Название | Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary |
Автор произведения | Norbert Shadeg |
Жанр | Книги о Путешествиях |
Серия | |
Издательство | Книги о Путешествиях |
Год выпуска | 0 |
isbn | 9781462910786 |
hadug adj rude, discourteous (ngadug trans).
haḑuh interj alas, oh! (pain, grief); address to superiors; n illness; groaning.
haḑuhhad,uh intrans groan continually.
haduk L intrans (ngaduk trans) mix, beat (cookery); mix up, confuse, mingle (hahor H); copulate (coarse slang).
hadukhadukan intrans be disturbed, annoyed, bothered; n state of confusion; the act of mixing.
pati haduk intrans be confused, enjoy confusing people.
hadum L n one share, one part, one half (habagi H).
hadung intrans (ngadung trans) fit, agree with (things), be suitable, fitting.
hadungadungan n concurrence, agreement, conference, deliberation.
hadungang pass be made, to fit.
hadungin pass be suitable for sth.
ha-dus n one small box (see dus); kapur hadus a small box for lime.
haduwa M intrans lie, deny, disavow.
haga adj genuine, true, real; bali haga ‘the genuine Balinese’ =communities outside the normal Bali culture, living mostly in the hilly west, who claim to be pre-Majäpahit Bali people.
hagag 1 n a big hole (ngagag trans); tatunné hagag his wound is wide and deep.
hagag-an n opening; adj public, open.
hagagang pass be made open.
hagagin pass be opened for someone else.
hagag 2 n pile, heap.
hagahhagah adv slowly; take it slowly!
hagak n (NBali) attitude, manner.
hagal 1 adj rather large.
hagal 2 n the name of a melody.
ha-galungan n one Bali year of thirty weeks of seven days, and forty-two weeks of five days, making six months of thirty-five days each. Each day of the seven-day and the five-day weeks has its own name, and a new month begins when the first days of both weeks coincide (radite manis).
hagama (=agama) n law, the rules governing morals and manners; religion.
hagaman (=agaman) + n the religion (of), the law (of).
hagamané the law.
haganghagang intrans be uneasy, awkward, shy, ill-mannered.
hagahhagar n a kind of edible seaweed (Mal).
hagé 1 C adj quick, rapid (hénggal L); intrans be quick, act rapidly.
hagé 2 L adj luxurious, extravagant.
haged n luck, prosperity (=haget); adj lucky, ready, well.
hagel 1 intrans (ngagel trans) throw sth at sth; strike, hit; n a blow.
hagelin pass be hit by.
pati hagelhagelin pass be struck repeatedly at irregular intervals.
hagel 2 n a piece, slice.
hagelis K intrans be quick, act quickly (gelis H).
hagem 1 H intrans wear, have on, have with one, hold (ngagem trans) (=gamel) (gisi L); n clothes, costume.
hagemagem-an n holding; handle; function, office.
ngaku hagem intrans be successful.
hagem 2 intrans take up a posture (in dance).
ha-gemel n a fistful.
ha-gemit n an itching; a period of seven years, in which such an itch is supposed to recur.
hagen intrans hope, expect.
hagenhagen-an n hope, expectation, chance of success.
hagén n agent, agency (D agent).
hageng C adj large, high, great, grand (hagung R, gedé L); n size.
hageng-an compr larger, greater.
hageng hipun its size (gedénné L).
haget L n luck, prosperity, gain, profit (=haged) (sadya H); adj lucky, ready, well.
haget-an compr luckier.
hagethaget-an n money gained by winning.
hagi 1 n bit, part, piece (=bagi).
hagi 2 n the first player in gambling.
hagi 3 intrans (ngagi trans) mix.
ha-gigis n, adv a little.
hagil intrans be worn out; twa hagil intrans be old and worn out.
hagni K n fire (properly agni) (S agni-).
hagol 1 n attitude, custom, habit.
hagolhagol n behavior that is less than good.
hagol 2 intrans (ngagol trans) stand in the way of, prevent.
kagol pass be prevented.
hagor intrans mix up, so that one gets what belongs to someone else; bébéké hagor the duck has been mixed up with someone else’s.
hagu intrans (ngagu trans) boast.
haguhagu n what is boasted of.
haguhagu-wan n bragging, boasting.
hagwang pass be regarded as arrogant, be boasted of.
hagud intrans be slow; hagud magahé intrans work slowly.
haguk intrans (ngaguk trans) shout.
hagulhagul intrans be brave, strong, courageous.
ha-gulung n one reel (of thread).
hagum n a cord twisted from bamboo fibers (ngagum trans).
hagum-an n a twisted cord.
hagung (=aghung) adj large, great, grand, chief (gedé L, hageng C, agéng K); intrans (ngagung trans) be great, make great.
hagung-an compr greater, nobler.
hagungang pass be exalted, be regarded as great.
hanak hagung n a great man; the title of some kings.
para hagungé the great ones.
hagus (=agus, bagus) adj beautiful, good.
hagyanang imp prepare! make ready!; pass be prepared, be made ready.
hah 1 interj (prohibition) to a child, ‘don’t do that!’
hah 2 n the second of the two syllables of power (hang, hah) in Rwa Bhinéda.
haha n fig (the true Bali form for Mal hara); haha babi n a species of fig.
häha L adv yes, agreed, it is so (hinggih H).
hahab C n conduct, behavior, act, manner, ways (tingkah L, bikas R).
hahab guminé cara jani the usual ways of the land in today’s fashion.
hahad intrans ebb (tide): yéh pasihé hahad the tide is going out; n ebb tide.
hahag intrans (ngahag trans) break, smash.
ha-hakit n one yoke, one pair (of oxen).
ha-hampin n one bundle.
hahang intrans be dry, be too dry; hahang kakolongané the throat is dry.
hahas intrans (ngahas trans) fall out (hair), fall off (leaves, fruit).
hahashahas-an, hahashas-an n the falling (of leaves, etc.).
hahat intrans (ngahat trans) make an effort.
hahatang pass (a strong effort) was made.
hahathahat-an n a thing about which a great effort is made.