Название | Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary |
Автор произведения | Norbert Shadeg |
Жанр | Книги о Путешествиях |
Серия | |
Издательство | Книги о Путешествиях |
Год выпуска | 0 |
isbn | 9781462910786 |
mas gaḑang n green gold.
gaḑé intrans (nggadé trans) take sth as a pledge, take temporary possession of sth.
gadéhang act as pawnbroker; pass be pawned.
gadebeg n a two-wheeled cart.
gadebong n the main stem of a banana plant.
gadgad n fleas, parasites on birds (fowls).
gadgadan n infestation of parasites.
gadibeg intrans (nggadibeg trans) tear oneself away, struggle and get free.
gaḑing K n eyetooth (caling L); a kind of small yellow coconut; adj yellow.
gadordaka n the title of a kind of Kawi-Balinese dictionary.
gaḑuh intrans (nggaḑuh trans) possess for a time; have the use of the produce of sth.
gaḑuh-an, ga-gaḑuh-an n a temporary possession, a fief.
gaḑung n thornapple (a kind of tuber; the root intoxicates when eaten); a species of jasmine.
gaga K adj high, tall; n a species of rice that grows on high ground, unflooded.
ga-gadén n pledge, pawned goods.
gagadén galur n a legal pledge; the fine demanded by a king from a defaulting taxpayer.
gagaḑuhan n fief; a temporary possession (see gaḑuh).
gagah intrans (ngagah trans) open, make sth open; rape (a woman); dini suba gagah let us open (it) here!
gagah-an n rape.
gagahin pass be raped.
ga-gahé n work; making; a meal to which guests are invited; activity.
ga-gahén-an n festival, feast.
gagak K n crow (bird) (gowak L).
ga-gambar R n the sheath of a kris, esp the decorated top (hurangka, huwangka L).
ga-gambar-an L n picture, painting.
ga-gambel-an n orchestra; the music played by the orchestra (gamelan is how the word is usually pronounced and often written).
ga-gamel-an H n power, rank, command, custody (gagisyan L).
gagana K n the space under the sky, the vault of heaven.
ga-ganda-n n a ball of musk, some of which is mixed into the ointment called boréh, used by women.
ga-gantung-an intrans be suspended.
sastra gagantungan n conjunct letters, most of which are written beneath the preceding consonant.
ga-gancang-an n quickness, speed.
ga-ganjar-an n gift, offerings to the powers below.
ga-ganjing n water meter (Bali).
gagap-an n a small gift (=gapgapan).
ga-garap-an n work, performance (of duty, service).
ga-gatol n the cock of a gun, rifle (=gagotol).
ga-gatot n hero, famous man.
ga-gawa-n C n a thing carried, luggage (habahan L).
ga-gḑé n a great man (=gedé).
ga-gecok n a dish of stewed meat; meat cooked with herbs.
ga-gelang-an n wrist, ankle; bracelet, anklet.
ga-gempol-an n nosegay, bouquet of flowers.
ga-geņḑér-an 1 n sth shaped like a gendér (a musical instrument).
ga-geņḑér-an 2 n the compartments of a mattress, stitched together at some points.
ga-gending-an n song.
ga-géņḑong n beggar.
ga-gisi-han, ga-gisyan L n rank, power, command, custody (gisi intrans hold) (gagamelan H).
ga-gitik n a stick, staff, rod.
ga-glis-an adj very quick (gelis).
ga-goḑoh n a kind of cake made with flour.
ga-goréng-an n a roast, roasted meat; baked food.
ga-gorok-an L n throat, gullet (taneng R).
ga-gotol n the cock of a gun (=gagatol).
ga-gowat-an n the last date for payment; last date for delivery of work.
ga-grantang-an n family or personal treasure, heirloom.
ga-grejeg-an n force, compulsion; arrest, taking into custody.
ga-gudén n a kind of dancing girl who belonged exclusively to a king (usually jogéd gagudén).
ga-gulung n a sort of very fine silk.
ga-gumuk n grave mound, tomb.
ga-guņa-n n usefulness; wisdom, cleverness; adj clever, wise.
ga-gunung-an n a great crowd; troops thickly congregated.
ga-gurit-an n poem, narrative, story, tale, history.
ga-guyon n laughter, amusement, fun (guy-an).
gäha adj rotten-ripe.
gähan-an n fruit ripened on the tree.
gahal intrans sing loudly.
gahalgahal intrans yell a tune.
gahang intrans crawl (on hands and knees).
gahangan n an oblong basket; a basket for a duck.
gahé 1 L intrans (ngahé trans) do, work, act, make, create, trade (karya H) (=gawé); n work, action.
gahénang imp do (sth) for someone.
gahéné the work, the doing, the action.
gahéya pass be being used; pass be caused to do, be caused to be made.
hapa gahé? what is to be done? why? what good is it? (karya napi? R, punapi karya? C)
gahé 2 n doing (in a special sense of making a feast), festival meal, family feast, a feast for the gods.
gahgah intrans unload.
gahi n what is quickly sold, what is much in demand; adj much in demand; quick; adv quickly (=gelis).
gahik intrans (nggahik trans) yell, scream.
gahit 1 n a species of bird.
gahit 2 intrans be dry, be withered (soil, leaves).
gahok (=gawok) intrans be amazed, astonished.
gahok-an n wonder.
gahu n harrow (nggahu trans).
maja gahu n aloes-wood.
gahuk intrans (nggahuk trans) scrape, scratch with the fingers.
gahunggung n a species of wild strawberries.
gaja- n elephant (in compound words) (S).
gajah n elephant; in chess, a bishop.
gajah makaképu n a special shape of balé.
gajämina 1 n a whale; the name of a constellation (=gajah mina); n a statue of an elephant.
gajämina 2 intrans (ngajäminang trans) be like wild pigs, stay all together in a herd.
gaji n wage, pay (hupah L, pikolih H).
gajih 1 n wage, pay (hupah L, pikolih H).
gajih 2 n a kind of fat black rice.
gala K adj strong, brave, firm, famous for strength, notorious.
galägala n strength, power; n a hero, a man famous for his courage.
galah 1 n boat hook, pole.