

      食塩 SHOKUEN table salt

      塩水 shiomizu saltwater

      製塩所 SEIENSHO saltworks

      Seal Image; traditional 鹽. Traditional form has 鹵, based on pictograph of salt or salty soil contained in a basket-like container, and 監 1159 (‘watch’) as phonetic with associated sense ‘bitter’ (Katō, Yamada); Schuessler, though, considers the proposed associated sense ‘bitter’ as unlikely here, on linguistic grounds. Ogawa, by contrast, takes the sense of the phonetic as ‘soak in water’, namely seawater. This is noted tentatively as a possibility by Mizukami also, who gives a bronze equivalent that includes 氵 42 ‘water’ as an additional component, though the ‘water’ component here could alternatively reflect part of a process for obtaining salt (‘rock salt’) from salty soil. Salt was an important trading commodity in ancient China, as in other ancient civilisations, due in part to its preserving qualities. The modern (block script) form has 土 64 ‘earth, ground’, reflecting that one salt production method was from the ground. The right-hand side is a simplified modification in shape to the upper right and lower elements of the traditional form (examples of the simplified right-hand side can be found in Han time clerical script). KJ1970:105; YK1976:71; OT1968:1158; MS1995:v2:1502-3; AS2007:554; WM1974:121. Suggest taking four components: 土 64 ‘ground’, Image 41 ‘person’, 口 22 ‘mouth’, and 皿 300 ‘dish ‘.






      100,000,000; lots

      15 strokes

      二億 NIOKU 200 million

      十億 JŪOKU billion

      億兆 OKUCHŌ ‘the masses’

      Seal Image; late graph (Shuowen). Has 亻 41 ‘person’ and 意 246 (‘thought’) as semantic and phonetic with associated meaning ‘heart is full, content’ (Ogawa), giving overall meaning ‘satisfied person’. The meaning ‘one hundred million/extremely large number’ (originally ‘one hundred thousand’) is loan usage. Based on the seal form Yamada feels that the standard script form of 億 should properly be Image (‘satisfied’), but Kangxi zidian quotes the 11th century Jiyun dictionary, which says that this latter graph and 億 are the same. OT1968:81; KJ1970:300-01; YK1976:74-5; ZY2009:v1:48.





      KA, kuwaeru/waru

      add, join

      5 strokes

      増加 ZŌKA increase

      参加 SANKA participation

      加え算 kuwaeZAN adding

      Bronze Image; seal Image. Has 口 22 ‘mouth/speech’ and 力 78 ‘strength’. Typically considered to have the word-family association ‘numerous’. Yamada gives basic overall meaning as ‘speak forcefully at length’. Ogawa, however, treats 力 as phonetic with associated sense ‘pile up, accumulate’, to give ‘accumulate words and overcome another’, but a phonetic role for 力 here is debatable on linguistic grounds. Shirakawa sees 力 as originally showing a plow (a minority view), and the whole graph as originally referring to a ritual to increase productivity. Tōdō has different view on 加, and includes instead in word-family ‘add on top’ together with 荷 259 ‘load, burden’. YK1976:78; OT1968:124; SS1984:70-71; MS1995:v1:138-9. TA1965:583-6.





      KA, hatasu, hate

      fruit, result, carry out

      8 strokes

      成果 SEIKA result

      果物 kudamono* fruit

      果たして hatashite as expected

      OBI Image; seal Image. OBI form depicts fruit on 木 73 ‘tree’. Seal script has what seems to be 田 63 ‘field’, but this is generally taken as fruit (Yamada says fruit with streaks), to give overall meaning ‘small fruit on a tree’. ‘Carry out’ and ‘result’ are extended meanings. MS1995:v1:652-3; YK1976:80; KJ1970:306-7; OT1968:492; TA1965:611-17.






      goods, money

      11 strokes

      貨物船 KAMOTSUSEN freighter

      硬貨 KŌKA hard currency

      雑貨 ZAKKA sundry goods

      Seal Image;