Japanese Kanji Made Easy. Michael L. Kluemper

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Название Japanese Kanji Made Easy
Автор произведения Michael L. Kluemper
Жанр Языкознание
Издательство Языкознание
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781462914944

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inspire you to create your own mnemonic hints, in a fun and abstract way. Think creatively and enjoy the experience of learning more about kanji and the Japanese writing system.

      Michael L. Kluemper



      あ is a swooshing set of strokes like the A in dAnce.


      い is the shape of the sides of your mouth as you make a long E sound.


      う is an ear with someone at the back of the class yelling “oo!”, “oo!” to answer a question.


      え is a similar shape to the letter Z, but with the vowel sound found in the British pronunciation of “zEd”.


      お can be pictured as an Oval planet in orbit.


      か looks like a KArate kick.


      き looks like a KEY turning in a lock.


      く is the mouth of a PaKUman.


      け is like the KE in basKEt.


      こ is the shape of the mouth of a hungry KOi fish.


      さ is like a SOck that might be better spelled as SAck.


      し is like a fiSHIng hook.


      す has a loop in the second stroke and is long like a noodle in SOUp.


      せ - is in the shape of e and sounds like “e”(as in Egg) with an “s” in front.


      そ - is shaped like the end of a SOfa.


      た - sounds like the TA in a spinning TOp and looks like the lines it makes as it turns.


      ち looks like a chicken chirping for her chicks but sounds like the first part of “CHEEks”.


      つ is like a long TSUnami.


      て is like a TEble (table).


      と is one TOe in the air and the other straight ahead.


      な is a person about to tie a kNOt.


      に is like the side view of a KNEE.


      ぬ is like two long NOOdles floating in soup.


      ね looks like it’s made up of the two English letters that spell its pronunciation: n and an upside down e.


      の is similar to the symbol for NO in a smoking sign.


      は is like a Japanese boy in a HAt waving his HAnd saying “HAi!” to answer a question.


      ひ is shaped like a big mouth laughing: HI, HI, HI.


      ふ is like a person sneezing saying aaaaFU.


      へ is one HEck of a hill.


      ほ is like Santa waving and saying “HO HO HO!”.


      ま is like a MArshmallow making its way round and round on a skewer.


      み looks like the letter “m” and sounds like the ME in “MEdium”.