Japanese Made Easy. Tazuko Ajiro Monane

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Название Japanese Made Easy
Автор произведения Tazuko Ajiro Monane
Жанр Книги о Путешествиях
Издательство Книги о Путешествиях
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781462901029

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you like to eat sushi?O-sake ga nomitai desu ka?お酒が飲みたいですか?Would you like to drink sake?Kimono ga kaitai desu ka?着物が買いたいですか?Would you like to buy a kimono?Kabuki ga mitai desu ka?歌舞伎が見たいですか?Would you like to see a Kabuki play?
Sentence Pattern 3A
PLACE + e / ikitai desu ka?PLACE + へ行きたいですか?Would you like to go to + PLACE?
Nihon e ikitai desu ka?日本へ行きたいですか?Would you like to go to Japan?
Hawai e ikitai desu ka?ハワイへ行きたいですか?Would you like to go to Hawaii?
Sentence Pattern 4
Hai (Ē), / + VERB-INFINITIVE + -tai desu.はい (ええ) 、 + VERB-INFINITIVE + たいです。Yes, I’d like to + VERB.
Hai (Ē), tabetai desu.はい (ええ) 、食べたいです。Yes, I’d like to eat (that).
Hai (Ē), kaitai desu.はい (ええ) 、買いたいです。Yes, I’d like to buy (that).
Hai (Ē), nomitai desu.はい (ええ) 、飲みたいです。Yes, I’d like to drink (that).
Hai (Ē), mitai desu.はい (ええ) 、見たいです。Yes, I’d like to see (that).
Hai (Ē), ikitai desu.はい (ええ) 、行きたいです。Yes, I’d like to go (there).

      Hai, tabetai desu is a complete sentence. You need not mention the object, which is usually understood from the context of the sentence. In English, this response often takes the form, “Yes, I’d like to.” Notice that in Japanese an appropriate verb must always be used. Hai, tabetai desu is comparable to the English “Yes, I’d like to eat (it, some, this, etc.).”


      Try translating the following sentences using the sentence patterns in this lesson. Turn to page 236 for the answers.

      1. Would you like to eat sukiyaki?

       Yes, I’d like to eat some.

      2. Would you like to drink a beer?

       Yes, I’d like to drink one.

      3. Would you like to buy a camera?

       Yes, I’d like to buy one.

      4. Would you like to watch television?

       Yes, I’d like to watch it.

      5. Would you like to go to Japan?

       Yes, I’d like to go there.

       Saying “No”

      You practiced answering questions affirmatively in the previous lesson. Although negative answers are somewhat more complicated, it’s important to learn them. You wouldn’t want literally to be someone who can’t say no.


arimasenありませんdoes not exist


Sentence Pattern 5
Iie / + VERB-INFINITIVE + taku arimasen?いいえ + VERB-INFINITIVE + たくありません。No, I wouldn’t like to + VERB.
Iie, tabetaku arimasen.いいえ、食べたくありません。No, I wouldn’t like to eat that.
Iie, nomitaku arimasen.いいえ、飲みたくありません。No, I wouldn’t like to drink that.
Iie, kaitaku arimasen.いいえ、買いたくありません。No, I wouldn’t like to buy that.
Iie, mitaku arimasen.いいえ、見たくありません。No, I wouldn’t like to see that.

      In order to form the negative of the verb-form “would like to (do),” change the last letter -i in the affirmative -tai into -ku and add arimasen. Compare:

VERB-INFINITIVE + -tai desu.VERB-INFINITIVE + たいです。Tabetai desu.食べたいです。I would like to eat.
VERB-INFINITIVE + -taku arimasen.VERB-INFINITIVE + たくありません。Tabetaku arimasen食べたく ありません。I would not like to eat.


      Answer the following questions first with “yes” and then with “no.”

      1. Nihon e ikitai desu ka? 日本へ行きたいですか?

      2. Sukiyaki ga tabetai desu ka? すき焼きが食べたいですか?

      3. Biiru ga nomitai desu ka? ビールが飲みたいですか?

      4. Kimono ga kaitai desu ka? 着物が買いたいですか?

      5. Kyōto e ikitai desu ka? 京都へ行きたいですか?

      6. Eiga ga mitai desu ka? 映画が見たいですか?

      7. Kabuki ga mitai desu ka? 歌舞伎が見たいですか?

      8. Kamera ga kaitai desu ka? カメラが買いたいですか?

      9. O-sake ga nomitai desu ka? お酒が飲みたいですか?

      10. O-sushi ga tabetai desu ka? お寿司が食べたいですか?

1.Hai (Ē), ikitai desu.はい (えぇ) 、行きたいです。Iie, ikitaku arimasen.いいえ。いきたくありません。
2.Hai (Ē), tabetai desu.はい (えぇ) 、食べたいです。Iie, tabetaku arimasen.いいえ、食べたくありません。
3.Hai (Ē), nomitai desu.はい (えぇ) 、飲みたいです。Iie, nomitaku arimasen.いいえ、飲みたくありません。
4.Hai (Ē), kaitai desu.はい (えぇ) 、買いたいです。Iie, kaitaku arimasen.いいえ、買いたくありません。
5.Hai (Ē), ikitai desu.はい (えぇ) 、行きたいです。Iie, ikitaku arimasen.いいえ、行きたくありません。
6.Hai (Ē), mitai desu.はい (えぇ) 、見たいです。Iie, mitaku arimasen.いいえ、見たくありません。